Server and Storage Provisioning


Standard Hardware Specification

Virtual Windows Servers are configured with the following hardware specification by default:

  • 1 CPU
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 50GB Hard Disk Drive

Standard Network Configuration - Internal or External Access 

The default network configuration is internal access. This means that the server will reside the University’s internal network and be available to internal University of Galway users only. No remote access from outside the University of Galway will be available for these servers. Servers with external access requirements will reside in a secure DMZ network. Such servers will be exposed to all the vagaries of the public internet. The list of ports open on the DMZ is included in the Firewall Ports section. Support requirements for external facing servers will be significantly higher as a result if the server and their data are to remain secure. All OS and application support is the responsibility of the customer.

Server Provisioning 

Information Solutions and Services currently support the following provisioning services:

Service Name Service Description Response time
Ubuntu VM Server  Provision of a Ubuntu Server LTS OS 5 working days
Windows VM Server Provision of a Windows 2016 Server 5 working days
Physical to Virtual Conversion Physical  to Virtual Conversion of a standard and non standard server  Case by case basis


New Windows 2016 or Ubuntu Virtual Server 

The base OS will be installed and configured using standard defined templates. Memory, CPU & Hard Disk space will be allocated based on the standard hardware specification. System Administration support and maintenance of the base OS and installed applications is the sole responsibility of the customer.

Windows Server Configuration Ubuntu Server Configuration

Windows 2016 Enterprise Edition 64-bit  
Windows Updates Applied
Veeam Enterprise Backup and Replication Software

Ubuntu LTS
Latest Updates Applied
Veeam Enterprise Backup and Replication Software

Physical to Virtual Conversion (P2V) 

The P2V service is a mechanism to convert a physical server to a virtual server. The technical overview of the service provisioning is based on a highly available SAN and VMwareinfrastructure. The P2V process is a mechanism in which a physical server running with an Intel CPU is converted to be virtual server. P2V requests will be performed in two phases. The initial phase will be a one hour consultation to validate whether the P2V process will be possible. The second phase will be performing the actual P2V process on the server. IP addressing and storage requirements will be discussed as part of the initial consultation.

This service requires the assistance of our VMware vendor. A quotation will be generated following the technical overview. Generally, costs will be minimal for standard operating systems that are supported natively by VMware. Additional costs will normally be incurred when the need to overcome complexities associated with virtualising non-standard operating systems (such as NT or a particular flavour of Linux) and server configurations.

Virtual Server and Storage Provisioning Overview