Judge McGuinness Appointed Chair of NUI Galway Governing Authority

Pictured at NUI Galway is Judge Catherine McGuinness with President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne, following her appointment as Chair of the University's Governing Authority.
May 01 2013 Posted: 10:29 IST

Judge Catherine McGuinness was appointed today as Chair of NUI Galway's Údarás na hOllscoile (Governing Authority). Údarás na hOllscoile, the University's Governing Authority, is responsible for managing and controlling all of the affairs of the University.

Catherine McGuinness is a retired Supreme Court judge, former senator and lifelong activist. In January 2012 she was appointed to the Council of State by President Michael D. Higgins. Judge McGuinness was called to the Bar in 1977 and to the Inner Bar in 1989. She was a member of Seanad Éireann from 1979-82 and was previously a member of the Council of State from 1988-90.

She served as a Judge of the Circuit Court from 1994-1996; of the High Court from 1996-2000; and of the Supreme Court from 2000-2006. From 2005-2011 she was President of the Law Reform Commission. She is currently Adjunct Professor of Law at NUI Galway.

In addition to her judicial career, Catherine McGuinness has served on the Employment Equality Agency, the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation and the Irish Universities Quality Board. In June 2011 she became patron of the Irish Refugee Council and in November 2011 she was appointed Chairperson of the "Campaign for Children". She has also just completed her role as personal representative to the Minister for Foreign Affairs through Ireland’s Chairmanship of the OSCE during 2012 in the field of Human Rights and on the Freedom of Religion.

Speaking of the appointment, Dr Jim Browne, President of NUI Galway said: "Judge Catherine McGuinness brings a unique breadth of experience and judgement to the role of Chairperson of Údarás na hOllscoile. We are delighted and privileged that she will chair the University's Governing Authority for the next three years.  My colleagues and I look forward to working with her to further develop NUI Galway and our ambitious plans for the future.”

Judge McGuinness commented from NUI Galway on her appointment: “I am hugely honoured to be appointed as Chair of the Governing Authority. I have many connections with Galway, even apart from being Adjunct Professor at the School of Law here at NUI Galway, and am delighted to be able to strengthen these connections and I hope over the next few years  to help the University in achieving its mission.”

Judge McGuinness’s term of office extends to 2016.



An Breitheamh McGuinness Ceaptha ina Cathaoirleach ar Údarás na hOllscoile in OÉ Gaillimh

Ceapadh an Breitheamh Catherine McGuinness inniu ina Cathaoirleach ar Údarás na hOllscoile in OÉ Gaillimh. Tá Údarás na hOllscoile freagrach as gnóthaí uile na hOllscoile a bhainistiú agus a rialú.

Is breitheamh ar scor ón gCúirt Uachtarach í Catherine McGuinness, is iarsheanadóir í freisin agus tá sí ina gníomhaíoch i rith a saoil. In Eanáir 2012, cheap an tUachtarán Micheál D. Ó hUiginn ar an gComhairle Stáit í. Glaodh ar an mBreitheamh McGuinness chun an Bharra i 1977 agus chun Barra na Sinsear i 1989. Bhí sí ina comhalta de Sheanad Éireann ó 1979-82 agus roimhe seo chomh maith bhí sí ina comhalta den Chomhairle Stáit ó 1988-90.

Bhí sí ina breitheamh sa Chúirt Chuarda ó 1994-1996; san Ardchúirt ó 1996-2000; agus sa Chúirt Uachtarach ó 2000-2006. Ó 2005-2011, bhí sí ina hUachtarán ar an gCoimisiún um Athchóiriú an Dlí. Tá sí ina hOllamh Cúnta le Dlí in OÉ Gaillimh faoi láthair.

Sa bhreis ar a gairm mar bhreitheamh, tá sealanna caite ag Catherine McGuinness leis an nGníomhaireacht um Chomhionannas Fostaíochta, an Fóram um Shíocháin agus Athmhuintearas agus Bord Feabhais Ollscoileanna na hÉireann. I Meitheamh na bliana 2011, ceapadh í ina pátrún ar Chomhairle Dídeanaithe na hÉireann agus i mí na Samhna 2011, ceapadh í ina Cathaoirleach ar "Campaign for Children". Tá sí díreach tar éis a seal a chur isteach mar ionadaí pearsanta ag an Aire Gnóthaí Eachtracha i rith Chathaoirleacht na hÉireann ar Eagraíocht na Náisiún Aontaithe um Shlándáil agus Chomhoibriú san Eoraip (OSCE) in 2012 i réimse na gCeart Daonna agus na Saoirse Creidimh.

Ag labhairt dó faoin gceapachán, dúirt an Dr Jim Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: “Tugann an Breitheamh Catherine McGuinness taithí agus breithiúnas ar leith chuig an ról mar Chathaoirleach ar Údarás na hOllscoile. Is mór an phribhléid agus an t-údar bróid dúinn go mbeidh sí ina cathaoirleach ar Údarás na hOllscoile sna trí bliana seo romhainn.  Táim féin agus mo chomhghleacaithe ag súil go mór le bheith ag obair léi chun OÉ Gaillimh agus ár bpleananna uaillmhianacha don todhchaí a bhrú chun cinn.”

Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an mBreitheamh McGuinness in OÉ Gaillimh faoina ceapachán: “Is mór an onóir dom a bheith ceaptha mar Chathaoirleach ar Údarás na hOllscoile. Is iomaí sin nasc atá agam le Gaillimh, seachas a bheith i m’Ollamh Cúnta i Scoil an Dlí in OÉ Gaillimh, agus is mór agam a bheith in ann na naisc sin a threisiú agus táim ag súil go mbeidh mé in ann cabhrú leis an Ollscoil a misean a bhaint amach as seo go ceann cúpla bliain.”

Mairfidh téarma oifige an Bhreithimh McGuinness go dtí 2016.


Marketing and Communications Office, NUI Galway


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