Kate Dawson

Dr Kate Dawson, EDI Chair

The Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee are currently in the process of applying for an Athena Swan renewal award. As part of the application The EDI committee are currently recruiting for the School of Psychology Staff Culture Survey. The survey will build on previous EDI-related strengths within the school and help us to identify areas for growth and improvement, informing the schools' EDI action plan over the next four years. The survey aims to explore staff experiences of inclusion, discrimination, and harassment, as well as the fair and transparent allocation of workload among school and postgraduate teaching and research staff. The EDI committee are working closely with the Office of the Vice-President of Equality and Diversity and our EDI chair, Kate Dawson, is regularly engaging in college-level EDI strategy meetings to ensure that developments within the School of Psychology can be shared with colleagues within the wider university community.

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