Staff Campus Cards


The Staff Campus Card (SCC) production software IDWorks links campus cards with the Core HR system by using SQL & ODBC to communicate with the ORACLE database. It also uploads campus card data to the Staff_campus_card staging table. The IDWorks software facilitates the production of campus cards for individuals or groups of users by using GUI and SQL statements (policies) that select users by a dept-code etc. to identify groups of staff. The SCC system improves University efficiency by using campus cards to reduce the manual process of assigning individual access control/printing /T&A rights to staff.

How To Obtain This Service

The Human Resources office administers the staff campus card system. If you need a new staff campus card please contact Human Resources.

Who Can Use This Service
  • Staff (Permanent & Contract)
Prerequisites For The Use This Service

Staff and contract staff need to be registered on Core HR in order to print and encode a MIFARE DESFire EV1 Campus Card for Time & attendance, Library Turnstiles, Pharos Printing and Access Control System.


The Staff Campus Card (SCC) Service is available 9:00AM to 5:00PM Monday to Friday on campus


There is no charge to for issuing a new campus card or for using the services associated with the card.

Related Information

The SCC User Manual and other relevant information are available from the Service Management Framework website.


For technical support queries, contact the Service Desk