Building the resilience of coastal social-ecological systems in Galway

Drumlin, Galway
Aug 19 2024 Posted: 16:24 IST
Dr Eugene Farrell is leading a fieldtrip as part of the International Geographical Congress 2024 which showcases examples in Galway of (1) how our unique glacial history impacts our coastal landscapes and (2) how our conceptual and technical understanding of coastal resilience was used to effectively restore a coastal ecosystem and manage flood risks. This relies on effective communication between scientists and practitioners, new collaborative structures between stakeholders (scientists, local planners, residents, businesses and NGOs) and a shift away from legacy practices in the way we think about coastal management.

Thursday 29th.  Bus tour from Dublin to Galway  (44 delegates)
Location: Galway (Silverstrand; Grattan Beach; Spanish Arch)

Dr Eugene Farrell


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