Assistance with Childcare Costs 2025

Photo of children's toys

Funding has been made available for EU students from low-income families to assist with childcare costs. Low-income families refer to households with an income level below the income thresholds of the special rate of maintenance grant (i.e. below €26,200) under the Student Grant Scheme (SUSI) and/or are in receipt of a Department of Social Protection (DSP) long-term means-tested social welfare payment.  

To qualify for funding, students must meet the requirements as outlined in the Student Assistance Fund Guidelines. Find out more on this link

Who is Eligible to Apply?

Irish and EU Students with a gross family income less than €26,200. 

To apply please ensure you have the following details:

  • All Students are required to upload bank account details with a copy of the latest bank account statement indicating your name and account number
  • Receipt of Childcare cost from a registered childcare provider 

Express Your Interest on this Form

Closing date Friday 7th February 2025.