
NOTE: You can search keywords by using CTRL+F. 

Step 1: Return HR Paperwork

What paperwork do I need to return to HR?

You need to return your signed contract, passport, and all other requested paperwork as per your offer email to confirm acceptance of offer. 

How soon should I return my paperwork to HR?

Please return your paperwork to HR within two weeks, ensuring it's submitted at least one week before your start date. 

If you encounter any difficulties with the paperwork, please don't hesitate to contact your HR recruitment contact for assistance.

What if I don't have a bank account or PPSN?

If you do not have a bank account or PPSN, you can leave those fields blank on the forms and submit them closer to your start date.

How do I complete the ASC10 form? 

ASC10 help sheet

Do I need to list all my past jobs on the declaration form and employee record form? 

No, you only need to list any previous jobs you've had in the public sector in IRELAND. If you haven't worked in Ireland before, you can leave these sections blank.


Step 2: Apply for Visa (permission to enter Ireland)

Do I need a visa to enter Ireland?

Some nationals require an entry visa to Ireland along with a Hosting Agreement/Work Permit. If you are a citizen of a country listed here, you do not need a visa.

Map showing which countries need a visa and work permit to enter ireland or just a work permit only. Map provided by Magda from Euraxess.

How do I apply for a visa to enter Ireland?

If you need a visa, you must apply for a Long-stay Visa for Scientific Researchers. Complete an online application form and submit all relevant documents to the Irish immigration authorities or your nearest Irish consulate or embassy.

Who is responsible for organising my visa?

It is your responsibility to organise your own visa to ensure your legal residence in Ireland. Your local embassy should be able to assist you with this process

When must I be residing in Ireland?

You must be residing in Ireland in advance of your start date, as it is a condition of your contract of employment.

I don’t think my visa will be approved in time for my start date, what do I do?

If your visa is delayed and you won’t be in Ireland by your start date, notify your recruitment consultant and line manager immediately. Your contract start date will need to be revised and re-issued. You must be residing in Ireland for the duration of your contract (remote working is not allowed).

Step 3: Find Accommodation, Schooling & Childcare in Ireland:

When should I start looking for accommodation?

We advise that you begin looking for accommodation as soon as possible.

How much deposit is usually required for renting accommodation?

A deposit is usually one month’s rent.

Where can I find local rental listings?

Local rentals are often found on the following websites:

Additionally, local letting agencies and auctioneers often have accommodation that isn’t advertised widely.

What should I be aware of when looking for accommodation?

It is important to be aware that there are some 'fake' adverts (even on the mentioned sites), so do not exchange money until you see the actual accommodation or have someone check it out for you.

Where can I find information on temporary and permanent accommodation in Ireland?

If you are relocating to Ireland, please refer to Temporary and Permanent Accommodation in Ireland on EURAXESS.

Where can I find information about housing schemes and grants available in my area?

GalwayCity - Housing

Where can I find general information about local childcare / schooling options?

You can contact a local childcare provider to see if they have a place for your child, or you can contact your local Childcare Committee who can help you to find a place.

Please see the following useful links to childcare services and resources;

What are the local admission policies for primary & secondary schools?

Admissions policies in primary and secondary schools (

Where can I find information on financial support for childcare / schooling? 

Step 4: Provide Bank Account details to HR before start date:

Can I use my bank account from my home country?

Only if it is a SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) bank account which includes a BIC and IBAN to be paid via payroll. 

What are the most commonly used banking options?

By request, your recruitment consultant will provide a Confirmation of Employment/Address Letter.

Do I need proof of address to apply? 

Yes, please note that this must be permanent accommodation (i.e. not a hotel/hostel) or a family or friends home address. 

By request, your recruitment consultant will provide a Confirmation of Employment/Address Letter.

How do I open a bank account in Ireland?

For more information, see Citizens’ Information.

Can I be paid by cash or cheque?

No, wages will only be paid via SEPA payments.

Can payroll pay in foreign currency?

All payments processed by payroll must be in Euro currency.

When should I expect to receive my wages?

Refer to the Payment Dates

When do HR need my bank account details?

You should provide HR with your bank account details in advance of your contract start date to ensure that you will receive wages for that month.

Can I change my bank details?

Yes, you can change your bank details at any time during your employment here.

