Archive of Digital Humanities seminars

Digital Humanities Research Group, Spring 2024

6 February 2024

Deirdre Ní Chonghaile (Glucksman Ireland House, New York University)
Oksana Dereza (University of Galway)
“To have the ‘million’ readers yet”: applying OCR & NER to bilingual Irish-English texts in An Gaodhal (1881–1898)

6 March 2024

Pádraic Moran (University of Galway)
Two new resources for manuscript studies: network graphs, linked open data, open-access publishing, natural language processing

27 March 2024

Brenda Luies (University of Galway)
Anthological effect: open access and digital compilation in late-15th century English print

Erin McCarthy (University of Galway)
Manuscripts, maps, and models: an introduction to the STEMMA project

23 April 2024

Chris Tanasescu (University of Galway)
Raluca Tanasescu (University of Galway)
Computationally assembling poetry anthologies within transnational and translational frameworks

Digital Humanities Research Group, Spring 2023

8 February 2023

Anna Furtado (University of Galway)
Corpus linguistics as a tool for Digital Humanities: the example of Laudato Si’  

Nicolai Egjar Engesland (University of Oslo/University of Galway)
Challenges for the digital edition of a medieval Irish text 

28 March 2023

Cassie Ulph (University of Manchester)
Developing an attribute-based sentiment analysis model for Romantic-period letters 

2 May 2023

Ashley Cahillane (University of Galway)
Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha (University of Galway)
Nessa Cronin (University of Galway)

Sustainable futures for the Digital Humanities? (Panel discussion)

31 May 2023

Niamh Reilly (University of Galway)
Memoirs, politics and histories: open-source annotated republishing as method

Rana Roshdy (Dublin City University) 
Advancing terminology through corpus and statistical regression modelling: a multi-methodological analysis of lexical variation in Islamic legal discourse 

From 2013–2018, the Digital Scholarship Seminar was organised by Pádraic Moran and Justin Tonra.

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Autumn 2018

9 November 2018

Alexander Wilkinson (University College Dublin)
From bibliography to network analysis, data analytics, image recognition and machine learning: the journey of the Iberian Books Project

20 November 2018

Peter Stokes (Paris, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Université PSL)
Modelling texts and manuscripts: some digital approaches to material texts

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Spring 2018

14 February 2018

Francesca Benatti (Open University) 
Further questions on style, authorship and genre in the Edinburgh Review and Quarterly Review, 1814–1820

7 March 2018

Deirdre Ní Chonghaile (NUI Galway)
Duplicates & doppelgängers: Generating digital solutions to cataloguing, accessibility and network-analysis challenges

3 May 2018

Álvaro Seiça (Visiting Moore Fellow, University of Bergen)
Kinetic poetry: From screening to running interactive language

31 May 2018

Debapriya Basu (Visiting Moore Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati)
Desiring women editing: feminist metacollections in the wilderness

5 June 2018

Ellen McCabe (Visiting Moore Fellow, Independent Scholar)
Living the stories we create: education in the age of post-truth

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Autumn 2017

21 September 2017

Abigail Williams (University of Oxford)
Laugh and be Fat: Remapping the Literary Canon with the Digital Miscellanies Index

22 November 2017

Ioanna Kyvernitou (DAH, NUIG)
From Primary Sources to Semantic Web Applications: Intellectual Networks and Arguments of Three Early Modern Women Philosophers

6 December 2017

Bronagh McShane (RECIRC, NUIG)
Visualising the Reception and Circulation of Early Modern Nuns’ Letters

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Spring 2017

8 February 2017

Maria Engberg (Malmö University)
Augmented and Mixed Reality Design for Contested and Challenging Histories

15 February 2017

Francesca Benatti (Open University)
A Question of Style? Stylometry, Authorship and the Edinburgh Review

21 February 2017

Véronique Montémont (Université de Lorraine)
Digital Humanities Applied to Literary Studies in France

24 February 2017

Lizzy Williamson (Folger Shakespeare Library)
Material Texts and Digital Provenance: Opening a Digital Anthology of Early Modern English Drama

14 March 2017

Ronan Crowley (University of Antwerp)
Migrate It New: Challenges and Opportunities for Ulysses: A Digital Critical and Synoptic Edition

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Autumn 2016

14 November 2016

Pip Willcox (Bodleian Library, University of Oxford)
Reflections of Ada Lovelace: Creative Computing and Experimental Humanities

1 December 2016

Michael Hunter (Birkbeck, University of London)
The Workdiaries of Robert Boyle: a Digital Edition and its Uses

6 December 2016

Mikko Tolonen (University of Helsinki)
“Political economy” in Eighteenth-Century Britain? Demonstration of a Workflow for Text and Data Mining ECCO and ESTC

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Spring 2016

2 February 2016

Scott Rettberg (University of Bergen)
The ELMCIP Project, Electronic Literature Knowledge Base, and Data Visualization Research Outcomes

Anne Karhio (NUI Galway/University of Bergen)
Born Digital, Gone Digital: Irish Poetry in the New Media

23 February 2016

Greta Franzini (University of Göttingen/University College London)
Piecing Together Our Cultural Heritage

8 March 2016

Anders Ingram (Independent Scholar)
The Business of Books: Quantifying the Career of George Bishop, Stationer (c. 1538–1611)
(Co-hosted by the Early Modern Research Seminar.)

