Dr Ashley James Piggins




Ashley teaches economics in the J. E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics.  He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Bristol, having previously studied in Cambridge and London.  His Erdös number is 3.  Ashley is an "Old Blue" having represented Cambridge University in tennis in the 1990s.
His research lies at the intersection of economics, political science and philosophy.  He is interested in welfare economics, social choice theory, decision theory, game theory, philosophy of economics and electoral systems (particularly the U.S. Electoral College).

Ashley has published papers in the Journal of Economic Theory, Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Social Choice and Welfare, Public Choice, Mathematical Social Sciences, Economics and Philosophy, Economics Letters, Journal of Logic and Computation, PS: Political Science and Politics, and Electoral Studies.

Ashley has given invited research seminars at Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris School of Economics, University of Bath, University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, Trinity College Dublin, Queen’s University Belfast, Université de Caen, Universidad de Murcia, Universität Osnabrück, University of St. Andrews, University of East Anglia, NUI Galway, NUI Maynooth, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, London School of Economics, CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Durham University, Universidad Zaragoza and Union College.

He has taught at the University of Nottingham, University of Bristol, Queen's University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin.  He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK).

Research Interests

Microeconomic theory; in particular, social choice theory, welfare economics, game theory.

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2022) 'Collective Choice Rules with Social Maximality'
C Duddy; A Piggins (2022) 'Collective Choice Rules with Social Maximality'. Journal Of Mathematical Economics, 99 [Details]
(2022) 'Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium in the Spatial Model with Valence: Existence and Characterization'
Piggins, A; Martin, M; Nganmeni, Z; Tchouante, F (2022) 'Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium in the Spatial Model with Valence: Existence and Characterization'. Public Choice, 190 (3-4):301-316 [Details]
(2020) 'A foundation for Pareto optimality'
Duddy, C;Piggins, A (2020) 'A foundation for Pareto optimality'. Journal Of Mathematical Economics, 88 :25-30 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'The 2016 Election: Like 1888 but not 1876 or 2000'
Barthelemy, F,Martin, M,Piggins, A (2019) 'The 2016 Election: Like 1888 but not 1876 or 2000'. Ps-Political Science & Politics, 52 :20-24 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'On some oligarchy results when social preference is fuzzy'
Duddy, C,Piggins, A (2018) 'On some oligarchy results when social preference is fuzzy'. Social Choice And Welfare, 51 :717-735 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Sen's Proofs of the Arrow and Gibbard Theorems'
Piggins, A (2017) 'Sen's Proofs of the Arrow and Gibbard Theorems'. Economics Letters, 161 :99-101 [Details]
(2016) 'Sen Cycles and Externalities'
Piggins, A,Salerno, G (2016) 'Sen Cycles and Externalities'. Economics Letters, 149 :25-27 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Aggregation of binary evaluations: a Borda-like approach'
Duddy, C,Piggins, A,Zwicker, WS (2016) 'Aggregation of binary evaluations: a Borda-like approach'. Social Choice And Welfare, 46 :301-333 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'A Model of Deliberative and Aggregative Democracy'
Perote-Pena, J,Piggins, A (2015) 'A Model of Deliberative and Aggregative Democracy'. Economics And Philosophy, 31 :93-121 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'The architecture of the Electoral College, the House size effect, and the referendum paradox'
Barthelemy, F,Martin, M,Piggins, A (2014) 'The architecture of the Electoral College, the House size effect, and the referendum paradox'. Electoral Studies, 34 :111-118 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Many-valued Judgment Aggregation: Characterizing the Possibility/Impossibility boundary'
Duddy, C,Piggins, A (2013) 'Many-valued Judgment Aggregation: Characterizing the Possibility/Impossibility boundary'. Journal Of Economic Theory, 148 :793-805 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Collective Approval'
Duddy, C,Piggins, A (2013) 'Collective Approval'. Mathematical Social Sciences, 65 :190-194 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Non-manipulable Partitioning'
Piggins, A; Duddy, C; Perote-Pena, J (2012) 'Non-manipulable Partitioning'. New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 8 (2):273-282 [Details]
(2012) 'A measure of distance between judgment sets'
Duddy, C;Piggins, A (2012) 'A measure of distance between judgment sets'. Social Choice And Welfare, 39 :855-867 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'The proximity condition'
Duddy, C;Piggins, A (2012) 'The proximity condition'. Social Choice And Welfare, 39 :353-369 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Arrow's Theorem and Max-star Transitivity'
Piggins, A; Duddy, C; Perote-Pena, J (2011) 'Arrow's Theorem and Max-star Transitivity'. Social Choice And Welfare, 36 :25-34 [Details]
(2010) 'Manipulating an aggregation rule under ordinally fuzzy preferences'
