The Discipline has a strong research profile in the areas of Philosophy of Children, Public Philosophy and Bioethics. We have a strong commitment to philosophy’s public engagement and work along a wide range of areas to further our research goals in that area. Leading research in areas of Philosophy for Children (P4C), research ethics, health care ethics, ethics in information technologies, and applied philosophy. In these areas we have particular expertise on Matthew Lipman and Ann Sharp. We work directly with various local stakeholder groups, especially in the Arts and Education sectors, and engage with the policy and regulatory domain as members of various national ethics committees. We contribute through this research to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 4 (Quality Education) and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and to the College SRAs 1 (Creativity, Culture and Inclusion) and 3 (Childhood Youth and Family). For examples of this work, see the following profiles: Lucy Elvis, Richard Hull, Heike Felzmann.