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Leaving Cert
Admission to first year full-time Undergraduate Degree Courses is competitive and based on the Leaving Certificate points system or a system of equivalent standing.
Applications for almost all full-time undergraduate degree courses are processed by the CAO. Application for admission to Undergraduate courses must be made in accordance with the regulations and procedures and timetable described in the CAO Handbook. The Handbook is confined to giving information on how to apply for admission. Applicants should not attempt to complete this application form without first referring to the information literature on courses. Please see our Quick Guide to Courses 2024 in the 'Download' section below for more details.
Closing date for EU applicants is the 1st of February of the year of entry to a course. Late closing date at this University (for EU applicants) is the 1st May - see CAO Handbook for restrictions.
Requests for application forms for admission in September to Undergraduate Degree Courses should be addressed to the CAO. Applications are considered for admission to the first year of full-time Degree courses only.
Central Applications Office
Closing date
1 Feb
Late applicants
1 May
Change of mind
1 July
Applications for full-time Undergraduate Degree courses are made via: The Central Applications Office, Tower House,
Eglinton Street, Galway, Ireland. Applicants can apply online at http://www.cao.ie/
Telephone: 353-(091)-509800
Fax: 353-(091)-562344
Web: http://www.cao.ie/
The CAO Handbook gives details of application dates and procedure. Please refer to CAO Handbook for restrictive closing dates.
Closing dates for applications to the Central Applications Office:
Irish and EU Applicants |
01 February* |
Late Applications |
01 May** |
Change of Mind |
01 July |
*NB: The medical programme has the restricted entry final closing date of 1 February
* *Applies to Irish and EU applicants only.
Is there a minimum age requirement?
What are the basic entry criteria for Admission to Undergraduate Courses?
What does matriculation mean?
What are the minimum entry requirements?
Do some courses have additional entry requirements?
What does the points system mean?
What subjects do you need?
Can students combine the results of the Leaving Certificate Exam taken in different years for admission?
Can students repeating Leaving Certificate submit point scores from different Leaving Certificate Years for the purpose of points calculation?
Can subjects presented from LCVP (Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme) be used to satisfy the minimum requirements?
Is General Home Economics acceptable as a subject?
Are there any invalid Subject Combinations?
Is Foundation Level Mathematics or Foundation Level Irish acceptable?
Is the Irish Language required for entry to University of Galway Degree Programmes?
Do I need a third/modern language for University of Galway courses?
Selection Scheme
Admission to first year full-time Undergraduate Degree Courses is competitive and is based on the Leaving Certificate points system or a system of equivalent standing. For the purposes of allocating places, applicants who satisfy the minimum matriculation and faculty requirements are ranked in order of merit of performance at school - leaving examinations. Each applicant’s score is calculated on the basis of the allocation of points for grades achieved in the best six subjects taken at one sitting of the Leaving Certificate examination. Details on the new common points scale can be found here.
Maths Bonus Points
In 2012, the Higher Education Institutions introduced a bonus scheme for higher level Leaving Certificate Mathematics. More information on this scheme, including examples of how the system works, is available in the CAO guide which can be found here.
Points awarded:
A bonus of 25 points will be allocated to students who achieve a grade H6 and above in higher level (HL) mathematics. This means that the maximum cumulative LC points total will increase from 600 to 625 (existing maximum points plus bonus points).
All students presenting H6 or above in HL mathematics will have 25 points added to their score for mathematics.
The six highest subject points scores will then be counted to achieve a cumulative points score, as is normal practice.
The bonus points will only be relevant in cases where the subject HL mathematics (including bonus points) is scored as one of the candidate’s six best subjects for points purposes. Consequently, if HL mathematics (cumulative points score) is not among these six subjects, the bonus points will not be included in the total points score.
The maximum possible adjusted points score for applicants to Medicine will increase from 560 to 565. The baseline score of 480 points will still apply but can include the bonus points if HL mathematics (cumulative points) is among the best six subjects. For details of how Leaving Certificate points above 550 are moderated click here.
EU other than Irish examinations:
All EU students presenting for admission to an Irish university with a clear equivalent to HL Mathematics as one of their EU school leaving subjects will be awarded bonus points. A scoring system for GCE, International Baccalauréat and European Baccalauréat examinations will be prepared as a matter of urgency.