Financial Management (Agresso)


The University’s financial management application is Agresso Business World from Unit 4 Business Software. This is the central application within the Financial Management (Agresso) service. The application is a critical enterprise service which covers all of the main accounting functions supported by workflow, and is used throughout the university to manage and administer its income and expenditure.

How To Access This Service

On-campus using a wired network connection:

  • Agresso Self Service (Web) can be accessed at
  • Agresso Smart Client (Backoffice) requires a client installation and is used by power users who are mainly located within the Bursar’s Office.


Who Can Use This Service
  • Staff (Academic Staff, Professional Services Staff and Pensioners)
  • Scholarship Students

Service Element


Travel & Subsistence

Any of the above users can request a user account for Agresso in order to enter Travel & Subsistence claims

PO Management

Budget Holder must authorise user to enter requisitions on his/her budget


Budget Holder must authorise user to report on his/her budget

Payment inc EFT

Business Owner (DFA) or nominee must authorise user to have Payment role

Data Integration

Business Owner (DFA) or nominee must authorise user to have Data Integration role

Note: Staff/Scholarship record must exist in Core Personnel


Agresso is available 24x7 from on and off campus


There is no charge to staff or scholarships for the use of Agresso

Related Information

Online Demo, Guides and FAQ’s in relation to Travel and Subsistence are available online

Online Demo, Guides and FAQ’s in relation to PO Management and Reporting are available online


For technical support queries, contact the Service Desk