Prof Padraic Kenna

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Personal Professor


Professor Padraic Kenna lectures in land/property law and housing la wand policy. He acts as Director of the Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy at the School of Law, University of Galway, Ireland. Padraic publishes on housing law and housing rights, property and land law, consumer law, regulation and governance, with a commitment to promoting housing rights within the contemporary housing and regulatory systems. Prof Kenna developed the first course in Ireland on housing law and policy, at University of Galway, and collaborates on national and international housing training and education projects. He has published widely in housing, human rights and property law journals and books, providing a critical analysis of contemporary law and policy. Professor Kenna has extensive experience of working in housing and related areas, where he held developmental, training and management roles, in both the statutory and non-governmental sectors.   

Prof Kenna is a Member of the Advisory Council of the UNESCO Housing Chair at University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain; Academic Network on the European Social Charter (ANESC); European Law Institute; and Coordinator of the Housing Law Working Group of the European Network of Housing Researchers. He is a Member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of the Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental LawQueen Mary Human Rights Law Review; Elgar Land and Housing Law and Policy series, and Southern European Housing Law. Dr Kenna established, with others, the FEANTSA Expert Group on Housing Rights and Housing Rights Watch,, which engage in advocacy to promote the right to housing.  Prof Kenna acted as Project Director/Principal Investigator on an EU Commission Pilot Project (2016) promoting the right to housing - Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions, which set out recommendations on best practice to monitor, alleviate and prevent evictions, within the framework of national and EU law and policy. He has worked with the Open Society Justice Initiative and Open Society Foundations on projects advancing EU consumer and human rights in the context of EU economic governance and financial supervision with a focus on housing rights. 

Prof Kenna joined the Law School at NUI Galway in 2002, having graduated from University of Warwick, and with a PhD from National University of Ireland.    

Selected Publications  
1. European Housing Studies (2024) (ed) Erasmus Funded Course Book - 48 Chapters.
2. Jordan M. & Kenna P. (2024) Homelessness in Ireland: Law, Policy and Practices in Bevan, C, The Routledge Handbook of Global Perspectives on Homelessness, Law and Policy, (Oxford, Routledge).
3. Kenna, P. (2020) Briefing Paper: Integrating EU Charter Housing Rights into EU Economic Governance and Supervision. Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy, NUI Galway.
4. Kenna, P. (2020) A Lost Decade - Study on Mortgage Possession Court Lists in Ireland. NUI, Galway.
Kenna, P., Simon-Moreno, H. (2019) 'Towards a common standard of protection of the right to housing in Europe through the charter of fundamental rights'. European Law Journal, 25 (6): 608-622.
6. Murphy, S. & Kenna, P. (2019) eConveyancing and Title Registration in Ireland (Dublin: Clarus Press)   

Research Interests

  1. Research interests include housing law, rights and policy, human rights generally, land and property law and EU law.
  2. The development of socio-economic rights and their implementation in the areas of housing, land, property law and policy, across the national and regional systems and approaches, is a key research interest. The impact of rights on regulatory and governance systems and processes forms a core research focus.
  3. The impact of globalisation on housing and land law and policy, the development of international housing rights and international developments in housing law and policy, particularly at European level.  
Current Research Projects

1. Promoting the housing rights contained within the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU Economic Governance and Financial Supervision Framework, particularly in the context of COVID-19 and its economic effects - see
2. Preparing Draft Model legislation to implement and protect housing rights following COVID-19, in association with national and international NGOs and advocates, and Open Society Justice Initiative.
3. Researching alternative tenures (alternative to standard ownership and rental models) in Europe.
4. Researching, collating and disseminating cases and materials relating to abusive lending in Europe, and promoting EU consumer and human rights - particularly in relation to the EU Directive on unfair contract terms, in mortgages.
5. Researching and promoting the housing rights contained within the European Social Charter of the Council of Europe.
6. Researching the application of EU law and EU Charter housing rights to Services of General Economic Interest and social and affordable housing models - in association with the Irish Council for Social Housing.
7. Monitoring and publishing reports on European developments in the housing rights of homeless people in association with FEANTSA and Housing Rights Watch.
8. Researching the law and policy models for student housing in Europe. 

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
A Comparative Analysis of The Reform and Modernisation of Land and Property Conveyancing Law 01-OCT-15 30-SEP-20

