Online Survey To Explore Parents’/Guardians’ And Children's Experiences Of ‘Schooling At Home’ During COVID-19

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Schooling At Home During COVID-19

Schooling At Home During COVID-19

A team of researchers in the School of Education at NUI Galway, in collaboration with the National Parents’ Council, are conducting an online survey exploring parents’ and children’s experiences and views of ‘schooling at home’ as a result of the closure of school buildings due to COVID-19.  It is believed that now, when the academic school year has recently ended (for post-primary students) or is coming to an end (for primary students), is a very good time to reflect on ‘schooling at home’, and to think about schooling into the future.  A particular focus of the research is whether the experience of ‘schooling at home’ has been different for different groups within society, particularly individuals from disadvantaged and/or minority communities. 

All individuals in the Republic of Ireland who have a primary or post-primary school-aged child who has been ‘schooled at home’ as a result of COVID-19 are being invited to participate in the study.  School-aged children are also being invited to participate in the survey as we feel it is extremely important to capture the experiences and opinions of young people.

Further information on the study, including details about what participation in the anonymous survey involves, what the potential benefits and risks of participation are, and how the data will be used, can be accessed at the following links:

Information sheet for primary school-aged children and parents

Information sheet for post-primary school-aged children and parents

The survey, which will be live from 23rd June until 10th July, can be found at:

English language version:

Leagan Gaeilge ar fáil anseo:

Keywords: Education.

Author: School of Eduction, NUI Galway
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