Prof Kieran Conboy




Kieran Conboy is a Professor in Business Information Systems in the School of Business & Economics and is a co-Principal Investigator in the Lero Irish Software research centre. He previously worked for Accenture Consulting and the University of New South Wales in Australia. He is also on the board of the Irish Research Council.

Kieran has published over 150 articles in leading international journals and conferences including Information Systems Research, the European Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, the Journal of the AIS, IEEE Software, the International Conference in Information Systems and the European Conference in Information Systems. He is an editor of the European Journal of Information Systems and has chaired international conferences in his field.

Kieran teaches information systems innovation, agile and lean project management, portfolio management, and contemporary models such as crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. He has advised and published widely in the areas of management and workplace innovation, and particularly in the area of agile and lean processes in software organisations. He has worked with organisations such as Microsoft, Atlassian, Cisco Systems, Suncorp, and Fidelity Investments, as well as many SMEs. Kieran has also advised international public sector organisations in the health and education sectors. He is the Principal Investigator of a Science Foundation Ireland project in the area, involving 11 research fellows and Ph.D researchers, and has received over €8m in research grants from industry, the European Commission, Enterprise Ireland and the Irish Research Council.

Kieran also advises on funding agency policy and practice and has advised the E.U. Commission as well as national funding bodies in Ireland, the U.S. and Australia. He is now leading an Irish Research Council funded project to adapt, implement and validate the use of crowdfunding and crowdsourcing techniques in the grant award policies and mechanisms of Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland as well as the IRC.

Kieran was also a Fulbright award recipient in 2009 where he spent time at Carnegie Mellon University working with the Software Engineering Institute on the business value of IT systems.

Selected Publications:

GLEASURE, R.; CONBOY, K.; MORGAN, L. (2019) Talking up a storm: How backers use public discourse to exert control in crowdfunded systems development projects. Information Systems Research, forthcoming.

CONBOY, K. (2019) Being Promethean. European Journal of Information Systems, forthcoming 


CONBOY, K.; DENNEHY, D.; O’CONNOR, M. (2018) ‘Big time’: An examination of temporal complexity and business value in analytics. Information & Management CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, G.; MATHIASSEN, L (2012) 'Qualitative Methods Research in Information Systems: Motivations, Themes, and Contributions'. European Journal Of Information Systems, 21 :113-118.

Research Interests

Kieran is leading a multidisciplinary research cluster in NUI Galway on Enterprise Agility involving a team of 18 academic staff, 5 postdoctoral researchers and 12 PhDs. Kieran is currently involved in numerous national and international projects in this area, and has worked or is working with many companies on their agile initiatives including Intel, Microsoft, Accenture, HP, and Fidelity Investments. In association with ITAG, Kieran established the Agile Forum, a monthly research and industry seminar series which attracts between 40 and 60 companies per event. Kieran has held chairing roles of international conferences including the European Conference in Information Systems (Galway 2008) and his research has been published in various leading journals. He is also associate editor of the European Journal of Information Systems, and has been a guest editor on special issues of top journals on the topics such as qualitative IS research and agility. Kieran is currently the Head of Research for the School of Business & Economics. Kieran’s lecturing activities focus primarily on the areas of IS Innovation, IS Project Management, IS Strategy and IS Research Methods to undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA audiences. Prior to joining NUI Galway, Kieran was a management consultant with Accenture, where he worked on a variety of projects across Europe and the US.

