Digital Humanities Research Group

Computer wall

The Digital Humanities Research Group welcomes researchers working in any branch of the arts and humanities who are engaged in the creation and/or exploitation of digital resources in the course of their research.

The aims of the seminar are:

  1. To build and reinforce connections among the community of scholars in the University of Galway currently working on projects with digital elements.
  2. To provide a network of support for academics and students beginning new research programmes with a digital focus.
  3. To facilitate sharing of expertise among researchers engaged in digital methods and scholarship.
  4. To increase awareness of current digital projects among the wider research community.
  5. To bring outside expertise on digital research to the University of Galway on a regular basis with invited speakers.

See Archive for previous events.


Erin A. McCarthy (English)
Pádraic Moran (Classics)

Mailing list

To join our mailing list, send a blank e-mail to When you receive a response, reply to the e-mail to confirm. (The option of clicking a link does not always work!)

Spring Seminar 2025

Monday 24 March 12pm (G-011)

Adrian Ó Dubhghaill
An Assessment of Computational Methods for Measuring Semantic Similarity between Glosses in the Irish Manuscript Tradition

Wednesday 2 April 12pm (online)

Luis García-Vela (Zaragoza)
Nodegoat and LEXPRO for Digital Humanities Research: An Introduction

Tuesday 8 April 12pm (HRB 1001/The Bridge)

Kyle Dase and Pádraic Moran
What is a digital edition for?

Zoom access

Some talks may be hybrid. You can register online for Zoom access.