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2023) 'Clare CC v. Bernard and Helen McDonagh and IHREC'
Kenna Padraic (2023) 'Clare CC v. Bernard and Helen McDonagh and IHREC'. Irish Supreme Court Review, 5 (1):10-20 [Details]
(2022) 'Situating Social Justice - Post the TD Case'
Kenna Padraic (2022) 'Situating Social Justice - Post the TD Case'. Irish Judicial Studies Journal, 6 (2):1-9 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) '100 Years of Irish Housing'
Kenna, P. (2021) '100 Years of Irish Housing'. JCJF Working Notes, 35 (89):4-19 [Details]
(2019) 'Towards a common standard of protection of the right to housing in Europe through the charter of fundamental rights'
Kenna, P. & Simón-Moreno, H. (2019) 'Towards a common standard of protection of the right to housing in Europe through the charter of fundamental rights'. European Law Journal, 25 (6):608-622 [Details]
(2019) 'EU law and Mortgage Possession cases - What is it all about?'
Kenna, P. & Sadlier, J. (2019) 'EU law and Mortgage Possession cases - What is it all about?'. Irish Judicial Studies Journal, 3 (1):124-132 [Details]
(2019) 'Mortgage Law Developments in the European Union'
Kenna, P. (2019) 'Mortgage Law Developments in the European Union'. Journal of Law, Property and Society, 4 (1):46-79 [Details]
(2019) 'Towards a new EU regulatory law on residential mortgage lending'
Simon-Moreno, H, and Kenna, P. (2019) 'Towards a new EU regulatory law on residential mortgage lending'. Journal Of Property Planning And Environmental Law, 11 (1):51-66 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) ''Do ECB Opinions on Draft National Legislation Comply with EU Law?''
Kenna, P. (2018) ''Do ECB Opinions on Draft National Legislation Comply with EU Law?''. Conveyancing And Property Law Journal, 2018 (4):86-93 [Details]
(2017) ''Making economic, social and cultural rights meaningful''
Kenna, P. (2017) ''Making economic, social and cultural rights meaningful''. Irish Law Times, 35 (14):191-196 [Details]
(2015) 'Development of Irish Housing 1900-1970s'
Kenna, P. & Sheerins, A. (2015) 'Development of Irish Housing 1900-1970s'. Saothar: Journal Of The Irish Labour History Society, 40 (1):7-17 [Details]
(2014) 'Liability for Council Tax - Statutory Periodic Period - Case Commentary'
Sidoli del Ceno, J. & Kenna, P. (2014) 'Liability for Council Tax - Statutory Periodic Period - Case Commentary'. Landlord & Tenant Review, 18 (3):105-107 [Details]
(2014) 'Selective Licensing - Residents, Landlords and Community Engagement: the Perspectives of Scheme Managers'
Sidoli del Ceno, J., Kenna, P. & Spencer, G. (2014) 'Selective Licensing - Residents, Landlords and Community Engagement: the Perspectives of Scheme Managers'. Journal of Housing law, 17 (4):72-83 [Details]
(2014) 'Comparing Mortgage Law in England and Ireland'
Kenna, P. & Lynch-Shally, K. (2014) 'Comparing Mortgage Law in England and Ireland'. The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 78 (3):294-316 [Details]
(2014) 'Housing Rights after the Treaty of Lisbon - Are they Minimum Core Obligations?'
Kenna, P. (2014) 'Housing Rights after the Treaty of Lisbon - Are they Minimum Core Obligations?'. The Cyprus Human Rights Law Review, 3 (1):13-35 [Details]
(2014) ''Using the Human Rights Based Approach to Tackle Housing Deprivation in an Irish Urban Housing Estate''
Kenna, P. & Hearne, R. (2014) ''Using the Human Rights Based Approach to Tackle Housing Deprivation in an Irish Urban Housing Estate''. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 6 (1):1-25 [Details]
(2013) 'Growing coordination in housing rights jurisprudence in Europe?'
Kenna, P. & Gailiute, D. (2013) 'Growing coordination in housing rights jurisprudence in Europe?'. European Human Rights Law Review, 18 (6):606-614 [Details]
(2013) 'What is Housing Need?'
Kenna, P. (2013) 'What is Housing Need?'. The Irish Community Development Law Journal, 2 (2):6-21 [Details]
(2012) 'Adequate Housing in International and European Human Rights Law: A Panoramic View'
Kenna, P. (2012) 'Adequate Housing in International and European Human Rights Law: A Panoramic View'. International Journal of Land Law and Agricultural Law, (7):4-17 [Details]
(2010) 'Can housing rights be applied to modern housing systems?'
Kenna, P. (2010) 'Can housing rights be applied to modern housing systems?'. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 2 (2):103-117 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) 'The Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009'
Kenna, P. (2010) 'The Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009'. Conveyancing And Property Law Journal, 15 (2) [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) 'International Instruments on Housing Rights'
Kenna, P. (2010) 'International Instruments on Housing Rights'. Journal Of Legal Affairs Dispute Resolution Engineering Construction, 2 (1):11-21 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) 'Local Authorities, the European Convention on Human Rights Act and Judicial Review Litigation'
Kenna, P. (2009) 'Local Authorities, the European Convention on Human Rights Act and Judicial Review Litigation'. Irish Human Rights Law Review, Inaugural Edition, [Details]
(2008) 'FEANTSA v. France. Analysis of the Collective Complaint on Housing Rights at Council of Europe'
Kenna, P. (2008) 'FEANTSA v. France. Analysis of the Collective Complaint on Housing Rights at Council of Europe'. Centre On Housing Rights And Evictions, Geneva. Housing And Esc Rights Quarterly, 5 (3) [Details]
(2008) 'Housing Rights: Positive Duties and Enforceable Rights at the European Court of Human Rights'
Kenna, P. (2008) 'Housing Rights: Positive Duties and Enforceable Rights at the European Court of Human Rights'. European Human Rights Law Review, 13 (2):193-208 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2008) 'Globalization and Housing Rights'
Kenna, P. (2008) 'Globalization and Housing Rights'. Indiana Journal Of Global Legal Studies, 15 (2):397-469 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2005) 'Housing Rights - the New Benchmarks for Housing Policy in Europe?'
Kenna, P. (2005) 'Housing Rights - the New Benchmarks for Housing Policy in Europe?'. The Urban Lawyer, 37 (1):87-111 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2004) 'Will the European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003 affect Local Government in Ireland'
Kenna, P. (2004) 'Will the European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003 affect Local Government in Ireland'. The Irish Journal of European Law, 11 (2):193-480 [Details]


