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Dealing with the Legacy of Conflict in Northern Ireland
Please check the following link for update: https://www.glencree.ie/news/joint-academic-journal-update/
Dealing with the Legacy of Conflict in Northern Ireland through Engagement & Dialogue
Peace IV Project Glencree Centre for Peace & Reconciliation
in association with the
Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUIG
Check out the following link for all the relevant information or see below: Calling for Papers
The Glencree Centre for Peace & Reconciliation Peace IV Project, in conjunction with the Irish Centre for Human Rights at the National University Ireland Galway (NUI Galway), will host a one-day Conference at NUI Galway in mid-November 2020 in conjunction with the launch of an Academic Journal. The conference will explore political, social and cultural developments in contemporary Northern Ireland post the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement of 1998. In particular, the Academic Journal will focus on Addressing the Legacy of Inter-Communal Violence through Facilitated Dialogue, which is the focus of the Peace IV Project. This is a key thematic debate encapsulated within the ongoing Peace Process as to how meaningful engagement, dialogue and perspective sharing with groups and individuals on the legacy of violence as a consequence of Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’ may in turn contribute to both official and unofficial legacy processes in Northern Ireland and the British Isles as a whole.
Papers are invited for submission across a broad multi-disciplinary spectrum and also from within the wider community of both academics and practitioners who are involved in fostering and developing inter-communal relationships and those that seek to address ongoing legacy issues of the conflict in Northern Ireland.
Submissions are invited to address the following key themes/questions that are important to explore within this context, including inter alia;
• The Language, Discourse & Identity around the issue of dealing with the legacy of intercommunal violence.
• Reconciliation, the obstacles to same and how it might be achieved.
• The Role of Geography whereby narrative and political memory is deeply embedded into the local landscape.
• The Impact of Gender and how Women’s Groups contribute to possible reconciliation in a post-conflict environment.
• How the experience of Victims and Survivors Groups can inform international audiences and other postconflict environments in developing transitional justice models.
This bespoke 2020 Academic Journal will be published in collaboration with the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway. All articles will be peer reviewed by the joint Editorial Team: Prof. Ray Murphy of the Irish Centre for Human Rights; Professor Patricia Lundy and Dr. Niall Gilmartin, both of Ulster University, Jordanstown. The Editorial Team are inviting contributions, in the first instance of 300 word Abstracts which should be submitted no later than 15th February 2020. Based on the review of Abstracts, the Editorial Team will invite final contributions. Final submissions should not exceed 3,000 words, should be referenced in accordance with the Chicago Referencing Style, be in Word (.docx) or equivalent format, and are due no later than 01 June 2020. Final contributions will be subject to a full peer review process and the Editorial Team will make final editorial decisions. All abstracts and subsequent final submissions should be directed to rory.finegan@glencree.ie by the stated deadlines.
Website: www.nuigalway.ie/human_rights/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IrishCentreHR
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IrishHumanRights