Parchment Digitary Services Banner

Parchment Digitary Services is a trusted, secure cloud platform that helps University students from around the world to access and share their verified academic documents online.  Verified documents can be stored, accessed, and shared with employers, other education providers, governments and third parties, 24/7, from anywhere in the world. This allows for an efficient and effective way to view and share your documents, providing a platform where you are in control of who views your documents and how.  For further information visit Parchment Digitary Services.

From September 2024, this service will be used for official documents requests and letters from our Student Registry Helpdesk. These include the following:

What Documents are available through Parchment Digitary Services? 

Documents available Description How to request this document
Registration statement (free of charge) Confirms that you are a registered student. Available to students who have fully completed their registration Completing an online request form
Multiple Year Registration statement (free of charge) Confirms that you are a registered student with the University for more than 1 academic year. Completing an online request form
Graduate Statement (free of charge) Confirms that you are a Graduate of the University. Completing an online request form
Registry Letter (free of charge) Customised Statement Completing an online request form
Course Completion Statement (free of charge) Confirms that you are a current student who is expected to graduate, but still has exams / assessments pending. This letter will not be available if you have any outstanding fees. Completing an online request form
Student Transcript of Results Online (free of charge) Official exam results/transcripts released by the Exams Office (from October 2024). Automatically after results released date (details here)
Certified Student Transcript (Fee based) Confirms that you have completed examinations. Once paid for, you will have unlimited access to your Certified Transcript
Transcripts will not be available if you have any outstanding fees.
Completing an online request form
European Diploma Supplement (free of charge) For more information, visit Documentation - University of Galway Automatically available after you have graduated

Our Conferring Team have issued European Diploma Supplements for our 2024 Summer and Autumn graduates.  For more information click here.

This service will be also be piloted from November 2024 for select students receiving official Transcripts of Results via this online secure document platform. 

What to expect: 

Watch out for an email from Parchment Digitary Services ( alerting you that you have a new document from Ollscoil na Gaillimhe – University of Galway 

For new users, accessing your document for the first time is a 3-step process:

  1. Register – clink on link in email to go to Parchment Digitary Services webpage
  2. Activate – enter the 6-digit code sent to your email
  3. Login – log into your account to view your document

Current Students

  1. Check for an email from Ollscoil na Gaillimhe - University of Galway <>  
  2. Click on link in email to Register, select ‘sign in with your education provider’ and search for this university, click ‘Continue’
  3. This will bring you to your usual sign-in webpage
  4. Sign in using your student credentials
  5. Following a successful login at this point, you will be re-directed back to Parchment Digitary Services.
  6. Once logged in, you must set up a personal email address and password. This address, once set up, should be used to log in. This will ensure you can access your documents after graduation. Please make sure to set your personal email address as your primary email address from your Profile Settings page; in this way, future notifications regarding your account will be set to your personal email address.
  7. Validate your personal email address – you will not be able to log in until your email address and password until you do so.


Graduates / Alumni

  1. Check for an email from Ollscoil na Gaillimhe - University of Galway <>  
  2. Click on link in email received from <>
  3. You will receive an email with a link to activate your account. You will not be able to log in until your account has been activated.
  4. The link will redirect you to the Parchment Digitary Services to log in by entering your email and the password you have just created.

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you register using the same email address to which the original notification of the newly issued documents was received.

If you have any problems logging in, please contact for assistance.



If you have issues registering:

If you received the email, and have followed the registration instructions, but you are unable to register, please contact us including screenshots of the error messages, or notices that you may be receiving, as well as your name, ID number and date of birth, and the course (and year) from which you graduated (if applicable).

Documents unavailable on Parchment Digitary Services after registration. What should I do?

If you have followed the instructions in the email you received, and you have registered using the same email address to which you received the invite to register, and cannot see your documents, please contact us for assistance. Please include your name, ID number and date of birth, and the course (and year) from which you graduated (if applicable).

Can I change my email address on Parchment Digitary Services?

If you have access to your documents on Parchment Digitary Services, through the original email to which the documents were shared, then you can add additional accounts/email accounts.

If you haven’t received the email from Parchment Digitary Services, please contact us. Please include your name, ID number and date of birth, and the course (and year) from which you graduated (if applicable).

Sharing documents through Parchment Digitary Services

From the documents page, which will be visible after login, click on the Share button next to the document you wish to share.

You can choose to have Parchment Digitary Services send an email to a person, specify for how long they can access the document, require them to have a PIN to access the document, or simply copy/paste the share link into a personal email that you yourself send to the recipient.

You can also send your document to a registered organisation on the Parchment Digitary Services network. If the organisation to which you want to send your document does not appear in the share dropdown menu, check with the organisation how they want to receive certified documents.

Parchment Digitary Services password issues

  • If you have forgotten your password:

If you have registered with Parchment Digitary Services, click “Can’t sign in?” and complete the online form that will then forward password reset instructions to your registered email account. If you have linked your account to your Social Media account, you will have to reset the password on that service.

  • To change your password:

Click the dropdown menu by your name, choose Profile Settings > Change email password.