About Us

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The Geo-ENvironmental Engineering (GENE) research group, based at University of Galway, investigates the fate of phosphorus and nitrogen in soil-plant-water systems and the effects of agricultural management on soil and water quality. GENE has helped develop decision-making tools to target management alternatives and remedial measures that have reduced the risk of nutrient loss from farms. Currently, GENE’s main research interests are:

(1)   resource recovery and resource efficacy – use of materials for wastewater and water treatment; waste materials and chemicals as phosphorus and nitrogen adsorbents and soil amendments; recovery of precious metals; waste as energy sources and slow-release fertilisers

(2)  restoration of peatlands through re-wetting: modelling impacts on hydrology and water quality

(3)   soil physics – modelling of water movement through soil and management impacts for farmers


For further information, please contact Prof Mark Healy (Principal Investigator)

Phone: +353 (0)91 495364

Email: mark.healy@universityofgalway.ie

Find us on Twitter @GENE_NUIG

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