The University of Galway campus is very accessible to commuters, and there are a number of options and discounts available to employees commuting to and from work, such as the Cycle to Work scheme and the TaxSaver Travel Pass scheme.

 Travel Pass

The Travel Pass scheme is seen as a positive way to encourage more people to avail of public transport in Ireland and to reduce traffic congestion, and allows for the purchase of annual bus, rail and luas tickets through University of Galway, with a saving of up to 52% on travel costs. Employees who wish to take part in the Travel Pass scheme must select the ticket type best suited to their needs; there is no limit on the cost of a Travel Pass.

In order to apply for the Travel Pass scheme, you will need to complete the University of Galway Travel Pass application form, identifying the service provider that you will be using, and also stating the total cost of the travel pass on the application form. Please submit the University of Galway Travel Pass application form (and any other relevant application forms, as required) to ‘Travel Pass, HR Office, University of Galway’; we will process your application and liaise directly with the service provider to order your ticket and arrange payment.

How do the Schemes work?

If you had purchased the bicycle or travel pass yourself, you would be purchasing it with your net pay – your pay before all tax has been deducted. The way the schemes work is that you are paying back the cost of the bicycle or travel pass with your gross pay; therefore, you are not paying PRSI, USC or income tax on the repayments for the bicycle or travel pass. Because of this, you end up saving on the cost of the bicycle or travel pass through the small amounts of tax that you are saving each month.

One of the conditions of both schemes is that they must primarily be used for the commute to work (or parts thereof) or travel between work places. Both schemes are applicable to all employees, are available year-round, and can be used concurrently.

For further information on both schemes, please contact

Application Form:

Travel Pass Application Form