Exam Rechecks

A recheck is simply a re-calculation of all parts of the module mark and there is NO review of the exam content.

Students are strongly advised to be aware of the difference between an exam appeal and an exam recheck and to consult the FAQs on the Appeals page in advance of making an application.

Recheck applications can be submitted only after the full official transcript of results has been issued.


Completed application forms should be returned to the Examinations Office by the relevant deadlines indicated.
Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstance.

Recheck Submission Deadlines for the Academic Year 2023-24

Consult the Deadlines for Appeal Submissions as the same dates apply for both Appeal and Recheck submissions.
To view the Procedure for the Discussion, Checking and Appeal of Examination Results 

Recheck Submission Checklist:

  • Ensure you have completed the recheck form, all sections must be completed. Students may only use their @universityofgalway.ie accounts for Rechecks. 
  • Recheck Fee (€25 per module).
  • Please attach a copy of your exam transcript OR a printed copy of your exam results from your Examination Results Inquiry which is available online with your recheck.

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