Duddy, C;Perote-Pena, J;Piggins, A (2010) 'Manipulating an aggregation rule under ordinally fuzzy preferences'. Social Choice And Welfare, 34 :411-428 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Freedom, Opportunity and Uncertainty: A Critical Review'
Piggins, A; Gekker, R (2010) 'Freedom, Opportunity and Uncertainty: A Critical Review'. Homo Oeconomicus, 27 (3):321-325 [Details]
(2009) 'Evaluating Opportunities When People are Uncertainty Averse'
Gekker, R;Piggins, A (2009) 'Evaluating Opportunities When People are Uncertainty Averse'. Economic And Social Review, 40 :109-116 [Details]
(2009) 'Non-manipulable Social Welfare Functions when Preferences are Fuzzy'
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2009) 'Non-manipulable Social Welfare Functions when Preferences are Fuzzy'. Journal Of Logic And Computation, 19 :503-515 [Details]
(2007) 'Strategy-proof fuzzy aggregation rules'
Perote-Pena, J;Piggins, A (2007) 'Strategy-proof fuzzy aggregation rules'. Journal Of Mathematical Economics, 43 :564-580 [DOI] [Details]
(2007) 'Instances of Indeterminacy'
Piggins, A; Salles, M (2007) 'Instances of Indeterminacy'. Analyse und Kritik, 29 :311-328 [Details]
(2005) 'Pareto Efficiency with Spatial Rights'
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2005) 'Pareto Efficiency with Spatial Rights'. Journal Of Mathematical Economics, 41 :265-283 [Details]
(2002) 'Geometry and Impossibility'
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2002) 'Geometry and Impossibility'. Economic Theory, 20 :831-836 [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2020) 'Arrow's Theorem'
Piggins, A; Duddy, C (2020) 'Arrow's Theorem' In: Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making. Oxford: OUP. [Details]
(2019) 'Collective choice problems, formal representations, and missing information'
A. Piggins (2019) 'Collective choice problems, formal representations, and missing information' In: The Future of Mechanism Design. Berlin: Springer. [Details]
(2011) 'Voting on how to vote'
Piggins, A; Garcia-Lapresta, J-L (2011) 'Voting on how to vote' In: Soft Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Berlin: Springer. [Details]
(2009) 'Social choice, fuzzy preferences and manipulation'
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2009) 'Social choice, fuzzy preferences and manipulation' In: Economics, Rational Choice and Normative Philosophy. London: Routledge. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2024) Meeting of Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Paris, July 2024
A Piggins, M Martin, Z Nganmeni, A Son (2024) Voronoi-type Spatial Power Indices Meeting of Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Paris, July 2024 [Details]
(2016) SSCW International Conference, Lund, Sweden
Piggins, A; Duddy, C (2016) Soft incompleteness SSCW International Conference, Lund, Sweden [Details]
(2014) Society for Social Choice and Welfare 2014, Boston College, USA
A, Piggins; M, Martin; F, Barthelemy (2014) The Architecture of the Electoral College, the House Size Effect, and the Referendum Paradox Society for Social Choice and Welfare 2014, Boston College, USA [Details]
(2013) PET 13
Conal Duddy and Ashley Piggins (2013) Aggregation of binary evaluations: a Borda-like approach PET 13 [Details]
(2012) Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, New Dehli, India
Conal Duddy and Ashley Piggins (2012) Collective Approval Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, New Dehli, India [Details]
(2011) Workshop on Judgment Aggregation and Voting Theory, Karlshrue Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 2011
Conal Duddy and Ashley Piggins (2011) A measure of distance between judgment sets Workshop on Judgment Aggregation and Voting Theory, Karlshrue Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 2011 [Details]
(2010) Tenth Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare
Piggins, A; Duddy, C (2010) Many valued judgment aggregation: characterizing the possibility/impossibility boundary Tenth Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare [Details]
(2010) PET 10
Piggins, A; Duddy, C (2010) Aggregating partitions PET 10 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) PET 09
Piggins, A; Duddy, C; Perote-Pena, J (2009) Arrow's theorem and max-star transitivity PET 09 [Details]
(2008) PET 08
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2008) Manipulating an ordering PET 08 [Details]
(2006) PET 06
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2006) Manipulating an ordering PET 06 [Details]
(2006) Eighth Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Istanbul Bilgi University
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2006) Manipulating an ordering Eighth Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Istanbul Bilgi University [Details]
(2005) Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice 5
Piggins, A; Salles, M (2005) Instances of indeterminacy Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice 5 [Details]
(2004) Royal Economic Society
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2004) Pareto efficiency with spatial rights Royal Economic Society [Details]
(2004) Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice 4
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2004) Manipulating a fuzzy aggregation rule Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice 4 [Details]
(2002) Irish Economic Association
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2002) Pareto efficiency with spatial rights Irish Economic Association [Details]