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Open Software Engineering (OPS) SFI CSETs KIERAN CONBOY 01-MAY-11 31-OCT-19
EI IP 2007 432B GAIA KIERAN CONBOY 01-OCT-07 31-JUL-10
MF2004 MF24 04 M KIERAN CONBOY 01-SEP-04 20-JUL-07

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Research Perspectives: An Encompassing Framework for Conceptualizing Space in Information Systems: Philosophical Perspectives, Themes, and Concepts'
Haj-Bolouri, Amir; Conboy, Kieran; and Gregor, Shirley (2024) 'Research Perspectives: An Encompassing Framework for Conceptualizing Space in Information Systems: Philosophical Perspectives, Themes, and Concepts'. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 25 (2):407-441 [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Making Space for Time: Strategies for the Design of Time-aware Hybrid Work'
Griva A., Chandra Kruse L., Hattinger M., Högberge K., Pappas I., Conboy K., (2024) 'Making Space for Time: Strategies for the Design of Time-aware Hybrid Work'. Information Systems Journal, [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Examining technostress and its impact on worker well-being in the digital gig economy'
Umair, A; Conboy, K; Whelan, E. (2023) 'Examining technostress and its impact on worker well-being in the digital gig economy'. Internet Research, 33 (7):206-242 [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Temporal Complexity in Information Systems Development Flow: Challenges and Recommendations'
Mairead O'Connor, Kieran Conboy, Denis Dennehy, Noel Carroll (2024) 'Temporal Complexity in Information Systems Development Flow: Challenges and Recommendations'. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, [Details]
(2023) 'Problematizing Assumptions on Digital Transformation Research in the Information Systems Field'
Noel Carroll, Kieran Conboy, Nik Rushdi Hassan, Iris Junglas, Thomas Hess, Lorraine Morgan (2023) 'Problematizing Assumptions on Digital Transformation Research in the Information Systems Field'. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, [Details]
(2023) 'The Future of Hybrid Software Development: Challenging Current Assumptions'
K Conboy, NB Moe, V Stray, JH Gundelsby (2023) 'The Future of Hybrid Software Development: Challenging Current Assumptions'. Ieee Software, 40 (2):26-33 [Details]
(2022) 'Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives'
Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Laurie Hughes, Abdullah M. Baabdullah, Samuel Ribeiro-Navarrete, Mihalis Giannakis, Mutaz M. Al-Debei, Denis Dennehy, Bhimaraya Metri, Dimitrios Buhalis, Christy M.K. Cheung, Kieran Conboy, Ronan Doyle, Rameshwar Dubey, Vincent Dutot, Reto Felix, D.P. Goyal, Anders Gustafsson, Chris Hinsch, Ikram Jebabli, Marijn Janssen, Young-Gab Kim, Jooyoung Kim, Stefan Koos, David Kreps, Nir Kshetri, Vikram Kumar, Keng-Boon Ooi, Savvas Papagiannidis, Ilias O. Pappas, Ariana Polyviou, Sang-Min Park, Neeraj Pandey, Maciel M. Queiroz, Ramakrishnan Raman, Philipp A. Rauschnabel, Anuragini Shirish, Marianna Sigala, Konstantina Spanaki, Garry Wei-Han Tan, Manoj Kumar Tiwari, Giampaolo Viglia, Samuel Fosso Wamba, (2022) 'Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives'. International Journal Of Information Management, 66 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'From Transformation to Normalisation: An Exploratory Study of a Large-Scale Agile Transformation'
Noel Carroll, Kieran Conboy, Xiaofeng Wang (2023) 'From Transformation to Normalisation: An Exploratory Study of a Large-Scale Agile Transformation'. Journal Of Information Technology, [Details]
(2022) 'Using Business Analytics for SME Business Model Transformation Under Pandemic Time Pressure'
Zamani E., Griva A., Conboy K. (2022) 'Using Business Analytics for SME Business Model Transformation Under Pandemic Time Pressure'. Information Systems Frontiers, [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Editorial: How to develop a quality research article and avoid a journal desk rejection'
Dwivedi, Y.K., Hughes, L., Cheung, C.M.K., Conboy, K., Duan, Y., Dubey, R., Janssen, M., Jones, P., Sigala, M., Viglia, G. (2022) 'Editorial: How to develop a quality research article and avoid a journal desk rejection'. International Journal Of Information Management, 62 [Details]
