Public Seminar: The Right to Home - what is it?

Sep 16 2024 Posted: 21:13 IST

University of Galway's Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy is holding a public seminar 'The Right to Home - what is it?', by guest speaker Professor Lorna Fox O'Mahony from Essex Law School who is a world renowned expert on the meaning of home and its place within the right to housing. The seminar will be chaired by Professor Padraic Kenna who is the Director of University of Galway's Centre for Housing Law Rights and Policy. 

Location: Seminar Room, Irish Centre for Human Rights Building at University of Galway

Date & Time: Tuesday 24th September 7pm to 8.30pm 

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Speaker: Professor Lorna Fox-O’ Mahony is a world leader in developing the concept of the meaning of home and its place within the right to housing. Home = a building + X factor. The X factor represents the social, psychological and cultural values which a physical structure acquires through use as a home. This requires that housing is treated differently in law from all other property types – a situation which the law and lawyers struggle to achieve. Professor Fox-O’Mahony, who is based at University of Essex, has published widely on housing and property law, and contributed to the Housing Commission Report on the wording for a Referendum on the right to housing in Ireland.

Chairperson: Professor Padraic Kenna lectures in land law, housing law and policy and housing rights, at University of Galway, having published some six books and over 50 journal articles on these topics. As Director of the Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy, he leads housing law, rights and policy research at national and European level.
