Cover Revolution!
Illustrators and the New Face of Italian Publishing
NUI Galway is delighted to host an exhibition that celebrates contemporary Italian illustrators and their collaboration with the publishing industry.
A revolution is taking place on Italian bookstores shelves, and more and more often illustrators are being asked to use their colour palettes and distinctive marks to update publishers’ visual identities or redefine an author’s image. A handful of publishers, talented art directors, and a group of internationally acclaimed Italian illustrators, known for their original and powerful work, are responsible for this change. The idea to document this propitious moment in Italian illustration came to life after observing this phenomenon, and this exhibition brings to light the work of some of the most loved and respected Italian illustrators: Franco Matticchio, Lorenzo Mattotti, Emiliano Ponzi, Guido Scarabottolo, Gianluigi Toccafondo, and Olimpia Zagnoli.
Professor Paolo Bartoloni, Established Professor and Head of Italian at NUI Galway, said: “This exhibition provides a unique opportunity to observe the synergy between the creative practices of visual artists and those of authors, and the ways in which the written word evokes incredibly powerful and captivating images. The colours in this exhibition are vibrant, and the echoes of various styles, especially surrealism and modernism, uncanny.”