(2002) Sixth Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, California Institute of Technology
Piggins, A; Perote-Pena, J (2002) Pareto efficiency with spatial rights Sixth Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, California Institute of Technology [Details]
(2000) Fifth Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, University of Alicante
Piggins, A; Salles, M (2000) Dealing with vagueness in economics, with applications to social choice theory Fifth Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, University of Alicante [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2021) Virtual Social Choice Conference, Wake Forest Conference,
A Piggins (2021) Presentation. [Invited Oral Presentation], Virtual Social Choice Conference, Wake Forest Conference, Online , 04-FEB-21 - 05-FEB-21. [Details]
(2021) Computational Social Choice Theory,
A Piggins (2021) Presentation. [Invited Oral Presentation], Computational Social Choice Theory, Online , 18-FEB-21 - 20-FEB-21. [Details]
(2013) Association for Public Economic Theory,
Ashley Piggins (2013) Conference Organising Committee Member. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Association for Public Economic Theory, Lisbon, Portugal , 05-JUL-13 - 07-JUL-13. [Details]
(2011) Association for Public Economic Theory,
Ashley Piggins (2011) Conference Organising Committee Member. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Association for Public Economic Theory, Bloomington, Indiana , 02-JUN-11 - 04-JUN-11. [Details]
(2010) Association for Public Economic Theory,
Ashley Piggins (2010) Conference Organising Committee Member. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Association for Public Economic Theory, Istanbul, Turkey , 25-JUN-10 - 27-JUN-10. [Details]
(2009) Association for Public Economic Theory,
Ashley Piggins (2009) Co-Chair of the conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Association for Public Economic Theory, NUI Galway , 16-JUN-09 - 19-JUN-10. [Details]
(2008) Association for Public Economic Theory,
Ashley Piggins (2008) Conference Organising Committee Member. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Association for Public Economic Theory, Seoul, South Korea , 27-JUN-08 - 29-JUN-08. [Details]
(2007) Association for Public Economic Theory,
Ashley Piggins (2007) Conference Organising Committee Member. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Association for Public Economic Theory, Nashville, TN, USA , 05-JUL-07 - 08-JUL-07. [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2018) Collective Choice and Social Welfare: Expanded Edition.
Sen, AK (2018) Collective Choice and Social Welfare: Expanded Edition. Book Review [Details]
(2012) Rationality for Mortals: How People cope with uncertainty.
Gigerenzer, G. (2012) Rationality for Mortals: How People cope with uncertainty. Book Review [Details]
(2007) Book review of Population issues in welfare economics and social choice theory by Blackorby, Bossert and Donaldson. The review was published in Economics and Philosophy.
Piggins, A (2007) Book review of Population issues in welfare economics and social choice theory by Blackorby, Bossert and Donaldson. The review was published in Economics and Philosophy. Book Review [Details]
(2002) Book review of Economics, values and organisation by Avner Ben-Ner and Louis Putterman. The review was published in the Economic Journal.
Piggins, A (2002) Book review of Economics, values and organisation by Avner Ben-Ner and Louis Putterman. The review was published in the Economic Journal. Book Review [Details]
(2000) Joint book review of Equality of opportunity by John Roemer and Justice and equity by Serge Kolm. The review was published in the Economic Journal.
Piggins, A (2000) Joint book review of Equality of opportunity by John Roemer and Justice and equity by Serge Kolm. The review was published in the Economic Journal. Book Review [Details]
(1998) Book review of Analytical politics by MJ Hinich and MC Munger. The review was published in the Economic Journal.
Piggins, A (1998) Book review of Analytical politics by MJ Hinich and MC Munger. The review was published in the Economic Journal. Book Review [Details]
(1997) Book review of Social choice re-examined: Volume 2 by K. J. Arrow, A. Sen and K. Suzumura (eds). The review was published in the Economic Journal.
Piggins, A (1997) Book review of Social choice re-examined: Volume 2 by K. J. Arrow, A. Sen and K. Suzumura (eds). The review was published in the Economic Journal. Book Review [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
1994 Advanced Research Award Economic and Social Research Council, U.K.
1992 Advanced Studentship Award Economic and Social Research Council, U.K.

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Society for Social Choice and Welfare Member /

Teaching Interests

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economics and Philosophy, Principles of Economics, European Economy, Irish Economy, Public Economics, Mathematics for Economists.

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2010 Conal Duddy PhD Y

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
1/2024-25 Microeconomic Theory EC501
1/2024-25 Philosophy of Social Science EC556
1/2024-25 Microeconomics and Public Policy EC3101
2/2024-25 Economics and Philosophy EC3100

Internal Collaborators

  Name Description of Collaboration
Internal Collaborators
Conal DuddyRuvin GekkerGillian Salerno

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
External Collaborators
Juan Perote-PenaMaurice SallesMathieu MartinFabrice BarthelemyJose-Luis Garcia-LaprestaWilliam S. Zwicker