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News Scrum Methodology for Innovative Educational Design
Scrum Methodology for Innovative Educational Design
Monday, 6 February 2017
Dr Leigh Graves Wolf
The School of Education, NUI Galway, today hosted its February research seminar by Dr Leigh Graves Wolf on "Scrum" Methodology for Innovative Educational Design. The abstract and links for Dr Graves Wolf's talk are below. As well as presenting on the NUI Galway campus, colleagues from St Angela's College Sligo, joined the seminar which was hosted online through 'Zoom' video conferencing software. Head of School, Prof. Gerry Mac Ruairc, introduced Dr Graves Wolf virtually from St Angela's College.
One year ago, Michigan State University (MSU) started a new campus initiative: The Hub for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (“The Hub”). The Hub’s mission is to “facilitate the passion and inventiveness of students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders both inside and outside of MSU to create, identify, and accelerate new ways to collaborate, learn, research, and deliver instruction.” While the core staff of The Hub is quite small, many on campus are working with and through the Hub. To facilitate this campus change, the Hub leadership team has anchored much of its “getting started” work and processes to sound design theories and processes. One technique which has proven successful in sharing our work openly and strategically is "scrum" - a framework for project development. In this session, I will share the scrum process along with other lessons learned from our first year as a campus entity.
Leigh Graves Wolf (@gravesle) is teacher-scholar and her work centers around online education, emerging technologies and relationships mediated by and with technology. She has worked across the educational spectrum from K12 to Higher to further and lifelong. She has been a disc jockey, network administrator, teacher, instructional technologist and now professor. She believes passionately in collaboration and community and is currently the Assistant Director of the MSU Hub for Innovation in Learning & Technology (hub.msu.edu), an academic specialist in the Dean’s office in the MSU College of Education, and a fixed-term Associate Professor of Educational Technology at Michigan State University. http://www.leighgraveswolf.com
Keywords: Education.
Author: Jim Lenaghan, NUI Galway
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