Maëlle Noir

Maëlle Noir

Dr Maëlle Noir is a researcher in the EU Horizon BRRIDGE project building capacities for excellent research and innovation in democracy and policy through networking, knowledge and experience transfer. She focuses specifically on gender and anti-gender politics as well as feminist movements in Europe, developing EU-funded research proposals and networks.

Maëlle is also a part-time lecturer of Gender and Human Rights (LL. M) and Contemporary Issues in Human Rights Protection (BA Connect) in the Irish Centre for Human Rights at University of Galway. She has also taught other modules such as Public International Law (LL.B) and Advanced Legal Methods and Research (LL.M) and gave several guest lectures at the University of Poitiers, France.

She holds a PhD in International Human Rights Law funded by the Irish Research Council and supervised by Dr Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko. Her research addresses the question of gender-based violence against women refugees through an intersectional and decolonial feminist perspective, exploring the relevance of feminist lawyering as an alternative approach to legal practice in the Ugandan urban refugee setting. Maëlle has experience in advocacy and community research as she has been working for the past five years with several national and local civil society organisations in India, Ireland, France and Uganda. She holds an LLM in International Human Rights Law from University of Galway and an LLB in Law and Languages from University of Bordeaux.

Online academic profiles


  • #NousToutes, De la colère à la lutte : Militer contre les violences de genre, Les Liens qui Libèrent, 2023.

Peer reviewed article:

  • Noir, M., ‘Intersectional Analysis as a Framework of Action for (White) Feminist Activist Praxis: The Case of #NousToutes, the French Movement Against Gender-Based Violence’, Vol. 11(22) About gender, International Journal on Gender Studies, 2022, 109-144:

Conference papers:

‘Suicides forcés & féminicides: Constitution miroir d’un objet de lutte’, Working Group on Suicide, Observatoire National du Suicide, Paris, 2024.

‘Décentrer les épistémologies des Nords dans la théorie juridique féministe : la        conceptualisation d'un modèle de feminist lawyering en Ouganda’, Journées d’études genre et justice, Bordeaux, 2023.

‘Intersectional analysis as a framework of action for (White) feminist activist praxis: The case of #NousToutes, the French movement against gender-based violence’, Law and Society Association Global Meeting, Puerto Rico, 2023.  

‘Media and femicide census by the feminist collective #NousToutes in France: a virtuous circle?’ (Co-author: Coline Brou), The media and sexual and gender-based violence Conference, Université Panthéon Assas, Paris, 2023.

‘Interroger les dynamiques d’appropriation et de politisation de l’intersectionnalité par les mouvements féministes mainstream : le cas de #NousToutes’, Théorie politique et mouvements sociaux Conference series, Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, 2023.

‘Resilience in the face of gender-based violence against women in the informal work sector: a study of Kampala markets, Uganda’ (Co-author: Ester M. Atim), Sexual Violence Research Initiative – Global Forum, Mexico, 2022.

‘Feminist lawyering to address gender-based violence against women refugees: Lessons from Uganda’, Law and Society Association – Global Meeting, Lisbon, 2022.

‘Providing Tailored Justice as a Human Rights Obligation: Feminist Lawyering to Address Gender-Based Violence Against Women’, 4th Canadian International Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences, Toronto, 2022, 22-31.

‘Too much law or a legal system not fit for purpose? The case of coercive control in Ireland’, European Conference on Domestic Violence, (Co-author: Judit Villena Rodo), Ljubljana, 2021.

‘Fostering transnational feminist solidarities: a decolonial methodological approach to research in post-colonial countries’, Association of Human Rights Institutes Conference, Maastricht, 2021.

NGO reports:


Selected media outputs: