Teachers Invited to Regional Focus Group at NUI Galway on the Draft Specification for L.C. Applied Mathematics

Jan 09 2018 Posted: 17:06 GMT

Applied Maths Focus Group LC

The School of Education at NUI Galway hosted a regional Focus Group on the revised Applied Mathematics specification to give teachers and stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback on the revised specification for the Leaving Certificate subject.  The curriculum was recently redesigned by the NCCA (National Council for Curriculum and Assessment) and Ms Rachel Linney, NCCA Education Officer will lead the discussion on the draft specification.

Dr Cornelia Connolly, School of Education at NUI Galway said: “It is an exciting time for new subject and curriculum development at Senior Cycle.  This Applied Mathematics focus group provides an opportunity to gather input from stakeholders, in the specification development process.”

The specification is now available on the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment website for consultation on: www.ncca.ie

Please contact Cornelia Connolly at cornelia.connolly@nuigalway.ie if you require further information on this key regional consultation on the Leaving Certificate Applied Mathematics.

The Focus Group was held on 29th January 2018 in the Education Building, Block D (south campus) at NUI Galway.


Jim Lenaghan

School of Education

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