  Year Publication
(2011) Housing Law, Rights and Policy.
Kenna, P. (2011) Housing Law, Rights and Policy. Dublin: Clarus Press. [Details]
(2006) Los Derechos a Vivienda y los Derechos Humanos.
Kenna, P. (2006) Los Derechos a Vivienda y los Derechos Humanos. Barcelona: Prohibatge. [Details]
(2005) Le logement - Dans les outils du droit international.
Kenna, P. & Uhry, M. (2005) Le logement - Dans les outils du droit international. Lyon: Mario Mella. [Details]
(2005) Housing Rights and Human Rights.
Kenna, P. (2005) Housing Rights and Human Rights. Brussels: FEANTSA. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2005) Housing Law and Policy in Ireland.
Kenna, P. (2005) Housing Law and Policy in Ireland. Dublin: Clarus Press. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Homelessness in Ireland: Law, Policy and Practices'
Jordan, M. & Kenna, P. (2024) 'Homelessness in Ireland: Law, Policy and Practices' In: The Routledge Handbook on Homelessness, Law & Policy. :38-56 Abingdon: Routledge. [Details]
(2023) 'Proportionality and Evictions'
Kenna Padraic and Maria Jose Aldanas (2023) 'Proportionality and Evictions' In: The European and International Contribution to the Right to Housing, Standards, Litigation and Advocacy. :65-76 Brussels: FEANTSA, Fondation Abbe Pierre, University of Galway. [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Ireland - Tenures'
Kenna, P. (2022) 'Ireland - Tenures' In: Ways out of the European Housing Crisis: Tenure Diversification in Comparative Perspective. :161-183 Cheltenham: Elgar. [Details]
(2022) 'Country Report for Ireland'
Kenna, P. (2022) 'Country Report for Ireland' In: Student Housing in Europe: An Overview of Policies and Regulations in Several Countries. :181-205 Utrecht, Netherlands: Eleven. [Details]
(2021) 'Housing and housing rights'
Kenna, P. (2021) 'Housing and housing rights' In: Housing in Ireland: beyond the markets. :118-134 Dublin: Institute of Public Adminsitration. [Details]
(2018) 'Introduction - Overview'
Kenna, P. (2018) 'Introduction - Overview' In: Loss of Home and Evictions across Europe- A Comparative Legal and Policy Examination. :1-65 Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. [Details]
(2018) 'Evictions in Ireland'
Kenna, P. (2018) 'Evictions in Ireland' In: Loss of Homes and Evictions across Europe – A Comparative Legal and Policy Examination. :162-188 Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. [Details]
(2016) 'Milestones in 25 Years of Housing Finance in Ireland'
Kenna, P. (2016) 'Milestones in 25 Years of Housing Finance in Ireland' In: Milestones in European Housing Finance. :239-254 Oxford: Wylie-Blackwell. [Details]
(2015) 'Modelos de bienes en común en derecho comparado - Seccion 3. Irlanda'
Kenna, P. (2015) 'Modelos de bienes en común en derecho comparado - Seccion 3. Irlanda' In: Bienes en Común. :928-942 Valencia, Spain: Tiran lo Blanch. [Details]
(2014) 'Renting, the law and human rights'
Kenna, P. & Sidoli del Ceno, J. (2014) 'Renting, the law and human rights' In: Renting in Ireland, The Social, Voluntary and Private Sectors. Dublin, Ireland: Institute of Public Administration. [Details]
(2014) 'Housing Rights in Europe: The Council of Europe leads the way'
Kenna, P. & Jordan, M. (2014) 'Housing Rights in Europe: The Council of Europe leads the way' In: Contemporary Housing Issues in a Globalized World. Farnham Surrey: Ashgate. [Details]
(2013) 'Comparing Mortgage law in England and Ireland after the Crisis'
Kenna, P. & Lynch-Shally, K. (2013) 'Comparing Mortgage law in England and Ireland after the Crisis' In: Deshaucios y Elecuciones Hipotecarias (Evictions and Foreclosures). :395-435 Valencia Spain: Tirant de Blanch. [Details]
(2013) 'The Charter of Fundamental Rights – added value to housing rights'
Kenna, P. (2013) 'The Charter of Fundamental Rights – added value to housing rights' In: Bernard, N. & Hubeau, B. Recht op wonen: naar een resultaatsverbintenis? Droit au logement: vers une obligation de résultat?. Brussels: Die Keure. [Details]
(2012) 'Housing and Human Rights'
Kenna, P. (2012) 'Housing and Human Rights' In: The International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home. Amsterdam: Elsevier. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2012) 'Housing Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2009'
Cannon, R., Clancy, A. & Kenna, P. (2012) 'Housing Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2009' In: Property Legislation Annotated 2009-2011. Dublin: Round Hall. [Details]
(2011) 'Can international housing rights based on public international law really impact on contemporary housing systems?'
Kenna. P (2011) 'Can international housing rights based on public international law really impact on contemporary housing systems?' In: The Idea of Home in Law - Displacement and Dispossession. Aldershot: Ashgate. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'Modernizando las Tenencias en Alquiler en Irlanda'
Kenna. P. (2011) 'Modernizando las Tenencias en Alquiler en Irlanda' In: El Accesso a law Vivienda en un Contexto de Crisis. Madrid: Edisofer. [Details]
(2010) 'Local Authorities and the European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003'
Kenna, P. (2010) 'Local Authorities and the European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003' In: Irish Human Rights Law Review. Dublin: Clarus Press. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) 'Law, Property, Housing and Environmental Law'
Kenna, P. (2009) 'Law, Property, Housing and Environmental Law' In: ECHR and Irish Law. Bristol: Jordans. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2008) 'Housing rights: positive duties and enforceable rights - focus on international standards'
Kenna, P. (2008) 'Housing rights: positive duties and enforceable rights - focus on international standards' In: Jiminez, L. Revista Europa de Derechos Fundamentales. No. 12/2° semestre 2008. Valencia Spain: Fundación Profesor Manuel Broseta. [Details]
(2007) 'International Standards and Mechanisms on the Right to Social Security'
Kenna, P. (2007) 'International Standards and Mechanisms on the Right to Social Security' In: The Right to Social Security – International Perspectives. Hyderabad: The ICFAI University Press. [Details]
(2004) 'The ECHR Act 2003 and Land, Environmental and Housing Law in Ireland'
Kenna, P. (2004) 'The ECHR Act 2003 and Land, Environmental and Housing Law in Ireland' In: The European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003. Bristol: Jordans. [Details]
(2003) 'A Right to Housing: Is it More than a Mere Right to Shelter in Market Societies like Ireland?'
Kenna, P. (2003) 'A Right to Housing: Is it More than a Mere Right to Shelter in Market Societies like Ireland?' In: Housing Rights: A New Agenda. Dublin: Threshold. [Details]
(2003) 'Housing Rights in Ireland'
Kenna, P. (2003) 'Housing Rights in Ireland' In: National Perspectives on Housing Rights, The Hague, Kluwer Law International. The Hague: Kluwer. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2002) 'Human rights for all; A Study on the current use and future potential of UN human rights instruments in the context of disability'
Kenna, P. (2002) 'Human rights for all; A Study on the current use and future potential of UN human rights instruments in the context of disability' In: Human rights for all; A Study on the current use and future potential of UN human rights instruments in the context of disability. Geneva: Geneva: OHCHR. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2024) Report on the right to housing in the light of European standards and European good practices.
Kenna, P. (2024) Report on the right to housing in the light of European standards and European good practices. Council of Europe, Kiev, Ukraine. [DOI] [Details]
(2023) EU Credit Servicers Directive - impact on consumer and housing rights protection in Ireland.
Kenna Padraic (2023) EU Credit Servicers Directive - impact on consumer and housing rights protection in Ireland. University of Galway, Galway. [DOI] [Details]
(2022) Submission on Right to Housing to the Conference on the Referendum on Housing.
Kenna Padraic (2022) Submission on Right to Housing to the Conference on the Referendum on Housing. University of Galway, Galway. [DOI] [Details]
(2022) Universities Student Accommodation: A Report on University Accommodation in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England and Europe.
Dillon, A. & Kenna, P. (2022) Universities Student Accommodation: A Report on University Accommodation in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England and Europe. University of Galway, Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy, Galway. [Details]
(2022) Report on the Conference on the Future of Europe - Housing Event.
Kenna, P. (2022) Report on the Conference on the Future of Europe - Housing Event. University of Galway Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy, Galway. [Details]
(2022) Empowering Tenants: Protecting Human Rights ¿ Effective Tenant Participation in the Management of Local Authority Housing.
Kenna, P. & Jordan, M. (2022) Empowering Tenants: Protecting Human Rights ¿ Effective Tenant Participation in the Management of Local Authority Housing. The Housing Agency, Dublin. [Details]
(2021) Supporting the Irish housing system to address housing market failure - Cost Rental Housing and Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI).
Kenna, P. (2021) Supporting the Irish housing system to address housing market failure - Cost Rental Housing and Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI). Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy, & Irish Council for Social Housing, Galway. [DOI] [Details]
(2020) Your EU Consumer and Human Rights - A Guide for People in Mortgage Distress in Ireland (2nd edition).
Angelari, M., Kenna, P., Sadlier, J., Browne, D., Fitzgerald, G. & Thornton, M. (2020) Your EU Consumer and Human Rights - A Guide for People in Mortgage Distress in Ireland (2nd edition). Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy and Open Society Foundations., NUI Galway, Galway and New York. [Details]
(2018) Your EU Consumer and Human Rights - A Guide for People in Mortgage Distress in Ireland - (1st edition).
Angelari, M., Kenna, P., Fitzgerald, G. & Thornton, M. (2018) Your EU Consumer and Human Rights - A Guide for People in Mortgage Distress in Ireland - (1st edition). Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy, NUI Galway and Open Society Foundations, Galway and New York. [Details]
(2020) Briefing Paper: Integrating EU Charter Housing Rights into EU Economic Governance and Supervision.
Kenna, P. (2020) Briefing Paper: Integrating EU Charter Housing Rights into EU Economic Governance and Supervision. Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy, NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2020) Briefing Paper: EU Economic Governance and Financial Supervision.
Kenna, P. (2020) Briefing Paper: EU Economic Governance and Financial Supervision. Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy, NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2020) Briefing Paper: Housing and Housing Rights in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Kenna, P. (2020) Briefing Paper: Housing and Housing Rights in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. NUI Galway, Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy, NUI Galway. [Details]
(2020) A Lost Decade - Study on Mortgage Possession Court Lists in Ireland.
Kenna, P. (2020) A Lost Decade - Study on Mortgage Possession Court Lists in Ireland. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2018) Access to Justice and the ECB.
Kenna, P. & Kennedy, S. (2018) Access to Justice and the ECB. Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy, Galway Ireland. [Details]
(2016) Final Report - Pilot project – Promoting protection of the right to housing – Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions.
Kenna, P., Benjaminsen, L., Busch-Geertsema, V. and Nasarre-Aznar, S. (2016) Final Report - Pilot project – Promoting protection of the right to housing – Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions. European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Luxembourg. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) Legal Briefing: European Convention on Human Rights.
Kenna, P. & Crowe, O. (2009) Legal Briefing: European Convention on Human Rights. Centre for Housing Research, Dublin. [Details]
(2009) Legal Briefing: Equality.
Kenna, P & Crowe, O. (2009) Legal Briefing: Equality. Centre for Housing Research, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) Legal Briefing: Anti-Social Behaviour.
Kenna, P. & Crowe, O. (2009) Legal Briefing: Anti-Social Behaviour. Centre for Housing Research, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) Recommendation of the Commissioner for Human Rights on the implementation of the right to housing Strasbourg, 30 June 2009 CommDH(2009)5.
Kenna, P. Mikkola, M. & Mullen, T. (2009) Recommendation of the Commissioner for Human Rights on the implementation of the right to housing Strasbourg, 30 June 2009 CommDH(2009)5. Council of Europe, Strasbourg. [Details]
(2009) Legal Briefing: Travellers.
Kenna, P. & Crowe, O. (2009) Legal Briefing: Travellers. Centre for Housing Research, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2008) Housing Rights: The Duty to Ensure Housing for All.
Kenna, P. (2008) Housing Rights: The Duty to Ensure Housing for All. Council of Europe, Commissioner for Human Rights, Strasbourg. [Details]
(2004) Housing and Refugees - The Real Picture.
Kenna, P & MacNeela, P. (2004) Housing and Refugees - The Real Picture. Vincentian Refugee Centre, Dublin. [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2024) European Housing Studies.
Nasarre, Aznar, S., Habdas, M. & Kenna, P (Ed.). (2024) European Housing Studies European Housing Studies. Tarragona Spain: UNESCO Housing Chair URV Tarragona. [DOI] [Details]
(2023) The European and International Contribition to the Right to Housing: Standards, Litigation and Advocacy.
Kenna Padraic & Derdek Noria (Ed.). (2023) The European and International Contribition to the Right to Housing: Standards, Litigation and Advocacy The European and International Contribition to the Right to Housing: Standards, Litigation and Advocacy. Brussels: FEANTSA, Fondation Abbe Pierre, University of Galway. [DOI] [Details]
(2019) eConveyancing and Title Registration in Ireland.
Murphy, S. & Kenna, P (Ed.). (2019) eConveyancing and Title Registration in Ireland eConveyancing and Title Registration in Ireland. Dublin Ireland: Clarus Press. [DOI] [Details]
(2018) Loss of Homes and Evictions across Europe – A Comparative Legal and Policy Examination.
