Co-Educational Programme with NJUCM

A Co-educational programme of Chinese Medicine and Regenerative Medicine education and research is being developed between the University of Galway and NJUCM, which will be agreed upon and signed by way of an MOU, examples of possible collaborative opportunities include:

NJUCM students come to the University of Galway to take a 90 ECTS taught MSc in Regenerative Medicine or MSc in Cellular Therapy and Manufacturing, these are already established courses at the University of Galway.

NJUCM Students could undertake a Dual Masters by researching spending year 1 in NJUCM and year 2 and/or year 3 in Galway.

CI Galway will establish a new MSc in Chinese and Regenerative Medicine (containing modules from the 2 taught Masters mentioned above) and new modules in Chinese Medicine developed by Prof Guangming and colleagues who are now based at the University of Galway. 

The University of Galway will host China Scholarship Council PhD students from NJUCM in Galway.