Discipline of Archaeology Publications

Department of Archaeology Book Covers up to 2022

Books Published by Archaeology Staff Members 2000-2025

(Click here to view individual Archaeology Staff Pages with full publication listings and ARAN links)


A selection of Recent Publications by Staff Members of Archaeology


Comber, M. & O'Conor, K. 2025 People, Prehistory, and the past: essays in honour of John Waddell. Dublin, Four Courts Press.


Nolan, W. & O'Conor, K. 2024 Sligo History and Society: Interdisciplinary essays on the History of an Irish county. Dublin, Geography Publications.


O'Conor, K. (ed.) 2023 Moygara Castle, County Sligo, and the O'Garas of Coolavin. Four Courts Press, Dublin.

Waddell, J. 2023 Pagan Ireland: ritual and belief in another world. Wordwell, Dublin.


Fenwick, J. (2022) 'Stranger things at Castlestrange' Archaeology Ireland, 36(3) (141) :30-35.


Bergh, S., Gallagher, F., Hensey, R., Meehan, P. (with contributions by McCarthy, N. [GIS] and Naessens, P. [aerial imagery]) 2021 A baseline survey of the Passage Tombs of county Sligo 2021. The Sligo Neolithic Landscapes Group.

Fenwick, J. 2021 Rathra: a royal stronghold of early medieval Connacht. Roscommon County Council, Roscommon. (available from: Rathcroghan Visitor Centre online shop)

Ó Maoldúin, R, McCarthy, N. & Bergh S. 2021 The date and context of the circular structures on Turlough Hill, Co. Clare. The Journal of Irish Archaeology 30, 49-65.

O'Conor, K. (2021), 'Early Anglo-Norman Castles and Fortifications in Ireland, 1169-c.1186', in C. Krauskopf (ed.), Burg und Expansion - Kolloqium des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Deutschen Burgenvereinigung Brandenburg 2019, Deutsche Burgenvereinigung e. V (Deutsche Burgenvereinigung, Braubach), pp. 151-60.  

O'Conor, K. (2021), ‘The Farrell Lecture - Settlement in Gaelic Ireland, 1100-1350’, Eolas: The Journal of the American Society of Irish Medieval Studies 13, pp 44-72. 

Spencer, D.E., Potito, A., Molloy, K., Martini, A., Frentzel, H. & Jones, C. (2021) Prehistoric farming impacts and erosion revealed through a palaeolimnological investigation of Lough Inchiquin, Co. Clare, Western Ireland. Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Palaeoecology 26 (2), DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2021.1888847

Beglane, F. & Jones, C. (2021) 'Hares, juvenile domesticates, structured deposition, and ritual in the Neolithic court tomb at Parknabinnia, Ireland'. Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports, 35.

Dempsey, K. (2021) ‘Herstory: exploring the material life of Gundrada de Warenne’. In E. Bérat, R. Hardie and I. Dumitrescu (eds) Relations of Power: Women’s Networks in the Middle Ages. Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft. V&R unipress, University of Bonn Press. pp. 169-197 https://doi.org/10.14220/9783737012423.169

Dempsey, K. (In press 2021) ‘Tending the ‘Contested’ Castle Garden: sowing seeds of feminist thought’. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 36 (2).

Dempsey, K. (2021) Book Review: Audrey Thorstad, Tudor Castles in England and Wales. English Historical Review.

Dempsey, K. (In press 2021) Gender and Archaeology. Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Ó'Moaldúin, R. McCarthy, N. & Bergh, S. (forthcoming 2021) ‘The date and context of the circular foundations on Turlough Hill, Co. Clare.' Journal of Irish Archaeology 30.


Cassidy, L.M., Maoldúin, R.Ó., Kador, T., Lynch, A., Jones, C., Woodman, P.C., Murphy, E., Ramsey, G., Dowd, M., Noonan, A., Campbell, C., Jones, E.R., Mattiangeli, V, & Bradley, D.G. (2020) 'A dynastic elite in monumental Neolithic society'. Nature, 582 (7812).

Dempsey, K. (2021) ‘Planting new ideas: A feminist gaze on medieval castles’. Château Gaillard: Études de castellologie médiévale, 29: Vivre au château, pp. 85-98.

Dempsey, K, & Jasperse, J. (2020) ‘Multisensorial musings on miniature matters’. Das Mittelalter: Getting the sense(s) of small things, 25(2), pp. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1515/mial-2020-0037

Dempsey, K., Gilchrist, R., Ashbee, J., Stones, S. & Sagrott, S. (2020) ‘Beyond the martial façade: gender, heritage and medieval castles’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 26:4, 352-369, https://doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2019.1636119

Dempsey, K. (2020) Book Review: Rolf Loeber, Irish Houses and Castles, 1400-1740. Irish Literary Supplement, Volume 40, Number 1.