Kenna, P., Nasarre-Aznar, S., Sparkes, P. & Schmid, C.U (Ed.). (2018) Loss of Homes and Evictions across Europe – A Comparative Legal and Policy Examination Loss of Homes and Evictions across Europe – A Comparative Legal and Policy Examination. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. [Details]
(2014) Contemporary Housing issues in a Globalized World.
Kenna, P (Ed.). (2014) Contemporary Housing issues in a Globalized World Contemporary Housing issues in a Globalized World. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2014) 'Ethics not 'immutable economics' should drive housing policy'
Kenna, P. (2014) 'Ethics not 'immutable economics' should drive housing policy' Village Magazine, (30) :26-28. [Details]
(2014) 'Evictions'
Kenna, P. (2014) 'Evictions' Housing Ireland, Spring 2014 (06) :20-21. [Details]
(2013) 'A rights based approach to housing'
Kenna, P. (2013) 'A rights based approach to housing' Housing Ireland, Winter 2013 (03) :10-13. [Details]
(2008) 'FEANTSA v France. Analysis of the Collective Complaint on Housing Rights at Council of Europe'
Kenna. P. (2008) 'FEANTSA v France. Analysis of the Collective Complaint on Housing Rights at Council of Europe' Housing and ESC Rights Quarterly, 5 (3) . [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2019) EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – 10th Anniversary Conference,
Kenna, P. (2019) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and EU Economic Governance. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – 10th Anniversary Conference, Trinity College Dublin , 07-DEC-19 - 07-DEC-19. [Details]
(2019) Irish Council for Social Housing Annual Conference,
Kenna, P. (2019) Services of General Economic Interest and EU Law. [Invited Oral Presentation], Irish Council for Social Housing Annual Conference, Wexford Ireland , 11-OCT-19 - 12-OCT-19. [Details]
(2017) Mortgage law - the state of play in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands and Spain,
Kenna, P. (2017) Mortgage law developments in Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Mortgage law - the state of play in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands and Spain, Colegio de Registradores de España, Madrid , 12-JUN-17 - 13-JUN-17. [Details]
(2018) Annual Conference of the Association of Law, Property and Society,
Kenna, P. (2018) Modern and post-modern property law - enter the human rights and consumer lawyer. [Invited Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Association of Law, Property and Society, Maastricht University , 30-MAY-18 - 31-MAY-18. [Details]
(2017) Making Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Meaningful,
Kenna, P. (2017) Making ESC Rights meaningful in the context of the developing Welfare State in Ireland. [Plenary Lecture], Making Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Meaningful, Mansion House Dublin , 29-MAR-17 - 29-MAR-17. [Details]
(2017) eConveyancing and Title Registration in Ireland,
Kenna, P. (2017) Overview of land law developments in Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], eConveyancing and Title Registration in Ireland, Galway , 07-APR-17 - 08-APR-17. [Details]
(2017) Protection of the right to housing in the EU,
Kenna. P. (2017) Overview of housing rights in Europe. [Keynote Address], Protection of the right to housing in the EU, University Rovira i Virgili Tarragona Spain , 27-APR-17 - 29-APR-17. [Details]
(2016) Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Freedoms and Private Law after the Lisbon Treaty,
Kenna, P. (2016) Applying housing rights to modern housing systems. [Invited Lecture], Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Freedoms and Private Law after the Lisbon Treaty, University of Pisa , 18-JUL-16 - 20-JUL-16. [Details]
(2016) EU Social Protection Committee,
Kenna, P. (2016) Recommendations on protection on right to housing. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], EU Social Protection Committee, Brussels, Belgium , 13-SEP-16 - 13-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016) Annual Social Inclusion Forum,
Kenna, P. (2016) Evictions in Europe - an overview. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Annual Social Inclusion Forum, Croke Park, Dublin , 14-SEP-16 - 14-SEP-16. [Details]
(2015) Protection of the right to housing in the EU,
Kenna, P. (2015) Findings from EU Evictions Research. [Plenary Lecture], Protection of the right to housing in the EU, Brussels, European Commission , 18-SEP-15 - 18-SEP-15. [Details]
(2015) Local Authority Solicitors Bar Association,
Kenna. P. (2015) Housing and local government. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Local Authority Solicitors Bar Association, NUI Galway , 18-SEP-15 - 18-SEP-15. [Details]
(2014) European Housing Rights Conference,
Kenna. P. (2014) Applying housing rights in Europe. [Keynote Address], European Housing Rights Conference, University of Lyon , 12-NOV-14 - 14-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014) Irish Society for European Law,
Kenna. P. (2014) Using the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. [Invited Oral Presentation], Irish Society for European Law, Dublin , 14-OCT-14 - 14-OCT-14. [Details]
(2013) Homelessness in Europe,
Kenna, P. (2013) Housing rights in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. [Invited Lecture], Homelessness in Europe, University of Genoa, Italy , 18-OCT-13 - 20-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013) Local Authority Solicitors Bar Association,
Kenna, P. (2013) The ECHR and Local Government in Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Local Authority Solicitors Bar Association, NUI Galway , 20-SEP-13 - 20-SEP-13. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2023) How the private rental sector created a homelessness crisis in Ireland and England.
Kenna Padraic and Jordan Mark (2023) How the private rental sector created a homelessness crisis in Ireland and England. Paris: The Conversation Media Group- Online Journal Article [DOI] [Details]
(2017) New law would help prevent home repossessions.
Kenna, P. (2017) New law would help prevent home repossessions. Dublin: The Irish Times Article [Details]
(2018) Who will bell the cat? Recent commentary and case law relating to unfair mortgage contracts.
Kenna, P. (2018) Who will bell the cat? Recent commentary and case law relating to unfair mortgage contracts. Law Society Gazette Dublin: Law Society Gazette Article [Details]
(2020) If we are to talk about a just society after COVID-19, we need to talk about property rights.
Kenna, P. & Shields, K. (2020) If we are to talk about a just society after COVID-19, we need to talk about property rights. London: openDemocracy Article [Details]
(2020) 3 questions to ask your would-be TD about housing.
Kenna, P. (2020) 3 questions to ask your would-be TD about housing. RTE Dublin: RTE Article [Details]
(2020) Could the Kenny Report solve the Irish housing crisis?.
Kenna, P. (2020) Could the Kenny Report solve the Irish housing crisis?. RTE Dublin: RTE Article [Details]
(2020) Why words matter when it comes to human rights and housing.
Kenna, P. (2020) Why words matter when it comes to human rights and housing. RTE Dublin: RTE Article [Details]
(2020) The significant human rights issues around evictions in Ireland.
Kenna, P. (2020) The significant human rights issues around evictions in Ireland. RTE Dublin: RTE Article [Details]


