Handbooks & Course Outlines 2024-25

An outline for Final Year English is available at Final Year (3BA/4BA) Handbook 2024-25

You should consult this document, paying attention to timetables in both of your subjects, before selecting the modules for which you wish to register.

***Please note that seminar EN3181 Special Theme in semester 2 has moved to Tuesdays 10am to 12noon in the Bridge Room, HRB 1001***

Registration for the 2024-25 Academic Year opens in August – see here for information: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/registration/quick-links/registration-dates/Links to an external site.

Please continue to monitor your university email over the coming weeks for updates and information.


3rd Year

Welcome to 3rd Year/Final Year English!  

Dear Students,
Welcome to Final-Year English and Congratulations on passing Second Arts!  We hope you are well and ready to begin your final year of study. 

Final Year English

Can I read ahead for English over the Summer?

3BA/4BA Handbook & Course Outline

Module Information & Registration

3BA/4BA English Course Structure

Who is Head of Final-Year English?

Who are the final-year Class Reps 2024-25?