Reset Your Password

You can only use this service if you have already registered for MFA, register here

  1. Visit the Microsoft page at

  2. Enter your username, and then press the tab key
    Students: Your University of Galway email (e.g.
    Staff: Your staff ID followed by (e.g.

    Once you press tab you will see the University of Galway logo appear.

  3. Enter the characters in the picture and Select Next

  4. Choose your method for verification, and input your mobile phone number.

  5. You will receive a code to your device, Enter this code‌
  6. Enter your new password, confirm your new password, and Select Finish

  7. Your password has been reset
  8. ‌You will receive an email to your University of Galway email address notifying you of your successful password reset


You should be able to access Microsoft 365 services (including email, Teams, OneDrive, and SharePoint) with the new password immediately.  However, it might take up to 15 minutes for the password to update on the other University IT Services including:

  • Canvas
  • Eduroam
  • Library
  • PC Suites
  • Student Record System (Fees Payment and Registration Portal)
  • Academic Web Services
  • Exam Timetables
  • CorePortal

Finally, you may need to update your password on all your devices (phones, tablets, and PCs).