(2021) 'Artificial intelligence as an enabler of B2B marketing: A dynamic capabilities micro-foundations approach'
Mikalef, P., Conboy, K., Krogstie, J, (2021) 'Artificial intelligence as an enabler of B2B marketing: A dynamic capabilities micro-foundations approach'. Industrial Marketing Management, 98 :80-92 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Going with the flow: Agile development at Dell'
Dennehy, D., Conboy, K., Gogan, J. (2021) 'Going with the flow: Agile development at Dell'. Case Research Journal, [Details]
(2021) 'Adopting learning analytics to inform postgraduate curriculum design: Recommendations and research agenda'
Dennehy, D., Conboy, K., Babu, J. (2021) 'Adopting learning analytics to inform postgraduate curriculum design: Recommendations and research agenda'. Information Systems Frontiers, :218-230 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'COVID-19 affected remote workers: A temporal analysis of information system development during the pandemic'
O’Connor, M., Conboy, K., Dennehy, D. (2021) 'COVID-19 affected remote workers: A temporal analysis of information system development during the pandemic'. Journal Of Decision Systems, [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Software requirements quality: Using analytics to challenge assumptions at Intel'
Griva, A., Byrne, S., Dennehy, D., Conboy, K. (2020) 'Software requirements quality: Using analytics to challenge assumptions at Intel'. Ieee Software, [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Artificial intelligence in information systems research: A systematic literature review and research agenda'
Collins, C., Dennehy, D., Conboy, K., Mikalef, P. (2021) 'Artificial intelligence in information systems research: A systematic literature review and research agenda'. International Journal Of Information Management, 60 [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Comparing methods for large-scale agile software development: A systematic literature review'
Edison, H., Wang, X., Conboy, K. (2021) 'Comparing methods for large-scale agile software development: A systematic literature review'. Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering, [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Enabling promethean leaps: An examination of storytelling techniques in information systems development'
Conboy, K. (2021) 'Enabling promethean leaps: An examination of storytelling techniques in information systems development'. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, 48 (1):333-351 [Details]
(2021) 'How Fujitsu and four Fortune 500 companies managed time complexities using organisational agility'
Gerster, D., Dremel, C., Conboy, K., Mayer, R., vom Brocke, J. (2021) 'How Fujitsu and four Fortune 500 companies managed time complexities using organisational agility'. Mis Quarterly Executive, 20 (2):127-150 [Details]
(2020) 'When crowds play god: A Promethean perspective on crowdfunding'
Conboy, K; Gleasure, R.; Morgan, L. (2020) 'When crowds play god: A Promethean perspective on crowdfunding'. European Journal Of Information Systems, :1-20 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Software Startups -- A Research Agenda'
Michael Unterkalmsteiner and Pekka Abrahamsson and Xiaofeng Wang and Anh Nguyen-Duc and Syed Shah and Sohaib Shahid Bajwa and Guido H. Baltes and Kieran Conboy and Eoin Cullina and Denis Dennehy and Henry Edison and Carlos Fernandez-Sanchez and Juan Garbajosa and Tony Gorschek and Eriks Klotins and Laura Hokkanen and Fabio Kon and Ilaria Lunesu and Michele Marchesi and Lorraine Morgan and Markku Oivo and Christoph Selig and Pertti Seppänen and Roger Sweetman and Pasi Tyrväinen and Christina Ungerer and Agustin Yagüe (2016) 'Software Startups -- A Research Agenda'. e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, 10 (1):89-124 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Using flow tools to enact control in software development projects: A cross-case analysis'
Estevam, A., Dennehy, D., Conboy, K. (2020) 'Using flow tools to enact control in software development projects: A cross-case analysis'. Information Systems Frontiers, [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Normalising the new normal: Changing tech-driven work practices under pandemic time pressure'
