Publishing Guidelines for Researchers

Once you have selected your journal, below are the  publishing guidleines to ensure your paper is properly affiliated and you receive the correct credit for your work: 

1.    Ensure you have the correct University Affiliation:

As a University employee or research student, or an affiliate with honorary status, when publishing journal articles and other works associated with research undertaken while at the University, you must declare your primary affiliation to be the University of Galway. Publications can often get misaligned to other universities or indeed to other people who have similar names. Best practices are listed below to ensure the correct alignment of both the institution's and the individual researcher's name. 

a)    Your Institution
When publishing, always use the same institutional name and always use the designated university name the University of Galway when submitting your manuscript for publication. 

b)    Multiple Affiliations
You may also wish to include your school or research group, but always LIST THE UNIVERSITY FIRST as this is the safest method for ensuring that the institution (and thus the appropriate school/research group) receives the credit for the publication in the bibliographic databases and analysis.

For multiple affiliations please ensure a semicolon is used in between the different affiliation entities e.g. 
University of Galway; Ryan Institute; School of Natural Sciences.

Where an author has a substantive or honorary contact with the University and, say, the HSE, both organisations can appear as affiliations in submissions for publication. 

2.    Ensure you are using the correct/consistent version of Your Name:

When publishing, always use the same author name. Problems can arise due to:

  • Authors alternating between the English and Irish versions of their name
  • Authors alternating between using middle initials and/or shortened versions of their first name
  • Common names e.g John O' Brien, Mary Ward etc
  • Name changes, e.g. marriage

See more on how to manage your profile with a unique author id: Tips for managing your research profile 

 3. Create your ORCID (

This unique identifier helps overcome issues with wrong affiliations and author names and will make it easier to identify you as the author of scholarly work. Include it on your personal webpage, when submitting publications and when applying for grants – see here for further guidelines. Including your ORCID when publishing will make it easier to associate you with the publication in bibliographic databases and make sure that you are credited for your work.

4. If your article has been accepted for Publication:

a. Ensure it is recorded on University of Galway’s Institutional Research Information System IRIS and uploaded onto University of Galway’s open access repository ARAN.

b.    Ensure you are complying with any specific funder requirements as set out in your Grant Agreement/Letter of Offer – the Research Office can offer further guidance on this

c.    Consider how you will manage access to Research Data - more details are available here 

Broadening your Research Impact:

The last step in the process, once you have a paper published and correctly aligned to your university with your own unique author ID, is to ensure you communicate and disseminate your research to Broaden your Research Impact




9th October 2024

University of Galway ranked in the 351-400 range in THE World University Rankings (WUR) 2025 edition. 

This year saw a decline in University of Galway’s rank to the 351-400 range

10th July 2024

University of Galway is ranked within the top 100 Universities in Europe for the second year in a row - University of Galway ranked 98th in Europe out of 685 institutions across 42 European locations in the QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025

12th June 2024

University of Galway maintained its global top 50 rank in the 6th edition of the Times Higher Education (THE) World IMPACT Rankings 2024, with a global rank of 47 (no. 1 in Ireland) out of a total  of 1,705 institutions from 125 countries across the World. It also maintained its top 50 global rankings in five SDGs.  


4th June 2024

QS World University Ranking 2025: University of Galway ranked 273rd in the world, out of ~1,500 global universities. 


10th April 2024 

QS World University Subject Rank 2024: University of Galway  achieved a global rank in 24 subjects, up from 23 in 2023, with a Top 100 Global Rank in 3 subjects. 


5th December 2023

University of Galway is ranked 120 in the second year of the QS Sustainability Ranking, up from 161-170 in 2022. 


27th September 2023

University of Galway retains it's global rank of 301-350 in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2024. 


20th September 2023

University of Galway is ranked 98th in Europe out of 690 institutions across 42 European locations in the inaugural QS World University Rankings: Europe 


27th June 2023

University of Galway is ranked 289th out of ~ 1500 institutions worldwide in the QS World university Rankings. 


1st June 2023

University of Galway continued to climb in the  5th edition of the Times Higher Education (THE) World IMPACT Rankings 2023, andhas a global rank of 34 (no. 1 in Ireland, up from 47 in 2022) out of a total  of 1,591 institutions from 112 countries across the World.

SDG Logo

22nd March 2023

QS World University Subject Rank 2023: University of Galway achieved a global rank in 23 Subjects, up from 22 last year - with Performing Arts at University of Galway achieiving a global rank of 101-120 for the first time. The subject of English at University of Galway also broke into the top 100 in the world, achieving a global subject rank of 91.