Dempsey, K. (2020) ‘Home is Where the Heart(h) is’: investigating medieval houses in Ireland 1100-1600 AD. Archaeology Ireland, 34 (1): 49-51.

Ettel, P., Flambard-Hericher, M. & O’Conor, K. (eds.) (2020) Château Gaillard 29: Vivre au Château (Caen). 

Fenwick, J., Daly, E. & Rooney, S. (2020) 'Rathcroghan revisited: A renewed archaeological and geophysical exploration of selected areas of the focal ritual complex'. Emania, 25 :81-98.

Marcal, E., Corr, S., Cueco, D., Hutchings, J. & Newman, J. (2020) 'on the classification of the cultural heritage sector within NACE'. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 5 :23-31.

Newman, C., Marcal, E., Corr, S. & Sciacchitano, E. (2020) 'The Cultural Heritage Sector and Economic Statistics: Profiling Contemporary Cultural Heritage Practice in the NACE Codes'. 3-4 (2020):323-335

Shanahan, B. and O’Conor, K. (2020) ‘Rindoon, Co. Roscommon: Recent Investigations of the Deserted Medieval Town’, in C. Corlett and M. Potterton (eds.), The Town in Medieval Ireland in the light of Recent Archaeological Excavations, Dublin, 235-52. 

Snoeck, C., Jones, C., Pouncett, J., Goderis, S., Claeys, P., Mattielli, N., Zazzo, A., Reimer, P., Lee-Thorp, J. & Schulting, R. (2020) 'Isotopic evidence for a change in mobility and landscape use patterns between the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in western Ireland'. Journal Of Archaeological Science, :1-11.

Spencer, D.E., Molloy, K., Potito, A. & Jones, C. (2020) 'New insights into Late Bronze Age settlement and farming activity in the southern Burren, western Ireland'. Vegetation History And Archaeobotany, 29 :339-356.

Waddell, J. (2020) 'Early demographic ebb and flow in pre-census Ireland', Emania, 25.

Whitefield, A. (2020) 'Shaky foundations: Romantic nationalism and the development of the 'Irish model' of Neolithic settlement' In: Houses of the Dead? Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers 17. Oxford: Oxbow.


Comber, M. (2019) 'Square Ringforts? A Contribution to the Identification of 'Ringfort' Types'. Medieval Archaeology, 63 :128-153.

Dempsey, K. (2019)’Gender and Medieval Archaeology: Storming the Castle’. Antiquity Journal. Volume 93, No. 369, pp. 772-788. https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2019.13

Fenwick, J. (2019) 'In search of the lost 'cromlech' of Knowth: Geophysial investigations in Area 10 of the Knowth Passage Tomb cemetery, Brú na Bóinne, Co. Meath' Ríocht na Midhe, 30 :52-78.

Jones, C. (2019) 'Climate change and farming response in a temperate oceanic zone – the exploitation of a karstic region in western Ireland in the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC'. Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology, :1-22.

Jones, C. (2019) 'The north Munster atypical court tombs of western Ireland – social dynamics, regional trajectories and responses to distant events over the course of the Neolithic' In: Megaliths - Societies - Landscapes. Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation in Neolithic Europe. Bonn: Habelt Verlag.

O’Conor, K and Fredengren, C. (2019) ‘Medieval Settlement in Leitrim, c.1169 – c.1380’. In L. Kelly and B. Scott (eds.), Leitrim: History and Society. Interdisciplinary Essays on the History of an Irish County. Dublin, 79-101.

Spencer, D., Molloy, K., Potito, A. & Jones, C. (2019) 'New insights into Late Bronze Age settlement and farming activity in the southern Burren, western Ireland'. Vegetation History And Archaeobotany, :1-18.

Waddell, J. (2019) 'On Turoe and Castlestrange', Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 74. 


Campbell, E., FitzPatrick, E. & Audrey Horning (eds). (2018) Becoming and Belonging in Ireland c. 1200-1600: Essays in Identity and Cultural Practice Cork: Cork University Press.

Comber, M. (2018) 'Central Places in a rural archaeological landscape'. Journal Of The North Atlantic, 36 :1-12.

Comber, M. (2018) 'The tale of items lost' In: Lost and Found III: Discovering more of Ireland's past. Dublin: Wordwell.

Fenwick, J. (2018) 'The Late Prehistoric 'Royal Site' of Rathcroghan, Co. Roscommon: An Enduring Paradigm of Enclosed Sacred Space'. Emania, 24 :35-51.

Fenwick, J.P. (2018) 'A comparative archaeological review of the late prehistoric 'royal site' of Rathcroghan' In: Roscommon: History and Society. Dublin: Geography Publications. 63-86.