Carroll, N., Conboy, K. (2020) 'Normalising the new normal: Changing tech-driven work practices under pandemic time pressure'. International Journal Of Information Management, 55 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'The role of IS in the covid-19 pandemic: A liquid-modern perspective'
Doyle, R., Conboy, K. (2020) 'The role of IS in the covid-19 pandemic: A liquid-modern perspective'. International Journal Of Information Management, 55 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Information systems in the age of pandemics: COVID-19 and beyond'
Agerfalk, P.J., Conboy, K., Myers, M.D. (2020) 'Information systems in the age of pandemics: COVID-19 and beyond'. European Journal Of Information Systems, 29 (3):203-207 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Breaking the flow: a study of contradictions in information systems development (ISD)'
Dennehy, D,Conboy, K (2020) 'Breaking the flow: a study of contradictions in information systems development (ISD)'. Information Technology & People, 33 :477-501 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Sustaining Open Source Communities by Understanding the Influence of Discursive Manifestations on Sentiment'
Dennehy, D;Conboy, K;Ferreira, J;Babu, J (2020) 'Sustaining Open Source Communities by Understanding the Influence of Discursive Manifestations on Sentiment'. Information Systems Frontiers, [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Inner source software development: Current thinking and an agenda for future research'
Edison, H,Carroll, N,Morgan, L,Conboy, K (2020) 'Inner source software development: Current thinking and an agenda for future research'. Journal Of Systems And Software, 163 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'A lean start-up approach for developing minimum viable products in an established company'
Dennehy, D., Kasraian, L., O' Raghallaigh, P., Conboy, K., Sammon, D., Lynch, P. (2019) 'A lean start-up approach for developing minimum viable products in an established company'. Journal Of Decision Systems, 28 (3):224-232 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Using business analytics to enhance dynamic capabilities in operations research: A case analysis and research agenda'
Conboy, K;Mikalef, P;Dennehy, D;Krogstie, J (2019) 'Using business analytics to enhance dynamic capabilities in operations research: A case analysis and research agenda'. European Journal Of Operational Research, 281 :656-672 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Talking up a storm: How backers use public discourse to exert control in crowdfunding'
Gleasure, R.; Conboy, K.; Morgan, L. (2019) 'Talking up a storm: How backers use public discourse to exert control in crowdfunding'. Information Systems Research, [Details]
(2019) 'Implementing Large-Scale Agile Frameworks: Challenges and Recommendations'
Conboy, K,Carroll, N (2019) 'Implementing Large-Scale Agile Frameworks: Challenges and Recommendations'. Ieee Software, 36 :44-50 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Identifying Challenges and a Research Agenda for Flow in Software Project Management'
Dennehy, D,Conboy, K (2018) 'Identifying Challenges and a Research Agenda for Flow in Software Project Management'. Project Management Journal, 49 :103-118 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Portfolios of Agile Projects A Complex Adaptive Systems' Agent Perspective'
Sweetman, R,Conboy, K (2018) 'Portfolios of Agile Projects A Complex Adaptive Systems' Agent Perspective'. Project Management Journal, 49 :18-38 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) '‘Big Time’: An Examination of Temporal Complexity and Business Value in Analytics'
Conboy, K; Dennehy, D; O'Connor, M (2018) '‘Big Time’: An Examination of Temporal Complexity and Business Value in Analytics'. Information & Management, [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Kanban in Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study'
Ahmad, M-O; Dennehy, D; Conboy, K; Oivo, M (2018) 'Kanban in Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study'. Journal Of Systems And Software, [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Kanban in software engineering: A systematic mapping study'
