About Us

CELT is comprised of friendly and supportive people who come from a wide range of professional and academic backgrounds.  We do our best to work collegially, share ideas, and make connections. If you are not quite sure whether or not we're the right people to contact with regards any issue, don't hesitate, just drop us an email or ask, and we'll put you on the right track.

View our full staff list here. 

General Enquiries

For general queries regarding CELT's work, please contact:  celt@universityofgalway.ie

Specific Enquiries




Recording Studio: studio@universityofgalway.ie
Academic Integrity/Plagiarism: academicintegrity@universityofgalway.ie
Language Lab: teanglann@universityofgalway.ie     
SC200B Video Conference Suite bookings:


Vice Deans for Teaching and Learning

Each College of the University has nominated a Vice Dean for Teaching and Learning (or equivalent role), who has responsibility for overseeing and advising on aspects related to undergraduate teaching. 

College of Business, Public Policy & Law

Dr. Michael Lang

College of Science & Engineering

Dr. Gary Gillanders

College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies

Dr. Caroline Heary

College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences

Dr. Leo Quinlan