Fenwick, J. (ed.). (2018) Lost and Found III: rediscovering more of Ireland's past. Dublin: Wordwell Ltd.

Jones, C. (2018) 'Between north and south, east and west. Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age connections and transitions in County Roscommon' In: Roscommon - history and society. Interdisciplinary essays on the history of an Irish county. Dublin: Geography Publications.

Jones, C. (2018) 'Landscape, Time and Folklore' In: Lost and Found III. Rediscovering more of Ireland's past. Dublin: Wordwell.

O'Brien, M. & Waddell, J. (2018) 'Excavation at a linear earthwork at Teltown, Co. Meath'. The Journal of Irish Archaeology.

O'Conor, K. (2018) 'Introduction' In: Roscommon: History and society. Dublin: Geography Publications.

O'Conor, K. (2018) 'Crannogs in later medieval Ireland: Continuity and change' In: Becoming and Belonging in Ireland, AC c. 1200-1600: Essays in Identity and Cultural Practice. Cork: Cork University Press.

O'Conor, K. and Finan, T. (2018) 'Medieval Settlement in North Roscommon, c. 1200 - c. 1350' In: Roscommon: History and society. Dublin: Geography Publications.

O'Conor, K. & Shanahan, B. (2018) Rindoon Castle and Deserted Medieval Town - A Visitor's Guide. Roscommon: Roscommon County Council.

Waddell, J. (2018) 'Equine Cults and Celtic Goddesses'. Emania,

Waddell, J. (2018) Myth and Materiality. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Waddell, J. (2018) 'Roscommon in later prehistory—a land of kings and heroes?'. In: Roscommon - history and society. Interdisciplinary essays on the history of an Irish county. Dublin: Geography Publications. 

Waddell, J. (2018) 'Colin Burgess and the Bronze Age Studies Group', Northern Archaeology 23.


Bergh, S. (2017) The Neolithic Archaeology of Cuil Irra, Co. Sligo. Bray: Field Guide.

Fenwick, J.P. (2017) 'A reappraisal of the archaeological remains in the vicinity of the great passage tomb and manorial village of Dowth, Brú na Bóinne, Co. Meath'. The Journal of Irish Archaeology, XXVI :143-166.

Jones, C. (2017) Journal of Irish Archaeology, Volume 24. Editorship of Journals.

Newman, C., Mannion, M. & Gavin, F (eds). (2017) Islands in a Global Context. Proceedings of the 7th International Insular Art Conference on Insular Art Dublin: Four Courts Press.

O'Conor, K. & Gardiner, M. (2017) 'The later medieval countryside lying beneath' In: Stories of Ireland's Past: Knowledge gained from NRA Roads Archaeology. Dublin: Wordwell.

Whitefield, A. (2017) 'Neolithic ‘Celtic’ Fields? A Reinterpretation of the Chronological Evidence from Céide Fields in North-western Ireland'. European Journal Of Archaeology, 20 (2):257-279.


Beusing, R., Rassmann, K., Fenwick, J. and Schot, R. (2016) 'Landschaftsarchäologische forschungen am königssitz von Tara' e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Institut, 3 :69-73.

Collins, T., Kindermann, G., Newman, C. & Cronin, N (eds). (2016) Landscape Values: Place and Praxis Galway: Centre for Landscape Studies, NUI Galway.

Comber, M. 2016 ‘The Irish Cashel: enclosed settlement, fortified settlement or settled fortification? With evidence from ongoing excavations at Caherconnell, Co. Clare, Western Ireland.’ In H. Herold and N. Christie (eds.) Fortified Settlements in Early Medieval Europe: Defended Communities of the 8th-10th Centuries, 3 -13. Oxford, Oxbow Books.

Jones, C. (2016) 'Dating Ancient Field Walls in Karst Landscapes Using Differential Bedrock Lowering'. Geoarchaeology-An International Journal, 31 :77-100.

Jones, C. (2016) Journal of Irish Archaeology, Volume 23. Editorship of Journals.

O'Conor, K. (2016) 'John Bradley's research on Anglo-Ireland' Old Kilkenny Review: The Journal of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society, 68 :57-74.

O'Conor K. & Naessens, P. (2016) 'The medieval harbour beside Rindoon Castle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland'. Château Gaillard, 27 :237-242.

O'Conor, K. and Naessens, P. (2016) 'Temple House: From Templar Castle to New English Mansion' In: Soldiers of Christ: The Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller in Medieval Ireland. Dublin: Fourcourts Press.

Waddell, J., Schot, R. & Fenwick, J. (2016) 'Geophysical Survey at Rathcroghan 2010–2012'. Emania, 23 :51-59.


Bergh, S. (2015) 'Where Worlds Meet. Two Irish prehistoric mountain-top ‘villages’'. Il Capitale Culturale: studies on the value of cultural heritage, 12:21-44.