  Year Publication
(2021) Housing and the Future of Europe.
Kenna, P. (2021) Housing and the Future of Europe. Dublin: European Movement Ireland Blog [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2018) Book Review: Embedding the Principles of Life Time Contracts - A Research Agenda for Contract Law.
Kenna, P. (2018) Book Review: Embedding the Principles of Life Time Contracts - A Research Agenda for Contract Law. Berlin: de Gruyter Book Review [Details]
(2002) Rural homelessness: Issues, experiences and policy responses.
Kenna, P. (2002) Rural homelessness: Issues, experiences and policy responses. BASINGSTOKE: CARFAX PUBLISHING Book Review [Details]
(2002) Rural homelessness: Issues, experiences and policy responses.
Kenna, P. (2002) Rural homelessness: Issues, experiences and policy responses. Book Review [Details]

Conference Paper

  Year Publication
(2011) European Network of Housing Research, Legal Aspects on Housing, Land and Planning Conference.
Kenna, P. (2011) European Network of Housing Research, Legal Aspects on Housing, Land and Planning Conference. Granada, Spain: Granada, Spain Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) Rights to Adequate Housing within UN instruments, European Social Charter and Revised Charter, European Convention on Human Rights and other instruments'. Office of Public Defender.
Kenna, P. (2011) Rights to Adequate Housing within UN instruments, European Social Charter and Revised Charter, European Convention on Human Rights and other instruments'. Office of Public Defender. Tbilisi, Georgia: Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Institutions in Irish law to improve access to a home. International Conference on Housing.
Kenna, P. (2010) Institutions in Irish law to improve access to a home. International Conference on Housing. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona,Catalonia, Spain: Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) International Human Rights Expert at Human Rights Hearing. Rialto Rights in Action.
Kenna, P. (2010) International Human Rights Expert at Human Rights Hearing. Rialto Rights in Action. Dublin: Dolphins Barn Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Anti-Social Behaviour - Symptoms, Solutions, Strategies - Implications for Local Authorities, Tenants/Residents and Housing Associations'. RESPOND HA Conference.
Kenna, P. (2010) Anti-Social Behaviour - Symptoms, Solutions, Strategies - Implications for Local Authorities, Tenants/Residents and Housing Associations'. RESPOND HA Conference. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) The Housing Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2010 - An Outline. Ballymun Civic Centre/ Ballymun Community Law Centre.
Kenna, P. (2010) The Housing Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2010 - An Outline. Ballymun Civic Centre/ Ballymun Community Law Centre. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) The Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009: Review of Key Provisions and Changes Conference on Legal Issues Facing Housing Authorities in 2010. Distillery Building.
Kenna, P. (2010) The Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009: Review of Key Provisions and Changes Conference on Legal Issues Facing Housing Authorities in 2010. Distillery Building. Dublin: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) Are housing rights advocates overlooking the home, as well as missing some key aspects?. Conference on Home: Displacement and Dispossession.
Kenna, P. (2009) Are housing rights advocates overlooking the home, as well as missing some key aspects?. Conference on Home: Displacement and Dispossession. University of Durham: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) Contemporary Developments in Housing Rights in Europe. School of Law.
Kenna, P. (2009) Contemporary Developments in Housing Rights in Europe. School of Law. Northeastern University, Boston, Massachussets, US: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) Financial crisis, recovery plans, and their impact on the housing market. CECODHAS Seminar - The recovery plans in the EU Member States and the place of housing/social housing.
Kenna, P. (2009) Financial crisis, recovery plans, and their impact on the housing market. CECODHAS Seminar - The recovery plans in the EU Member States and the place of housing/social housing. Brussels: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) International Mechanisms for Enforcing Housing Rights. Irish Human Rights Commission/ Law Society of Ireland Conference, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Making States Accountable.
Kenna, P. (2009) International Mechanisms for Enforcing Housing Rights. Irish Human Rights Commission/ Law Society of Ireland Conference, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Making States Accountable. Dublin: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) Housing Rights in Europe. Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
Kenna, P. (2009) Housing Rights in Europe. Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain: Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) What can Housing Rights offer European Housing research?. European Network of Housing Researchers Conference.
Kenna, P. (2008) What can Housing Rights offer European Housing research?. European Network of Housing Researchers Conference. Dublin: Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) The Impact of FEANTSA v. France Collective Complaint Decision of the European Committee on Social Rights. Presentation to Faculty of Law.
Kenna, P. (2008) The Impact of FEANTSA v. France Collective Complaint Decision of the European Committee on Social Rights. Presentation to Faculty of Law. University of Barcelona: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Housing Rights and International Standards. International panel on housing rights, Participation and the Practice of Rights Conference.
Kenna, P. (2007) Housing Rights and International Standards. International panel on housing rights, Participation and the Practice of Rights Conference. Belfast: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Property, Equality and Housing Rights. Equality, Legislation and the Constitution Conference.
Kenna, P. (2007) Property, Equality and Housing Rights. Equality, Legislation and the Constitution Conference. NUI, Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Human Rights and Housing Law and Policy in the European Union. Research Seminar, Faculty of Law.
Kenna, P. (2007) Human Rights and Housing Law and Policy in the European Union. Research Seminar, Faculty of Law. University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Human Rights and Minimum Standards. Minimum income schemes and the integration of people excluded from the labour market - Stakeholder Conference Brussels, European Commission.
Kenna, P. (2007) Human Rights and Minimum Standards. Minimum income schemes and the integration of people excluded from the labour market - Stakeholder Conference Brussels, European Commission. Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) The Role of Housing Strategies for Special Needs Housing. ICSH Biennial Conference.