Ahmad, MO,Dennehy, D,Conboy, K,Oivo, M (2018) 'Kanban in software engineering: A systematic mapping study'. Journal Of Systems And Software, 137 :96-113 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Contemporary Issues of Open Data in Information Systems Research: Considerations and Recommendations'
Link, GJP;Lumbard, K;Conboy, K;Feldman, M;Feller, J;George, J;Germonprez, M;Goggins, S;Jeske, D;Kiely, G;Schuster, K;Willis, M (2017) 'Contemporary Issues of Open Data in Information Systems Research: Considerations and Recommendations'. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, 41 :587-610 [Details]
(2017) 'Contemporary Issues of Open Data in Information Systems Research: Considerations and Recommendations'
Georg Link, Kevin Lumbard, Kieran Conboy, Matt Germonprez (2017) 'Contemporary Issues of Open Data in Information Systems Research: Considerations and Recommendations'. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, forthcoming [Details]
(2017) 'Contemporary Issues of Open Data in Information Systems Research: Considerations and Recommendations'
Link, GJP,Lumbard, K,Conboy, K,Feldman, M,Feller, J,George, J,Germonprez, M,Goggins, S,Jeske, D,Kiely, G,Schuster, K,Willis, M (2017) 'Contemporary Issues of Open Data in Information Systems Research: Considerations and Recommendations'. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, 41 :587-610 [Details]
(2017) 'Examining decision characteristics & challenges for agile software development'
Drury-Grogan, ML,Conboy, K,Acton, T (2017) 'Examining decision characteristics & challenges for agile software development'. Journal Of Systems And Software, 131 :248-265 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Going with the flow: An activity theory analysis of flow techniques in software development'
Dennehy, D,Conboy, K (2017) 'Going with the flow: An activity theory analysis of flow techniques in software development'. Journal Of Systems And Software, 133 :160-173 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'The Real Story Behind Big Data'
Conboy, K; Whelan, E; Morris, S (2017) 'The Real Story Behind Big Data'. Ivey Business Journal, Nov/Dec [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Going with the Flow: An Activity Theory Analysis of Flow Techniques in Software Development'
Dennehy, D; Conboy, K. (2017) 'Going with the Flow: An Activity Theory Analysis of Flow Techniques in Software Development'. Journal Of Systems And Software, :160-173 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) '“Openness” With and Without IT: A Framework and a Brief History'
Daniel Schlagwein, Kieran Conboy, Joseph Feller, Lorraine Morgan, Jan Marco Leimeister (2017) '“Openness” With and Without IT: A Framework and a Brief History'. Journal Of Information Technology, forthcoming [Details]
(2017) 'Examining Decision Characteristics & Challenges in Agile Software Development'
Meghann Drury, Kieran Conboy, Thomas Acton (2017) 'Examining Decision Characteristics & Challenges in Agile Software Development'. Journal Of Systems And Software, forthcoming [Details]
(2016) 'Software Startups - A Research Agenda'
Unterkalmsteiner, M; Abrahamsson, P; Wang, XF; Anh, ND; Shah, S; Bajwa, SS; Baltes, GH; Conboy, K; Cullina, E; Dennehy, D; Edison, H; Fernandez-Sanchez, C; Garbajosa, J; Gorschek, T; Klotins, E; Hokkanen, L; Kon, F; Lunesu, I; Marchesi, M; Morgan, L; Oivo; M,Selig, C; Seppanen, P; Sweetman, R; Tyrvainen, P; Ungerer, C; Yague, A (2016) 'Software Startups - A Research Agenda'. E-Informatica-Software Engineering Journal, 10 :89-123 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Software startups--a research agenda'
Unterkalmsteiner, Michael and Abrahamsson, Pekka and Wang, XiaoFeng and Nguyen-Duc, Anh and Shah, Syed and Bajwa, Sohaib Shahid and Baltes, Guido H and Conboy, Kieran and Cullina, Eoin and Dennehy, Denis and others (2016) 'Software startups--a research agenda'. e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, 10 (1) [Details]
(2016) 'Software Startups - A Research Agenda'