Fenwick, J.P. (2015) 'A reassembly of the monumental fragments in Dowth townland and their significance as an integral part of the prehistoric numinous precinct of Brú na Bóinne, Co. Meath'. The Journal Of Irish Archaeology, XXIV:19-49.

Gibbons, L. and O’Conor, K. (2015) ‘Introduction’. In L. Gibbons and K. O’Conor (eds) Charles O’Conor of Ballinagare , 1710-91: Life and Works. Dublin, 19-27. 

Jones, C., McVeigh, T. & O’Maolduin, R. (2015) 'Monuments, Landscape and Identity in Chalcolithic Ireland' In: Landscape and Identity – Archaeology and Human Geography. Oxford: British Archaeology Reports. Oxford: Archaeopress.

Newman, C,. Meade, R. & Dukelow, F. (2015) 'In the way of development: Tara, the M3 and the Celtic Tiger'. Ethical And Legal Debates In Irish Healthcare: Confronting Complexities, :32-50

Newman, C. (2015) 'In the way of development: Tara, the M3 and the Celtic Tiger'. Defining Events: Power, Resistance And Identity In Twenty-First-Century Ireland, :32-50.

O'Conor, K. &McDermott, J.J. (2015) 'Rosclogher Castle: a Gaelic lordship centre' Breifne, 13 :470-497.

O'Conor, K., Naessens, P. & Sherlock, R. (2015) 'Rindoon Castle, Co. Roscommon: an Anglo-Norman fortress on the western shores of Lough Ree' In: Lough Ree - Historic Lakeland Settlement. Dublin.

O'Conor, K. & Williams, J. (2015) 'Ballinagare Castle' In: Charles O'Conor of Ballinagare, 1710-91: Life and Works. Dublin.

                     Click here to view our current areas of Archaeological Research


A selection of recent publications by Postgraduate Students of Archaeology


Tamuli, A. 1994 Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Ecocentrism and Climate Resilience: A Reflection on the Significance of Worldviews in Climate Change. Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 59 (3), 222-239.

                Link to abstract: https://www.indiananthropologicalsociety.org/current-volumes/.


Crowder, K. (2021), ‘A Case for Battlefield Archaeology’, Archaeology Ireland 35:2, pp 48-52.  

Curley, D. P. 2021 ‘Le triúcha chéd in Chalaidh a máeraidecht idir mincís ˥ mórthobach – Multidisciplinary approaches to recovering an Ó Cellaig cenn áit in later medieval Uí Maine’, Eolas: The Journal of the American Society of Irish Medieval Studies, Vol. 13. 2-42.

Hall, F.J. (forthcoming, 2021) McAlister, 'The Irish tower house: society, economy and environment c.1300-1650', Irish Historical Studies, Vol. XLV, No. 167. 


Hall, F.J. (2020) 'Separating the Stronghouse: Redefining a Forgotten Phase of Irish Castle Construction' in Ettel, P., Flambard Hériicher, A. & O'Conor, K. (eds.) Château Gaillard 29: Vivre au Château. Publications du CRAHAM, Presses Universitaires de Caen, pp. 161-164.

Curley, D. (2020) ‘Rathcroghan Visitor Centre – community custodians of Cruachan Aí’, In Baker, C. (ed.) Partnership & Participation, Wordwell Books, Dublin, 180-190. ISBN: 978-1-9162912-1-8.


Curley, D. (2019) ‘Uilliam Buide Ó Cellaig and the late medieval renaissance of the Uí Maine lordship’ History Ireland, Vol. 27, No. 6, 16-19. doi:10.2307/26853154.

Curley, D. (ed.) (2019) Geology and Quaternary Environments of the Rathcroghan Archaeological Landscape and Wider Machaire Connacht Region, Co. Roscommon. INQUA 2019 Field Guide M:Arch-5 (Irish Quaternary Association, Dublin: 2019). ISBN: 978-0-947920-67-8.


Curley, D. & McCarthy, M. (2018) ‘Rathcroghan: The Guidebook’. Ballinasloe. ISBN: 978-1-9997428-4-3.

Curley, D. (2018) ‘Observations from remote sensing of the earthwork at Dundonnell Castle, Co. Roscommon’, in Farrell, R., O’Conor, K., and Potter, M. (eds) Roscommon History and Society, Geography Publications, Dublin.), 133-156. ISBN: 978-0906602881.

McCarthy, M. & Curley, D. (2018) 'Exploring the Nature of the Fráoch Saga – An Examination of Associations with the Legendary Warrior on Mag nAí, Emania 24, 53 - 62.

Curley, D., Flynn, J. & Barton, K. (2018) ‘Bouncing beams reveal hidden archaeology’. Archaeology Ireland, 32(2), 24-29.