Decentralised trials aim to make clinical research and trials more person-centered and convenient and accessible for participants, thus improving participation rates and the overall experience for participants.  

A decentralised trial is a type of clinical trial designed to make participation easier and more convenient for people by using digital tools and technologies. Decentralised trials are also sometimes known as a virtual or remote clinical trials. Unlike traditional clinical trials, which usually require participants to visit specific clinical research sites or hospitals, decentralised trials allow many of the trial activities to be conducted from the participant's home or local healthcare provider. For example, decentralised trials can involve: 

  • Digital recruitment and consent -where participants are recruited online and provide informed consent electronically. 
  • Remote data collection - where participants can provide their data to the trial using apps or wearable devices, saving the need to attend a clinic. 
  • Telemedicine/remote consultations – some treatments within a trial can be provided online or over the phone, such as counselling or advice. Check-ins or progress appointments can also be done this way.