Unterkalmsteiner, M,Abrahamsson, P,Wang, XF,Anh, ND,Shah, S,Bajwa, SS,Baltes, GH,Conboy, K,Cullina, E,Dennehy, D,Edison, H,Fernandez-Sanchez, C,Garbajosa, J,Gorschek, T,Klotins, E,Hokkanen, L,Kon, F,Lunesu, I,Marchesi, M,Morgan, L,Oivo, M,Selig, C,Seppanen, P,Sweetman, R,Tyrvainen, P,Ungerer, C,Yague, A (2016) 'Software Startups - A Research Agenda'. E-Informatica-Software Engineering Journal, 10 :89-123 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Moving Toward the Next Generation of Graduate Degree Programs in Information Systems'
TOPI, H.; CONBOY, K.; DONNELLAN, B.; RAMESH, V. VAN TOORN, C.; WRIGHT, R. (2014) 'Moving Toward the Next Generation of Graduate Degree Programs in Information Systems'. Communications Of The Ais, [Details]
(2014) 'Embracing Open Innovation in Agile Software Development'
Conboy, K. and Morgan, L. (2014) 'Embracing Open Innovation in Agile Software Development'. The Engineers Journal, [Details]
(2014) 'Agile Practices: The Impact on Trust in Software Project Teams'
MCHUGH, O.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2014) 'Agile Practices: The Impact on Trust in Software Project Teams'. Ieee Software, 29 (3):71-76 [Details]
(2014) 'Implementing an Innovation Project in an Irish Multinational Subsidiary: A Dialogical Action Research Study'
COSTELLO, G.; CONBOY, K.; DONNELLAN, B. (2014) 'Implementing an Innovation Project in an Irish Multinational Subsidiary: A Dialogical Action Research Study'. Irish Journal Of Management, [Details]
(2014) 'A Systematic Analysis of the Role of IS in Open Innovation'
Whelan, E. Conboy, K., Crowston, K., Morgan L., and Rossi, M. (2014) 'A Systematic Analysis of the Role of IS in Open Innovation'. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15 [Top basket IS journal] [Details]
(2013) 'Contemporary Project Portfolio Management: Reflections on the Development of an Australian Competency Standard for Project Portfolio Management'
YOUNG, M.; CONBOY, K. (2013) 'Contemporary Project Portfolio Management: Reflections on the Development of an Australian Competency Standard for Project Portfolio Management'. International Journal Of Project Management, 31 (8):1089-1100 [Details]
(2013) 'The Getting of Wisdom: The Future of PM University Education in Australia'
BREDILLET, C. N.; CONBOY, K.; DAVIDSON, P.; WALKER, D. (2013) 'The Getting of Wisdom: The Future of PM University Education in Australia'. International Journal Of Project Management, 31 (8):1072-1088 [Details]
(2013) 'The Getting of Wisdom: The Future of PM University Education in Australia'
BREDILLET, C. N.; CONBOY, K.; DAVIDSON, P.; WALKER, D. (2013) 'The Getting of Wisdom: The Future of PM University Education in Australia'. International Journal Of Project Management, NULL (0) [Details]
(2013) 'Key Factors Impacting Cloud Computing Adoption'
Morgan, L. and Conboy, K. (2013) 'Key Factors Impacting Cloud Computing Adoption'. IEEE Computer, [Details]
(2013) 'Group Process Losses in Agile Software Development Decision Making'
Coyle, Sharon; Conboy, Kieran; Acton, Thomas (2013) 'Group Process Losses in Agile Software Development Decision Making'. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 9 (2):38-53 [Details]
(2013) 'Group Process Losses in Agile Software Development Decision Making'
Coyle, S., Conboy, K., Acton, T. (2013) 'Group Process Losses in Agile Software Development Decision Making'. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 9 (2) [Details]
(2012) 'How to Manage Effectively in a Multi-Project Environment'
SWEETMAN, R.; O’DWYER, O.; CONBOY, K. (2012) 'How to Manage Effectively in a Multi-Project Environment'. The Engineers Journal, 66 (6):303-304 [Details]
(2012) 'Qualitative Methods Research in Information Systems: Motivations, Themes, and Contributions'
CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, G.; MATHIASSEN, L (2012) 'Qualitative Methods Research in Information Systems: Motivations, Themes, and Contributions'. European Journal Of Information Systems, 21 :113-118 [Details]
(2012) 'Assimilation of agile practices in use'
Wang, XF,Conboy, K,Pikkarainen, M (2012) 'Assimilation of agile practices in use'. Information Systems Journal, 22 :435-455 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Obstacles to Decision Making in Agile Software Development Teams'
DRURY, M.; CONBOY, K.; POWER, K. (2012) 'Obstacles to Decision Making in Agile Software Development Teams'. Journal Of Systems And Software, 85 (6):1239-1254 [Details]
