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Campus Engage Webinar - Still Connecting
Please join us on April 23rd from 11-12 for our Spring 2021 Campus Engage Webinar - STILL CONNECTING: Doing Engaged Research & Innovation Online
COVID-19 has set many challenges for Irish researchers; particularly those who work with the public, policy makers or patients to better understand and address Ireland's complex societal challenges - climate change, gender equality, housing, health and wellbeing etc.
This webinar will showcase how engaged research teams have adapted their practice during the pandemic in order to deliver projects.
We will also launch a new Campus Engage How to Guide: Doing Engaged Research Workshops Online, provide opportunity to consider how our research community is faring with online platforms - the successes and the challenges. This Guide is informed by experienced facilitator Michael Foley, and Campus Engage Engaged Research Working Group members, colleagues from civic society organisations and higher education.
This webinar is for anyone doing, or wanting to do, engaged research: researchers in HEIs, government agencies, non-governmental agencies; policy makers; public service providers and practitioners; patients, members of the public.
Guest speakers and *societal challenges featured include:
- Dr. Mary-Clare O’Sullivan, Secretary, Citizen’s Assembly: *Gender Equality
- Evan Boyle, Engaged Researcher, MaREI, SFI Centre: *Climate and Emission Reductions
- Kevin McQuaid, Dementia Research Advisory Team Member, Alzheimer Society of Ireland,: *Health & Wellbeing
- Dr Laura O’Philbin, Engaged Researcher, Alzheimer Society of Ireland: *Health & Wellbeing
- Prof Maura Adshead, Head of UL Engagement, University of Limerick: *Reforming Local Government
MC: Professor Jim Livesey currently Chairs the IUA VP/Deans of Research Group; Vice President for Research and Innovation, NUI Galway.
Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xaMpg6MCQemilXO8PnRGDg
Places are limited to facilitate interaction.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.