Thursday, 25 May 2023

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University of Galway

2nd International Teacher Diversity Symposium - Call For Abstracts

Diversifying initial teacher education, and the teaching profession, in Ireland and internationally, has been of research and policy significance for some time, and since 2017 has been operationalised in practice (in Ireland) through projects funded by the Higher Education Authority under the Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH): Strand 1 (Equity of Access to Initial Teacher Education).

On Friday, 20th October 2023, the School of Education at the University of Galway will host the second international research symposium on Teacher Diversity. Similar to our 2019 event, the main aim is to provide a forum for the sharing of research findings from the projects funded under PATH1, and other relevant projects in national and international contexts. Dr. Helen Maher, Vice President for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the University of Galway will open proceedings, and this will be followed by a keynote address (TBC). The symposium main proceedings will consist of parallel sessions and a panel discussion.

If you are interested in having your work considered for presentation at the symposium, please send the completed template to Kaitlin Kaufman at k.kaufman1@nuigalway.ie by July 28th 2023.

We are very much looking forward to receiving your submissions and to seeing you in Galway in October!

Dr Elaine Keane & Dr Manuela Heinz, School of Education, University of Galway

Abstract Submission Template

Keywords: Education.

Author: School of Education, NUI Galway
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