NUI Galway’s Student Recruitment & Outreach Team are responsible for providing information and support to Undergraduate Domestic Prospective Students. We are also responsible for managing and co-ordinating a Schools Visits Programme for the University.

The Student Recruitment Team provide: Open Days, CAO Information Evenings, Taster Days and campus tours. The team also provide professional advice to Guidance Counsellors, Principals, TY Coordinators and teachers throughout the academic year to keep educators and counsellors up to date with new courses, changes to existing courses, upcoming events for students and opportunities for educators for training and learning. 

Sarah Geragty

Sarah Geragty

Director of Student Recruitment and Outreach
Email: sarah.geraghtyAt

Caroline Duggan

Caroline Duggan

Head of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Recruitment
Email: caroline.dugganAt

Deirdre McGreevy

Deirdre McGreevy

School Liaison Officer (West, Southwest & Midlands Region)
Email: deirdre.mcgreevyAt

Danny Lyttle

Danny Lyttle

School Liaison Officer (North and West West Region)
Email: danny.lyttleAt

Ciara Brannigan

Ciara Brannigan

School Liaison Officer East & South East
Email: ciara.branniganAt

Maureen Walsh

Maureen Walsh

School Liaison Coordinator
Email: maureen.walshAt

Eilís Ní Loingsigh

Eilís Ní Loingsigh

Events and Marketing Officer
Email: eilis.niloingsighAt

Luigi Ryan

Luigi Ryan

Events and Marketing Assistant
Email: luigi.ryanAt