Course Overview

Spanish offers supervision in a number of areas of interest in both Spain and Latin America. Admission to a research degree is at the discretion of the potential supervisor and the Head of Discipline; it is based on a proposal from the applicant, following discussion with the staff member whose academic area of interest is most appropriate. 

Programmes Available

MLitt (Spanish), full-time
MLitt (Spanish), part-time

Applications are made online via the University of Galway Postgraduate Applications System


Learning Outcomes

Entry Requirements

Candidates should possess an honours degree in Spanish (Second Class, Grade 1 minimum [or equivalent international qualification]).

Who’s Suited to This Course

Current research projects

Current funded research opportunity

Work Placement

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Career Opportunities

Find a Supervisor / PhD Project

If you are still looking for a potential supervisor or PhD project or would like to identify the key research interests of our academic staff and researchers, you can use our online portal to help in that search

Research Areas

Dr. Mel Boland
Linguistics; Latin American literature; translation studies.

Dr. Lorraine Kelly
Modern Latin American Literature; Mexican women writers; Contemporary Latin American Studies. 

Dr. Kate Quinn
Southern Cone literature and politics; history and theory of the detective genre in Spain and Latin America; historical narrative.

Prof. Bill Richardson
Spanish language and linguistics; Spanish-English translation; Spanish Second Language Acquisition; deictic reference in Spanish and English; the works of Jorge Luis Borges; the links between language, culture and cognition.

Dr. Lorna Shaughnessy
Modern Spanish poetry; Modern Latin American poetry; political writing from Central America; cultural theory and post-colonial literatures; women⦡mp;euro;?s movements and popular culture in Central America.

Researcher Profiles

Course Fees

Fees: EU

€5,750 p.a. (€5,890 including levy) 2024/25

Fees: Non EU

€14,500 p.a. (€14,640 including levy) 2024/25

Extra Information

EU Part time: Year 1 €4,250 p.a. (€4,390 including levy) 2024/25

All students, irrespective of funding, must pay the student levy of €140.

Contact Us

Prof. Bill Richardson
T +353 91 492 136