Coastal and marine Nature-based Solutions: unlocking their full potential to build coastal resilience

Grattan Beach, Galway
Aug 19 2024 Posted: 16:18 IST
Dr Eugene Farrell, University of Galway, will present a paper titled, Coastal and marine Nature-based Solutions: unlocking their full potential to build coastal resilience at the International Geographical Congress 2024This research first provides an overview of over fifty NbS projects in Ireland in different coastal habitats (dunes; machair; saltmarshes; seagrass meadows; oyster reefs; kelp forests) being led by different organizations with different motivations, services delivered, biodiversity value, beneficiaries, and resources. We then present multiple NbS case studies along urban and rural coastlines to illustrate how these projects are successfully building coastal resilience.

Dr Eugene Farrell


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