
Entry Requirements

Entry Level  Qualification Irish Leaving Cert points: 300 to 375 Irish Leaving Cert points: 376 to 425 Irish Leaving Cert points: 426 to 499 Irish Leaving Cert points: 500 to 549 Irish Leaving Cert points: 550 to 600
Foundation Level Certificate of Preparatory Education / Secondary School Certificate (also known as Sixth Form Baccalaureat or Adadiyah) GPA 70% depending on programme        
Undergraduate  As above plus recognised foundation programme          
Entry Level  Qualification 2:2 Equivalent 2:1 Equivalent 1st Equivalent    
Postgraduate A Bachelor degree from a recognised institution  GPA 70%-75% GPA 75%-80% GPA 80%+    

Daher Waly Al Baydli - PhD in Mathematics

Daher Waly Al Baydli

“Hi Everyone, greetings from my heart, my name is Daher Waly Al Baydli and I am from Iraq. I have been in Ireland with my family for 3 years. I am in my second year of a PhD in Mathematics and Applied Maths. My project is about "Computations Cohomology Operations for discrete group". I have a scholarship from my country Iraq. I am so happy to choose University of Galway to study my PhD because all staff and my colleague are friendly and cooperative.

Galway is a medium sized city, a pleasant town to live in which has all the workplaces you would expect in a noteworthy city. The Irish people are friendly, helpful and decent and Ireland is an English speaking country so there have been no language issues for me in the midst of working or in ordinary living.”

— Daher Waly Al Baydli, PhD in Mathematics, from Iraq

Heidar Al-Hashimi - BA in Community & Family Studies

Heidar Al-Hashimi

 "I consider it as a high honor and great opportunity to get a Diploma in Community Development Practice and to continue studying a BA in Community and Family studies from University of Galway as well as great hope to do a Master’s degree and PHD degree in the same field.
As a reflection on my three years in University of Galway, I conclude that this experience not only made myself a better social researcher, but also prepared me in unpredictable ways for my career. Through workshops with incredibly supportive tutors, I am in challenge to discover what exact central role I have and what best that I can do.
This experience provided me with basic strategies that I can benefit in my work such as writing and performing a social research which is vital to thinking, to planning, to analysing, to communication, and to engagement. It is a wonderful time in my life, and the best educational experience I really have.

Ireland is a collection of interesting articles and wise stories and Galway is too beautiful."

— Heidar Al-Hashimi, BA in Community & Family Studies, from Iraq
You can visit his profile on Academia and on LinkedIn

Albasit Dhanoon - PhD in Astronomy

Dr. Padraic Kenna - videoBA in Community & Family Studies video“I came to Ireland as an Asylum seeker and after a big battle and difficult time spent in a ''direct provision'' centre I got my status and residency in Ireland. I got a master’s degree in Physics in Italy, so I applied for a PhD scholarship; fortunately I got it and I started studying here in December 2015 in the centre for Astronomy. My area of research is Pulsars. My first day here was like being re-born and the first day of a new life for me. I like my great supervisor who is an excellent person, Prof. Andy Shearer, and I like all my colleagues who are very friendly and kind. Irish culture and Irish society are warm, welcoming and human.  Galway is a Multicultural, tidy and alive city.”

— Albasit Dhanoon, PhD in Astronomy, from Iraq

Albasit Dhanoon from Iraq

Albasit speaks of his experience as an PhD student (Astronomy) at University of Galway

Agents in Iraq


AFA-Baghdad Branch 
Al-Saadoun Street,
Opposite Al-Sinbad cinema,
Republic of Iraq 
Tel: +964 770 254 08446 