Who should I contact for payroll issues?

If you have any issues with your payslip or wages, please contact for assistance.

Step 5: Apply for a Personal Public Service Number (PPSN):

What is a PPSN?

A PPSN is a unique reference number that helps you access social welfare benefits, public services, and information in Ireland.

How do I get a PPSN and do I need to be in Ireland to apply?

How to apply for a PPSN.

You may be able to apply from outside Ireland in certain circumstances, please refer to PPSN Requirements.

Do I need proof of address to apply? 

You need to show evidence of your address to get a PPS Number.

The document must show your name and address and not be older than 3 months.

You can use any of the following documents to do this:

  • household utility bill
  • an official letter or document
  • a financial statement
  • property lease or tenancy agreement
  • confirmation of address by a third party such as a hotel or hostel administrator or manager, school principal or property owner*

*If you are staying with friends or relatives, an original household bill plus a note from the bill holder confirming that you live at the bill address is acceptable. This note can be written on the bill itself.

Where can I find the PPSN application form?

PPSN Application form 

What should I do if I need help with my PPSN application?

Contact the helpline for MyWelfare, Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.

Should my family members also obtain a PPSN?

Yes, non-Irish employees with families should ensure that their spouses and children obtain an individual PPS number.

Step 6: Register with Revenue (once you have a PPSN):

How can I avoid emergency or incorrect tax?

Refer to how to avoid Emergency or incorrect Tax.

What is the Tax Registration Number?

The Tax Registration Number is 0022578J.

How do I calculate my net pay?

Use our Net Pay Calculator.

Where can I see my payslips?

Payslips are available on the Core Portal ESS.

What are the tax deductions on my payslip?

Refer to Payslip Explained.

Where can I find more tax-related FAQs?

Refer to the Revenue/Tax FAQs.

Step 7: Register with Immigration (on your arrival to Ireland):

What must I do upon arrival in Ireland?

On your arrival to Ireland, you must register with Immigration Service Delivery (ISD) of the Department of Justice.

How do I request an appointment to register with Immigration?

The first time in person registration of residence permissions for applicants residing in all counties will be done at the Registration Office, 13-14 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2.

To book an appointment to register your first time immigration residence permission, please create an account, or log into your existing account, on the Digital Contact Centre. Each registration appointment is linked to the unique applicant profile that booked it through the online account. Applicants are encouraged to book their appointment today.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

For your appointment at the Registration Office in Burgh Quay, you must bring:

  • Your passport (or other equivalent document, issued by or on behalf of an authority recognised by the Government [of Ireland]),
  • A printed and completed copy of the address form attached to your appointment confirmation email (this is the address your Irish residence permission (IRP card) will be sent to),
  • Printed copies of the required supporting documentation relevant to your permission, electronic copies of documents are not accepted,

  • The registration fee is €300 (per adult person) if applicable, which can be paid by credit or debit card only.

If you do not have all required documents or fee with you at your appointment, we will be unable to complete your registration and issue you with an Irish Residence Permit card. Please note, contactless and cash payments are not accepted.

Is there a fee for the registration card?

Yes, there is a charge of €300 for the annual registration card.

When will I get my IRP card?

Your IRP card (under stamp 1 permission) will be issued by post within 2-3 weeks.

Do I need to return a copy of my IRP card to HR?

Yes, as soon as you receive your IRP card, you are required to email a copy to with reference to your staff ID number.

Where can I find more registration FAQs?

For more information, refer to Frequently asked questions for Registration - Immigration Service Delivery ( and Registration of non-EEA nationals (

Information on Health Insurance:

Does the university provide health insurance?

The university does not pay for private health insurance for staff. However, you can opt to purchase private health insurance if you wish. The university provides a health insurance comparison service via a company called ‘Cornmarket’. More information is available here.

Where can I find more information about health insurance?

You can find more information on health insurance at:

Information on Relocation Expenses

Am I entitled to reclaim relocation expenses?

  • For Academic Staff and Senior Support Services Staff (Administrative Officer and above): Yes, you may be entitled to reclaim moving and relocation costs upon your first appointment. Please refer to the policy.
  • For Research Staff: No, relocation expenses are not typically covered unless specified in the budget as per policy (your PI will be able to confirm).