When do I register?

It is imperative that you register for year 3 as soon as you are notified by registration. This is to be no later than the end of week 1 of Semester 1. As you will be on placement for insurance cover and other University services, this needs to be completed as soon as possible.

How will I be contacted during Placement?

Canvas announcements and e-mail will be our principal means of official communication with you while you are away, and your @universityofgalway.ie address is the one that will be used. Please ensure that you have the Canvas app downloaded on your phone and that you check your college e-mail account regularly and that you monitor your spam/junk e-mail folder too, as important messages can end up there.

Where do I find the details about what is needed for submissions?

Within your handbook that was issued to you in September was emailed to all students by the placement officers.  Attending the information session. Details are also posted / uploaded to Canvas.  The questions about visits, format expectations are addressed here.

Where is my diary/logbook included?

The diary is included as an Appendix and submitted with your PWP report.  It will also be viewed by your Academic Supervisor during your placement visit.

What format should the diary enteries be? 

The required format of the diary is a description of the activities, conducted by the student per week, including work issues that have arisen and how these have been addressed (i.e. problem description and solution).  Students should also reflect on any key learning experiences gained each week.  Students should avoid broad statements such as ‘same as last week’ and provide sufficient detail on the activities and/or learning experiences that occurred. The diary is submitted as an Annex to the final PWP Report. Diary entries should be no more than half an A4-page per week, i.e. two weeks' entries per page.  The diary will assist in the write-up of the PWP report.

When are the the forms to be completed?

The submissions of forms are completed prior to the academic supervisor visit.  These are in the handbook and on Canvas.

When does my online or in person placement visit take place?

The academic supervisor visits will be arranged during the weeks 5 or 7 of Semester 2, these dates are the weeks beginning 10th of February and the 24th February 2025 for this academic year 2024/25.  

What are the documents that have to be prepared prior to the Academic Supervisor visit?

You are to email and upload the following document to Canvas (in the Assignments section).

  • PWP Form to be completed by the Employer (available in the Modules section)
  • PWP Form to be completed by student (available in the Modules section)
  • The up-to-date Diary entries

How long will the Academic Supervisor visit last?

30 mins - 1 hour for a visit. Each employer is different and it’s difficult to stipulate how long that the visit should be so this will depend on what is discussed by the employer, supervisor and the student.

What delivery is used for the academic supervisor presentation?

A PowerPoint Presentation is usually used for the academic visit in Week 5/6.

What is to be included in the Presentation delivery for the Academic Supervisor Visit?

Presentation: it is an oral presentation and it is open to you whatever format/ platform you feel comfortable with, it addresses the area of your placement.  This includes work/projects completed during placement, and the degree to which the Professional Work Placement experience relates to the achievement of Learning Outcomes (LOs) and modules. Include examples. Refer to the Programme Outcomes.

Are there any other presentations to be completed?

Prior to your placement completion a delivery of your experience either verbal PowerPoint or other is required.

When do I upload my Professional Work Placement Final Report?

This must must be uploaded to Canvas by Week 12 of Semester 2. 

How long should my PWP report be? 

The word count of 10,000 words or 20 pages is the maximum. Diary entries are not included in this word count, they are included in the appendices.

Refer to 5.6 Guidelines in the handbook, the Marking scheme Appendix 2 and finally Appendix 1 for further details.

If I am completing a Legal Irish and placement or other spilt, do I complete a Professional Work Placement Final Report?

Yes, this is to be completed although a shorter diary version. 

When do I receive my results?

You will receive your PASS/FAIL transcripts after the Autumn exam boards. This is the same for the Erasmus students.

Are there any useful references I should review?

  1. University of Galway Career Development Centre SharePoint site, https://nuigalwayie.sharepoint.com/sites/Careers/
  2. CareerSet, https://careerset.com/nuigalway
  3. Big Interview, https://nuigalway.biginterview.com
  4. Careers Connect login, https://nuig.gradireland.com/unauth
  5. Application (PA) System, https://sis.nuigalway.ie/app/f?p=131:1
  6. University of GalwayStudent Portal, https://sis.nuigalway.ie/app/f?p=21202:101
  7. International Placement Policy https://www.nuigalway.ie/international-students/outboundnuigalwaystudents/outbound-study-abroad/undergraduatetoolkit/.

What are the contact details for my Placement Officers?

Maria Gilligan
Placement and Study Abroad Officer
School of Law  |  Career Development Centre
University of Galway


Fiona Keane
Placement and Study Abroad Officer
School of Law  |  Career Development Centre
University of Galway


Máire-Áine Uí Ailín
Legal Gaeilge Placement Officer / Oifigeach Socrúcháin
Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge
An tIonad Forbartha Gairmeacha
Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh
School of Law  |  Career Development Centre


Who is the Programme Director and Academic Placement Coordinator for the School of Law?

Deirdre Callanan
Programme Director for Corporate Law and Law & Business
PWP Academic Co-ordinator
Room 415, Tower 2, School of Law
College of Business, Public Policy & Law
University of Galway
Galway, H91TK33.

Tel.: + 353 91 52411 Ext. 3843
Direct: + 353 91 493843
Law School Direct: +353 91 750348

Email: deirdre.callanan@universityofgalway.ie

How is my degree calculated?

Below is information on how your degree is calculated in final year.


Honours degree is awarded following the successful passing of the Fourth Year Examinations.

Honours in the second year of the undergraduate programme will be calculated according to the following table:

  • H1             70% on the aggregate
  • H2.1          60% on the aggregate
  • H2.2          50% on the aggregate

Honours in final year of the undergraduate programme will be calculated on the basis of 30% of the aggregate mark obtained in second year of the programme and 70% of the aggregate mark obtained in final year of the programme according to the following table:

  • H1             70% on the aggregate
  • H2.1          60% on the aggregate
  • H2.2          50% on the aggregate
  • H3             40% on the aggregate