Kenna, P. (2006) The Role of Housing Strategies for Special Needs Housing. ICSH Biennial Conference. Westport: Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Housing Rights in Europe.
Kenna, P. (2006) Housing Rights in Europe. University of Barcelona, Faculty of Law: Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Legal Regulation in the Housing Area. Academy of Justice of the Russian Federation.
Kenna, P. (2006) Legal Regulation in the Housing Area. Academy of Justice of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg: Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Housing rights in Europe. University of Barcelona Faculty of Law.
Kenna, P. (2006) Housing rights in Europe. University of Barcelona Faculty of Law. Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) The adequacy of the open method of coordination for improving the fundamental rights policy of the Union. Seminar on Reflexive Governance: A Fundamental Rights Policy in the Public Interest: The Decentralized Implementation of Fundamental Rights in a Single Area.
Kenna, P. (2006) The adequacy of the open method of coordination for improving the fundamental rights policy of the Union. Seminar on Reflexive Governance: A Fundamental Rights Policy in the Public Interest: The Decentralized Implementation of Fundamental Rights in a Single Area. Brussels: Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) The Housing Act 1966 - Is it time for new one?. Ballymun Community Law Centre Seminar.
Kenna, P. (2006) The Housing Act 1966 - Is it time for new one?. Ballymun Community Law Centre Seminar. Ballymun Community Law Centre: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on Social Housing Policy and Practice in Ireland. Irish Council for Social Housing, Biennial National Social Housing Conference.
Kenna, P. (2005) The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on Social Housing Policy and Practice in Ireland. Irish Council for Social Housing, Biennial National Social Housing Conference. Sligo: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Housing. European Social Housing Week, CECODHAS, the European Liaison Committee for Social Housing.
Kenna, P. (2005) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Housing. European Social Housing Week, CECODHAS, the European Liaison Committee for Social Housing. Brussels: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) The Right to Housing Assistance – What does it mean?. European Conference. Building Social Policies on Fundamental Rights. EU Social Platform.
Kenna, P. (2005) The Right to Housing Assistance – What does it mean?. European Conference. Building Social Policies on Fundamental Rights. EU Social Platform. Brussels: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Housing Rights and Housing Association Special Needs Housing Provision. Presentation to Brothers of Charity Training Seminar Gort.
Kenna, P. (2005) Housing Rights and Housing Association Special Needs Housing Provision. Presentation to Brothers of Charity Training Seminar Gort. Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Progressing Socio-Economic Rights. Amnesty International (Ireland) High Level Discussion Group on Socio-Economic Rights Amnesty International (Ireland) High Level Discussion Group on Socio-Economic Rights.
Kenna, P. (2005) Progressing Socio-Economic Rights. Amnesty International (Ireland) High Level Discussion Group on Socio-Economic Rights Amnesty International (Ireland) High Level Discussion Group on Socio-Economic Rights. Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) Building Capacity of Management Boards. ICSH Members Conference.
Kenna, P. (2004) Building Capacity of Management Boards. ICSH Members Conference. Tullamore: Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) The Right to Social Security. EU-China Human Rights Project.
Kenna, P. (2004) The Right to Social Security. EU-China Human Rights Project. University of Essex: Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) Housing Rights as the New Benchmarks for Housing Policy in Europe. Conference of European Network of Housing Researchers.
Kenna, P. (2004) Housing Rights as the New Benchmarks for Housing Policy in Europe. Conference of European Network of Housing Researchers. Cambridge University: Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) Implications for Local Authorities of the ECHR Act 2003. Human Rights Commission and Law Society of Ireland, European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003 Review and Human Rights in Committed Relationships.
Kenna, P. (2004) Implications for Local Authorities of the ECHR Act 2003. Human Rights Commission and Law Society of Ireland, European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003 Review and Human Rights in Committed Relationships. Conference Paper [Details]
(2003) Presentation on socio-economic rights to Public Consultation Meeting of the Human Rights Commission .
Kenna, P. (2003) Presentation on socio-economic rights to Public Consultation Meeting of the Human Rights Commission . Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2003) Values for Housing Associations. Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) Board, Annual Review.
Kenna, P. (2003) Values for Housing Associations. Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) Board, Annual Review. Kildare: Conference Paper [Details]
(2003) Globalisation and Housing Rights. Housing Rights in Europe Conference.
Kenna, P. (2003) Globalisation and Housing Rights. Housing Rights in Europe Conference. Helsinki, Finland: Conference Paper [Details]
(2003) Presentation to the All-Party Oireachtas Constitution on Constitutional Issues relating to Building Land and Housing. All-Party Oireachtas Committee.
Kenna, P. (2003) Presentation to the All-Party Oireachtas Constitution on Constitutional Issues relating to Building Land and Housing. All-Party Oireachtas Committee. Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) Housing in Ireland. Irish Social Policy Association, 4th Annual Conference, Social and Economic Rights, Challenges and Opportunities for Social Policy.
Kenna, P. (2002) Housing in Ireland. Irish Social Policy Association, 4th Annual Conference, Social and Economic Rights, Challenges and Opportunities for Social Policy. DCU: Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) Rights to Housing in Ireland. Conference of European Network of Housing Researchers.
Kenna, P. (2002) Rights to Housing in Ireland. Conference of European Network of Housing Researchers. Vienna University: Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) Implementing UN Human Rights norms in Housing and Homelessness. Participation and the Practice of Rights Conference.
Kenna, P. (2002) Implementing UN Human Rights norms in Housing and Homelessness. Participation and the Practice of Rights Conference. Dundalk: Conference Paper [Details]