(2012) 'The use of focus groups in complex and pressurised IS studies and evaluation using Klein & Myers principles for interpretive research'
O'hEocha, C,Wang, XF,Conboy, K (2012) 'The use of focus groups in complex and pressurised IS studies and evaluation using Klein & Myers principles for interpretive research'. Information Systems Journal, 22 :235-256 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Unravelling ISD Practice and Behaviour: Using Innovative Focus Groups in Complex and Pressurised Information Systems Studies'
O’hEOCHA, C.; WANG, X.; CONBOY, K. (2012) 'Unravelling ISD Practice and Behaviour: Using Innovative Focus Groups in Complex and Pressurised Information Systems Studies'. Information Systems Journal, 22 :235-256 [Details]
(2012) 'Assimilation of Agile Practices in Use'
WANG, X.; CONBOY, K.; PIKKARAINEN, M. (2012) 'Assimilation of Agile Practices in Use'. Information Systems Journal, 22 (6):435-455 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Leagile Software Development: An Experience Report Analysis of the Application of Lean Approaches in Agile Software Development'
WANG, X.; CONBOY, K.; CAWLEY, O. (2012) 'Leagile Software Development: An Experience Report Analysis of the Application of Lean Approaches in Agile Software Development'. Journal Of Systems And Software, 85 (6):1287-1299 [Details]
(2012) 'Agile Practices: The Impact on Trust in Software Project Teams'
McHugh, O;Conboy, K;Lang, M (2012) 'Agile Practices: The Impact on Trust in Software Project Teams'. Ieee Software, 29 :71-76 [Details]
(2011) 'Using Focus Groups & Post-it Boards In Studies of ISD Team Behaviour'
O’hEOCHA, C.; CONBOY, K.; WANG, X. (2011) 'Using Focus Groups & Post-it Boards In Studies of ISD Team Behaviour'. Journal of Business Research, 8 (2):119-131 [Details]
(2011) 'A Delphi study on collaborative learning in distance education: The faculty perspective'
O'Neill, S;Scott, M;Conboy, K (2011) 'A Delphi study on collaborative learning in distance education: The faculty perspective'. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 42 :939-949 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'A Delphi Study on Collaborative Learning in Distance Education: The Faculty Perspective'
O'NEILL, S.; SCOTT, M.; CONBOY, K (2011) 'A Delphi Study on Collaborative Learning in Distance Education: The Faculty Perspective'. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 42 :939-949 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'People Over Process: Key Challenges in Agile Development'
Conboy, K., Coyle, S., Wang, X., Pikkarainen, M. (2011) 'People Over Process: Key Challenges in Agile Development'. Ieee Software, 28 (4):48-57 [Details]
(2011) 'Using Agile Practices to Influence Motivation within IT Project Teams'
MCHUGH, O.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M (2011) 'Using Agile Practices to Influence Motivation within IT Project Teams'. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 23 (2):59-85 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'Beyond the customer: Opening the agile systems development process'
Conboy, K;Morgan, L (2011) 'Beyond the customer: Opening the agile systems development process'. Information And Software Technology, 53 :535-542 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Examining Customer Focus in Agile Systems Development Teams - Findings from Irish and Norwegian Case Studies'
LOHAN, G.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2011) 'Examining Customer Focus in Agile Systems Development Teams - Findings from Irish and Norwegian Case Studies'. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 23 (2):29-58 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'People Over Process: Key People Challenges in Agile Development'
CONBOY, K.; COYLE, S.; WANG, X.; PIKKARAINEN, M. (2011) 'People Over Process: Key People Challenges in Agile Development'. Ieee Software, 28 :48-57 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'Beyond the Customer: Opening the Agile Systems Development Process'
CONBOY, K.; MORGAN, L (2011) 'Beyond the Customer: Opening the Agile Systems Development Process'. Information And Software Technology, 53 :535-542 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'People over Process: Key Challenges in Agile Development'
