The School Research Ethics Committee (SREC) complements the work of the University Research Ethics Committee (REC). Whereas the REC oversees all ethical matters arising from research undertaken by staff and PhD students, the SREC oversees ethical approval for research arising from academic programmes other than doctoral theses and not otherwise referred to the REC, which includes:
  • Final Year Psychology Projects
  • MSc in Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • MSc in Health Psychology
  • Research elements (not referred to the REC) of the Doctor of Psychological Science (Clinical Psychology) and Doctor of Applied Behaviour Analysis.‌‌
Membership of the SREC include:
  • The Chair of the SREC (core member).
  • Head of the School of Psychology/Established Professor or nominee (core member).
  • The Director (or nominee) of the Final Year Projects, the MSc/Doctorate in Applied Behaviour Analysis, the MSc in Health Psychology, and the Doctor of Psychological Science (Clinical Psychology) (core members).
  • Other members (non-core) as may be deemed appropriate from time-to-time (e.g., seconding of persons with expertise relevant to the assessment of particular applications).
  • A quorum consists of a minimum of 4 core members.
The current chair of the SREC is Professor Jane Walsh, email: