An Dialann - Weekly Staff Newsletter

There are three distinct sections:

  • University of Galway in the Media features news stories about the University, staff and students that featured in national or international media. Each item must have a link to the story/video/audio online that is publicly viewable free-of-charge.
  • Staff Benefit of the Week promotes a discount, competition, policy or promotional offer that is exclusively for staff.
  • Events Next Week lists the upcoming events as submitted by staff via the Staff Calendar.
Submitting an event

You can upload your event details via the Staff Calendar by logging on here using your usual staff login. This page is accessible to staff only, and students will need to ask a member of staff to upload events on their behalf.

All-Staff Emails

Large numbers of University staff can be contacted via the following group email addresses:

  • All University of Galway Staff
  • All Retired University of Galway Staff

To avoid the all-staff email address being abused and creating unwanted email overload, requests for all-staff emails must be submitted to the Registrar or the Vice-President most closely associated with your activity.

Submission process

Before seeking clearance to send an all-staff email, please consider the following:

  • Does your email really need to be sent to all-staff? Would it be better to target it to smaller groups, like All Academics, All Administrative Staff, College Staff, etc.
  • Does the news or event in your email have a strong connection with the University?
  • Is your event/news story of interest to all staff? If it's an event, is it available or accessible to all staff?
  • Have you considered other channels for communicating with staff, such as the staff newsletter An Dialann?
  • Have you written the email so that it is: easy to read, not too long, and with all of the important details?
  • All-staff emails must be bilingual, according to the University's Language Scheme. To have your email translated, email the text as a Word document to:
  • By being mindful of our email habits, we can reduce our environmental impact. Use attachments sparingly and only if necessary. Use sites such as Sharepoint or Onedrive, to transmit a document and provide a link instead of attaching it to your email. This is especially important when sending to multiple recipients. 

Please send your email to the Registrar or the Vice-President most closely associated with your activity. If the email is deemed appropriate, send the text of the email in a Word document to for translation into Irish. Please then insert the bilingual text to the Registrar / Vice-President for sending to all staff. Please note: this process can take 5-7 days.