Editorship of Journals

  Year Publication
(2013) Contemporary housing issues in a changing world.
Kenna, P. (editor Special Issue) (2013) Contemporary housing issues in a changing world. Manchester: Emerald Editorship of Journals [Details]
(2010) International Journal of Law in the Built Environment.
Christudason, A. & Kenna, P. (2010) International Journal of Law in the Built Environment. Manchester: Emerald Editorship of Journals [Details]

Encyclopedia Entry

  Year Publication
(2022) The right to housing.
Kenna, P. (2022) The right to housing. Cheltenham: Elgar Encyclopedia Entry [Details]

Other Item

  Year Publication
(2007) “State housing policy makes no move to regulate industry. Irish Times.
Kenna, P. (2007) “State housing policy makes no move to regulate industry. Irish Times. Other Item [Details]

Policy Contribution

  Year Publication
(2011) Centre for Disability Law and Policy Submission to Central Statistics on Proposed Module for Quarterly National Household Survey.
Flynn, E., Kenna, P and Conaty, F. (2011) Centre for Disability Law and Policy Submission to Central Statistics on Proposed Module for Quarterly National Household Survey. Policy Contribution [Details]

Non Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2009) Thematic National Legal Study on Rights of Irregular Immigrants in Voluntary and Involuntary Return Procedures - Ireland.
O' Connell, D., Kenna, P., Griffin, D. & Dewhurst, E. (2009) Thematic National Legal Study on Rights of Irregular Immigrants in Voluntary and Involuntary Return Procedures - Ireland. Vienna: FRALEX Non Published Reports [Details]
(2009) Thematic Legal Study on Impact of Race Equality Directive - Ireland.
Kenna, P. O' Connell, D. Griffin, D & Crowley, N. (2009) Thematic Legal Study on Impact of Race Equality Directive - Ireland. Vienna: FRALEX Non Published Reports [Details]
(2008) Thematic Study on Child Trafficking - Ireland.
O Connell, D. Kenna, P. Grifffin, D. & Crowe. O. (2008) Thematic Study on Child Trafficking - Ireland. Vienna: FRALEX Non Published Reports [Details]
(2008) Thematic Legal Study on National Human Rights Institutions and Human Rights Organisations - Ireland.
O Connell, D., Griffin, D. & Talbot, R. (2008) Thematic Legal Study on National Human Rights Institutions and Human Rights Organisations - Ireland. Vienna: FRALEX Non Published Reports [Details]
(2008) Thematic Legal Study on Homophobia and Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation - Ireland.
Griffin, D. O Connell, D. & Kenna, P. (2008) Thematic Legal Study on Homophobia and Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation - Ireland. Vienna: FRALEX Non Published Reports [Details]
(2002) Submission to UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Geneva) . The 2nd Periodic Report on Ireland.
Kenna, P. (2002) Submission to UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Geneva) . The 2nd Periodic Report on Ireland. Geneva Non Published Reports [Details]


  Year Publication
(2018) Land and Conveyancing law Reform (Amendment) Act 2019.
Kenna, P. (2018) Land and Conveyancing law Reform (Amendment) Act 2019. Dublin: Oireachtas Statute [Details]


  Committee Function From / To
Law School Executive Member 10-OCT-16 / 23-JUL-20
ATALIA Board Member 24-NOV-21 / 23-SEP-24
Associate Head for Research - School of Law 18-JUL-11 / 12-MAR-13
Hardiman Fellowship Assessment Board 09-MAR-10 / 20-FEB-13
Member Irish Association of Law Teachers member 01-SEP-10 / 22-JUL-20
Centre for Landscape Studies Member /
Centre for Disability Law and Policy Research Unit at NUI Galway Academic Affiliate /
College of Business, Public Policy and Law Executive Member 09-SEP-16 / 10-OCT-18


  Employer Position From / To
National University of Ireland, Galway Lecturer in Law 01-SEP-02 / 22-JUL-20

Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Research (e.g. Community based research) European Network on Housing Research 01-SEP-05 /
Advocacy Community Action Network (CAN) 01-JUN-13 /
Advocacy FEANTSA Expert Group on Housing Rights/Housing Rights Watch 01-SEP-08 /
Advocacy Academic Network on the European Social Charter 01-MAY-15 /
Board Membership Irish Council for Social Housing 01-FEB-97 / 02-SEP-02

Teaching Interests

  1. Land Law/Law of Real Property
  2. Housing Law and Policy
  3. Irish Legal Systems
  4. Housing and Socio-economic rights
  5. Sociology of Law
  6. Law of Local Government
  7. Law, Regulation and Policy
  8. English Land Law
  9. Housing and Independent Living
  10. International Commercial Property Law
  11. Socio-economic Rights Law
  12. Human Rights Law

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
LLM Public Law/International and Comp. Disability Law, Regulation and Policy LW484 Law and policy of regulation
LLM International and Comparative Commercial Law International Commercial Property Law LW5204 Examination and analysis of global and regional developments in property law.
LLM in Public Law Law of Local Government LW498 Local Government Law
Final Year BCL/LLB Land Law I LW225 Property law
Final Year BCL/LLB Land Law II LW226 Property law
Final BCL/LLB Housing Law and Policy LW232 Housing Law and Policy