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Research Roundup
Blood Cancer Network
A new national clinical research network was launched at the Lambe Institute for Translational Research which will bring fresh hope for blood cancer patients in Ireland.
Risky fishy favourites
North Sea fish could be less common on menus. They will be assigned as preferred habitat as seas warm, according to a study by a team including Professor Mark Johnson.
Robots for old age
A new European research project aimed at managing active and healthy ageing through the use of caring service robots began at NUI Galway in February 2015.
Stem cell trials
Following on from the official opening of the Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland (CCMI) in 2014, a number of human clinical trials have progressed.
Genetics of fruit flies
In June 2015, NUI Galway’s Dr Elaine Dunleavy was announced as the recipient of the Science Foundation Ireland President of Ireland Young Researcher Award (PIYRA).
Social media and journalism
When the first person to write about breaking news is an individual with a smart phone, instead of a seasoned reporter, what role does social media play in journalism?
Embo Medical raises €3m
Embo Medical, an early stage medical device company focused on developing technology to shut down blood flow in blood vessels, has secured €3 million in seedfunding.
Children and Alcohol Marketing
Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, says the introduction of legislation regulating alcohol marketing is a child protection issue.