CELT Conference 2008

Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking: The Galway Symposium on the Future of Universities

Arts Millennium Building, NUI Galway
5-6 June 2008

This symposium will bring together key commentators on higher education in order to pose a fundamental question: what is the purpose of the university in the 21st Century? The symposium will include keynote speakers and a series of workshops led by facilitators who are experts in the field.

Participants will also be able to engage in discussions in the workshops on specific themes, including civic engagement, globalisation, and the links between research and teaching.

Speakers and Workshop Facilitators:

Mr Michael Kelly, Chairman, Higher Education Authority Ireland

Dr James J Browne, President, NUI Galway

Professor Mary Evans, London School of Economics
Emeritus Professor of Women’s Studies and author of Killing Thinking: The Death of the Universities (2004) Continuum.

Professor Michael Shattock, Institute of Education, London
Former Registrar of the University of Warwick, and author of Managing Successful Universities (2003) and Managing Good Governance in Higher Education (2006).

Dr. Don Olcott, Jr., Ed.D., FRSA
Chief Executive
The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE)
Chairman of the Board
United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)

Dr Rajani Naidoo, University of Bath NUIG
Director of Studies of the DBA in Higher Education Management, and an expert on higher education in developing countries.

Professor Alan Jenkins, Oxford Brookes University
Emeritus Professor at Oxford Brookes, consultant for the Higher Education Academy (UK) and also to QAA Scotland on the links between teaching and research, and Fellow of the Reinvention Centre for Undergraduate Research at Oxford Brookes and the University of Warwick.

Professor Alison Phipps, University of Glasgow
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and editor of Arts and Humanities in Higher Education.

Professor Kathleen Lynch, University College Dublin
Chair of Equality Studies, founder of the UCD Equality Studies Centre in the School of Social Justice, and lead scientist for a Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge Award on Creating an Egalitarian and Socially Inclusive Europe.

Professor Ronaldo Munck, Dublin City University.
Theme Leader for Internationalisation, Interculturalism & Social Development (President’s Office) and Director of the Civic Engagement Strategy, DCU.

Symposium Website:



The official Symposium Website is available online.

Full information shall be available on this site on:

  • the symposium themes,
  • registration
  • the keynote speakers
  • travel details
  • any other relevant information

See: http://www.conference.ie/

Conference Blog:

Critical ThinkingThis is the blog site for the NUI Galway symposium in June 2008.

Here we'll post information and news relevant to participants as well as up-to-date reports on the event itself and post-conference discussion.

See: http://ollscoil.blogspot.com/



Symposium Poster Session

As this is a symposium, we will not be opening up a call for paper presentations. However, we will have a poster session at the conference and the posters will be on display throughout the event. If you have conducted research related to one of the conference themes, you are invited to submit a poster abstract for consideration for this conference. The themes are:

  • Globalisation of higher education
  • Relationships between teaching and researchNUIG
  • Civic engagement
  • Distance learning
  • The doctorate
  • The role of creativity in higher education


Conference Programme

For information on poster submissions, please go to the Conference Website on www.conference.ie
