Managing Meetings

Managing Meetings

Duration: 2 Hours

Facilitator: LEAP

Course Content:

Meetings are a common source of frustration for many when they are poorly managed. They are also a considerable cost to the organisation in terms of lost time, negative impact on morale and heightened irritation and stress. Getting them right requires skill and understanding.  

This short (2 hours) online workshop gets to the specifics of making meetings work. It explores how to facilitate a meeting so attendees are active, engaged and contribute effectively. It provides approaches for drawing out individuals who are reluctant to contribute while managing those who dominate discussions. It also provides recommendations for ensuring: 

  • Clear direction and focus are maintained. 
  • Actions are identified, monitored and updated. 
  • Time is managed effectively. 

When managed properly meetings lead to issues being addressed in a timely manner, potential challenges or difficulties being identified and resolved, improved working relationships and increased engagement.  

Staff who are interested in this workshop should register via: People XD | 28.0.93 ( and search for “Managing Meetings”. If there are no upcoming dates, please register for the “waiting list” and we will advise you of new dates in due course.

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