5 April 2016

Heike Schmidt-Felzmann (NUI Galway)
Privacy in Public: Research Ethical Considerations for Research on Public Digital Contributions

Ioannis Doukas (NUI Galway)
Digital Explorations in Intertextuality: A Project in the Study of Late Greek Epic and the Trojan Cycle

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Autumn 2015

4 November  2015

Evan Bourke (NUI Galway)
Female Involvement, Membership, and Centrality: A Social Network Analysis of the Hartlib Circle

10 November 2015

Gerardine Meaney (University College Dublin)
A Comparative Social Network Analysis of Irish and English Fiction, 1800–1922

3 December 2015

Hugh Houghton (University of Birmingham)
Editing the Greek and Latin New Testament in the Digital Age

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Spring 2015

3 March 2015

Marie Boran (James Hardiman Library, NUI Galway)
The Irish Landed Estates Database: Signpost or Destination?

Niall MacSweeney & Aisling Keane (James Hardiman Library, NUI Galway)
Challenges of Applying Metadata to Digital Collections

26 March 2015

Anthony Mandal (Cardiff University)
Victorian Demons and Electric Imps

14 April 2015

Gabriel Bodard (King’s College London)
Standards for Networking Ancient Prosopographies: Data and Relations in Greco-Roman Names (SNAP:DRGN)

30 April 2015

Franck Cinato (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris)
Collaborative Digital Editing: Experience from the Liber Glossarum Project

2 June 2015

Brad Pasanek (University of Virginia)
Poetic Diction: Tokens and Change

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Autumn 2014

11 November 2014

Daniel Powell (visiting speaker, King’s College London & University of Victoria) 
Towards a typology of the open edition 
Respondent: Dr Justin Tonra (English, NUI Galway)

27 November 2014

Aidan Kane (Economics, NUI Galway), Dr Patrick A. Walsh (UCD) & Dr Eoin Magennis (InterTrade Ireland) 
Creating a database of Irish international trade 1698–1829

Máirín Mac Carron (History, NUI Galway) 
What are the potential benefits of applying mathematical network theory to Humanities sources?

9 December 2014

Patrick Lonergan (Drama & Theatre Studies, NUI Galway) 
Digital Humanities and Theatre History: Re-thinking the role of women writers at the Abbey Theatre

Ellen McCabe (Huston School, NUI Galway) 
‘Let the frame of things disjoint’: Ambiguity in the digital age and the consequences for education

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Spring 2014

11 March 2014

Giles Bergel (Visiting Speaker, University of Oxford)
Image, Text, Tune and Tradition: Some Semantic and Computational Approaches to Digitising the Broadside Ballad

18 March 2014

Véronique Montémont (Visiting Speaker, Université de Lorraine)
Database Management in the Present Context of Digital Humanities

John Cox (University Librarian, NUI Galway) & Martin Bradley (Archives and Records Management Consultant)
The Abbey Theatre Digital Archive @ NUI Galway

25 March 2014

Brett Hirsch (Visiting Speaker, University of Western Australia)
Towards an Electronic Edition of Fair Em, or, Much Ado About the Miller’s Daughter of Manchester

8 April 2014

Niall Ó Dochartaigh (Political Science & Sociology, NUI Galway)
Technologies of Peace

Ida Federica Pugliese (Moore Institute, NUI Galway)
The (Dis?)advantages of Using Technologies to Enhance Qualitative Research Projects

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Autumn 2013

9 October 2013

In association with INSIGHT @ NUIGalway (formerly DERI). Speakers demonstrated how Humanities faculty and researchers can benefit from collaboration with INSIGHT @ NUIGalway’s semantic web experts and Digital Humanities and Journalism (HuJo) group.


Stefan Decker, Director of INSIGHT @ NUIGalway
Sandra Collins, Director of the Digital Repository of Ireland
Bahareh Heravi, Team leader of Digital Humanities and Journalism at INSIGHT @ NUIGalway
Handschuh, Stream leader at INSIGHT @ NUIGalway
Paul Buitelaar, Stream leader at INSIGHT @ NUIGalway

20 November 2013

Hilary Dully
Digital issues in practice-based research

Ciara Griffin
The author is glitched: media-specificity and the non-Western writer

12 December 2013

Lillis Ó Laoire & Micheál Mac Lochlainn
On the Joe Heaney Archive.

Mark Stansbury
What’s digital about digital humanities?  

Digital Scholarship Seminar, Spring 2013

21 March 2013

Marina Ansaldo
Reading East: From concept to live online resource

Meaghan Connell
The Corpus of Hiberno-English Literary Dialect: preliminary results and analysis

18 April 2013

Adrian Grant
Historians and new technologies

Alison McNamara
An examination of gesture-based devices in the mathematics post-primary classroom in Ireland

14 May 2013

Deirdre Ní Chonghaile
Amhráin Árann — Aran Songs: Collaborating to create a digital-friendly music resource

Patricia Prieto Blanco 
Digital materiality and the constitution of spaces of familial interaction through photography