Access on Campus

The university aims to minimise difficulties posed to students with mobility difficulties on campus. Accessibility is considered in the design of our new buildings and improvements are factored into renovations to existing buildings. However, some older or temporary buildings may be less accessible. Please contact the Disability Officer if you identify a barrier in the physical environment on campus.

Campus Accessibility and Disabled Access Parking

The accessibility route across campus for the mobility impaired and locations of parking bays designated for people with disabilites can found on this Campus Map 

Access to Lifts

Many of the lifts on campus may be used by all students. However, some lifts operate by swipe card access.

If you have significantly reduced mobility, DSS can disclose your name and student ID numbers to the Security Office to activate swipe card access to the lifts on campus. Then you can use your NUI Galway student ID card to use lifts with restricted access.

Important Message: When using the external lift outside the James Hardiman Library, you must allow the doors open and close automatically. If you force the doors, the lift may break down.

 Accessibility of Campus Footpaths

Our university community actively engages students and colleagues as partners in research to enhance campus accessibility. The Access Centre, in partnership with the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics and it's Crowd4Access Citizen Science project, have mapped campus footpaths for accessibility to enable our students, staff and visitors to campus to plan their route.

 The short video below explains how to access detailed information on the accessibility of campus footpaths.  Please watch the video before you access the map at the link beneath the video.


Please watch the video above before you access the map at