Completed PhD Theses (Archaeology)

Student Name


Thesis Title

Dr Chelsea Ryan

Dr Stefan Bergh

Conveying identity through place: understanding Bronze Age people via nucleated settlement (2024)

Dr Daniel Curley

Dr Kieran O'Conor

A multi-disciplinary study of lordly centres in the later medieval Uí Chellaig lordship of Uí Maine, c. 1100-1600 AD (2022).

Dr Enda O'Flaherty Professor Elizabeth FitzPatrick Archaeological watermarks: settlement and seasonal flooding in historical Ireland (2020)

Dr Peter Casby

Conor Newman

Living trees in created environments of Gaelic Ireland c. 700-1600AD (2019)

Dr Daisy Spencer Dr Carleton Jones & Dr Aaron Potito People, Land-use and Time: Linking multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental data to the archaeological record of prehistoric Co. Clare, Ireland (2019)
Dr Karina Hensel   The symbolism of the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge in Early Medieval Irish Christian art and iconography (2017)
Dr Yolande O'Brien Dr Stefan Bergh Negociating the landscape: prehistoric and early medieval movement in a landscaper of esker and bog (2017)
Dr Betty Gray Professor Elizabeth FitzPatrick Material culture of high-status drinking ritual in medieval and early modern Gaelic Ireland (2016)

Dr Richard Gray

Professor Elizabeth FitzPatrick

Settlement clusters at parish churches in Ireland, c. 1200-1600AD (2016)

Dr Eugene Costello

Dr Kieran O'Conor

Transhumance practices in Ireland, and their role in settlement and society in post-medieval Ireland, c. 1500 - 1900 AD. (2016)

Dr Thor McVeigh

Dr Carleton Jones

Calenders, feasting, cosmology and identity: Later Neolithic-Early Bronze Age Ireland in European context. (2016)

Dr Richard Clutterbuck

Professor Elizabeth FitzPatrick

Rural Landscapes of Improvement in Ireland, 1650-1850: An archaeological Landscape Study (2015)

Dr Andrew Whitefield

Dr Stefan Bergh

Sustainable change: temporality and the Neolithic in Western Ireland (2015)

Dr Catriona Gleeson


Archaeological evidence for social differentiation in the Irish medieval town (2014)

Dr Phyllis Mercer

Dr Carleton Jones

Ritual Aspects of Irish Portal Tombs (2014)

Dr Fiona Gavin

Conor Newman

Insular Ornamental Metalwork AD300-500: ‘Military Style’ inspired art in Ireland and Britain (2014)

Dr Ros Ó Maoldúin

Dr Carleton Jones

Exchange in Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age (EBA) Ireland: Connecting people, objects and ideas (2014)

Dr Katherine Leonard

Dr Carleton Jones

Ritual in Late Bronze Age Ireland – material culture, practices, landscape setting, and social context (2014) 

Dr Margaret Mannion

Conor Newman

Glass Beads of Early Medieval Ireland (2013)

Dr Theresa McDonald


Booleying in Achill, Achill Beg and Corraun: Survey, Excavation and Analysis of Booley Settlements in the Civil Parish of Achill (2013)

Dr Eve Campbell

Professor Elizabeth FitzPatrick

Displacement and relocation in early modern Ireland: studies of transplantation settlements in Connacht and Clare (2012)

Dr Fiona Beglane

Dr Kieran O'Conor

Parks and deer hunting: evidence from medieval Ireland (2012)

Dr Yvonne McDermott

Professor Elizabeth FitzPatrick

Patronage and Observance: the Franciscans and Dominicans in the lordships of MacWilliam Iochtar and MacWilliam Uachtar, 1330-1550 (2012)

Dr Miriam Clyne


Irish medieval Premonstratensian monasteries and their European context (2010)

Dr Christy Cunniffe


Medieval Clonfert: the genesis, development and decline of a Gaelic cathedral town (2010)

Dr Robert Hensey

Dr Stefan Bergh

Ritual and belief in the passage tomb tradition of Ireland (2010)

Dr Noel McCarthy

Dr Stefan Bergh

The prehistoric archaeology of Slieve Gamph: movement, place and patterns (2010)

Dr Siobhán McDermott


Iconic Landscapes: settlement and society in Truagh, north County Monaghan, c. 1591-1800 (2010)

Dr Gerard Dowling

Conor Newman

The architecture of power: an examination of the concept of closely-spaced multivallation in Ireland (2009)

Dr Jacqui O'Hara


A landscape archaeology of later medieval Fermanagh (2009)

Dr Paul Naessens

Professor Elizabeth FitzPatrick

The Uí Fhlaithbheartaigh Gaelic lordship of Iarchonnacht: medieval lordly settlement on the Atlantic seaboard (2009)

Dr James McKeon


Anglo-Norman frontier urban settlement in the Plantagenet realm: studies from south Connacht (2008)

Dr Roseanne Schot

Conor Newman

Uisneach, Co. Westmeath: archaeology, history and legend (Prehistory - c. AD 1100) (2008)

Dr Rory Sherlock

Dr Kieran O'Conor

The social environment of the Irish tower house (2008)

Dr Diarmuid Ó Seaneachain


English plantation settlement and the lost indigenous landscapes of Ulster and Chesapeake Bay in the sixteenth century (2006)

Dr Colin Breen

Dr Kieran O'Conor

The archaeology and cultural landscape history of Bantry and Beara 1200-1650 (2004)

Dr Michelle Comber

Professor William O'Brien

The economy of the ringfort in Early Historic Ireland (2000)