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Niamh Keady Tabbal
Niamh Keady Tabbal
Niamh is a PhD researcher in Law at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, University of Galway. Her research focuses on EU migration policy, access to asylum and border violence at the ‘external’ borders of the EU, with a specific focus on Greece’s maritime border. Niamh is interested in the role that legal and other infrastructures of protection play in border enforcement and violence. She is involved in legal advocacy work that informs and draws on her academic and investigative research, including a number of submissions to the ECtHR challenging systematic pushbacks of asylum seekers in the Aegean Sea. Niamh recently completed a Teaching Fellowship at the department of Near and Middle Eastern Studies at Trinity College Dublin. She is currently a Visiting Graduate Researcher at the Centre for Immigration Law and Policy at UCLA Law School.
PhD Research Topic: The Politics of ‘Vulnerability’: Determining Access to International Protection in Greece and Lebanon
Supervisor: Prof. Siobhán Mullally
Scholarships: NUI Dr Peter Sutherland Travelling Studentship in European Studies
Publications available at Academic.edu
Conferences: Key-note speaker, Bridging Transatlantic Voices: Youth Engagement and Mobilisation (British Council, 2018)
Media Interviews:
- https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/analysis/2023/01/09/EU-pushbacks-legal-asylum
- https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2022/1/12/migrants-fleeing-lebanon-by-sea-accuse-greece-of-abuse
- https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/102791-000-A/grece-refoulements-illegaux-en-mer-egee/
- https://www.france24.com/en/video/20200819-eu-migrant-crisis-migrants-endure-severe-beating-before-being-abandoned-at-sea
- The New York Timeshttps://www.nytimes.com › europeTaking Hard Line, Greece Turns Back Migrants by Abandoning Them at Sea
- https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/program/inside-story/2020/8/24/are-eu-countries-using-covid-19-to-clamp-down-on-refugees