Our focus is to promote and inspire excellence in clinical research. We currently support the development, design and delivery of two Masters of Science programmes:

MSc Clinical Research - Full Time or Part-Time

The objective of this Master of Science course is to train the next generation of healthcare workers in the clinical research arena. The course provides a platform for achieving greater efficiencies in applying medical discoveries to clinical practice. It is designed for qualified individuals who wish to become independent clinical investigators or seek leadership positions in clinical research teams. This program offers a blend of theoretical learning and practical experience, covering critical aspects such as study design, data analysis, ethical considerations, and regulatory requirements.

MSc Applied Clinical Data Analytics

The taught postgraduate course in Applied Clinical Data Analytics employs a unique and innovative spiral curriculum, designed specifically for training healthcare professionals in analysis of healthcare data. Domain experts in Clinical Data Analytics from the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences will deliver the program. Assignments are all real-world examples of clinical research including clinical trials, systematic reviews, observational research, and data from administrative clinical datasets.

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