Dr Martin Nauton-Fourteu

BSc, MSc, Ph.D.

Contact Details

Post Doctoral Researcher
School of Geography
University of Galway
E: martin.nauton-fourteu@universityofgalway.ie


Fascinated by the sedimentary record and past information it can hold, my research focuses on the link between past climate and sediment composition. My broad research interests also include reconstructing palaeoenvironments and palaeogeography, from relatively recent late Pleistocene (ca. 100,000 years) loose sediments to older Carboniferous (320 million years old) sedimentary rocks.
Currently, I am investigating the Var drainage basin, north of Nice in southeast France, and its associated offshore sediment record in the Mediterranean Sea. Past glaciations impacted how sediment was generated and delivered, and I am testing techniques to assess this impact. These techniques include sand mineralogy focusing on heavy minerals, geochemistry, cosmogenic nuclides and optically stimulated luminescence.
In past projects, I have worked on mid-Carboniferous (320 million years old) sandstones from the west of Ireland to reconstruct sources, drainage and past geography.

Research Interests

Climate signal from the Sedimentary Record
Sediment Generation and Transport
Multi-proxy provenance approach
Heavy Mineral Studies

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Palaeoweathering in the sedimentary record: New proxies for improved palaeoclimate reconstruction on deep-time scales

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2021) 'Heavy mineral variations in mid-Carboniferous deltaic sandstones: Records of a pre-depositional sediment history?'
Nauton-Fourteu, M. and Tyrrell, S. and Morton, A. (2021) 'Heavy mineral variations in mid-Carboniferous deltaic sandstones: Records of a pre-depositional sediment history?'. Depositional Record, 7 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Deep- versus shallow-marine sandstone provenance in the mid-Carboniferous Clare Basin'
Nauton-Fourteu, Martin and Tyrrell, Shane and Chew, David M. and Drakou, Foteini and Pfaff, Katharina and Jobe, Zane (2021) 'Deep- versus shallow-marine sandstone provenance in the mid-Carboniferous Clare Basin'. Journal of the Geological Society, [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Constraining recycled detritus in quartz-rich sandstones: Insights from a multi-proxy provenance study of the Mid-Carboniferous'
Nauton-Fourteu, Martin and Tyrrell, Shane and Morton, Andrew and Mark, Chris and O'Sullivan, Gary J and Chew, David M (2021) 'Constraining recycled detritus in quartz-rich sandstones: Insights from a multi-proxy provenance study of the Mid-Carboniferous'. Basin Research, 33 (1):342-363 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Controls on the provenance of late Eocene to Quaternary Mozambique Channel shales (DSDP 25 Site 242)'
Roddaz, Martin and Nauton-Fourteu, Martin and Santos, Roberto Ventura and Dantas, Elton Luiz and Calves, Gérôme (2020) 'Controls on the provenance of late Eocene to Quaternary Mozambique Channel shales (DSDP 25 Site 242)'. Marine Geology, 421 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Provenance of Triassic sandstones in the basins of Northern Ireland—Implications for NW European Triassic palaeodrainage'
Franklin, Jess and Tyrrell, Shane and O'Sullivan, Gary and Nauton-Fourteu, Martin and Raine, Rob (2020) 'Provenance of Triassic sandstones in the basins of Northern Ireland—Implications for NW European Triassic palaeodrainage'. Geological Journal, 55 (7):5432-5450 [DOI] [Details]