Conboy, K;Coyle, S;Wang, XF;Pikkarainen, M (2011) 'People over Process: Key Challenges in Agile Development'. Ieee Software, 28 :48-57 [Details]
(2011) 'Move Over Agile: Software Developers Look To Lean'
Conboy, K. (2011) 'Move Over Agile: Software Developers Look To Lean'. Technology Ireland, 42 (5):40-41 [Details]
(2010) 'Combining Agile and Traditional: Customer Communication in Distributed Environment'
Korkala, M;Pikkarainen, M;Conboy, K (2010) 'Combining Agile and Traditional: Customer Communication in Distributed Environment'. Agility Across Time And Space: Implementing Agile Methods In Global Software Projects, :201-216 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Combining Agile and Traditional: Customer Communication in Distributed Environment'
Korkala, M,Pikkarainen, M,Conboy, K,Smite, D,Moe, NB,Agerfalk, PJ (2010) 'Combining Agile and Traditional: Customer Communication in Distributed Environment'. Agility Across Time And Space: Implementing Agile Methods In Global Software Projects, :201-216 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Project failure en masse: a study of loose budgetary control in ISD projects'
Conboy, K (2010) 'Project failure en masse: a study of loose budgetary control in ISD projects'. European Journal Of Information Systems, 19 :273-287 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Unstructured Knowledge Transfer in ICT Teams'
Halonen, R.; Laukkanen, E.; Acton, T.; Conboy, K. (2010) 'Unstructured Knowledge Transfer in ICT Teams'. Journal Of Information And Knowledge Management, 9 :1-15 [Details]
(2010) 'Project Failure En Masse: A Study of Loose Budgetary Control in ISD Projects'
CONBOY, K et al. (2010) 'Project Failure En Masse: A Study of Loose Budgetary Control in ISD Projects'. European Journal Of Information Systems, 19 :273-287 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) 'Method and Developer Characteristics for Effective Agile Method Tailoring: A Study of XP Expert Opinion'
Conboy, K;Fitzgerald, B (2010) 'Method and Developer Characteristics for Effective Agile Method Tailoring: A Study of XP Expert Opinion'. Acm Transactions On Software Engineering And Methodology, 20 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Method and Developer Characteristics for Effective Agile Method Tailoring: A Study of XP Expert Opinion'
CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, B (2010) 'Method and Developer Characteristics for Effective Agile Method Tailoring: A Study of XP Expert Opinion'. Acm Transactions On Software Engineering And Methodology, 20 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Where Agile Research Goes: Starting From a 7-year Retrospective (Report on Agile Research Workshop at XP2009)'
WANG X.; LANE M.; CONBOY K.; PIKKARAINEN M. (2009) 'Where Agile Research Goes: Starting From a 7-year Retrospective (Report on Agile Research Workshop at XP2009)'. Acm Transactions On Software Engineering And Methodology, 34 [Details]
(2009) 'Agility From First Principles: Reconstructing the Concept of Agility in Information Systems Development'
CONBOY, K. (2009) 'Agility From First Principles: Reconstructing the Concept of Agility in Information Systems Development'. Information Systems Research, 20 (3):329-354 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) 'A Review of Key Challenges for Agile Method Research'
ABRAHAMSSON, P., CONBOY, K., WANG, X. (2009) 'A Review of Key Challenges for Agile Method Research'. European Journal Of Information Systems, [Details]
(2009) 'Lots Done, More To Do': the Current State of Agile Systems Development Research'
ABRAHAMSSON, P.; K. CONBOY.; X. WANG (2009) 'Lots Done, More To Do': the Current State of Agile Systems Development Research'. European Journal Of Information Systems, 18 :281-284 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) ''Lots Done, More To Do': The Current State of Agile Systems Development Research'
ABRAHAMSSON, P.; CONBOY, K.; WANG, XF. (2009) ''Lots Done, More To Do': The Current State of Agile Systems Development Research'. European Journal Of Information Systems, 18 (2):281-284 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'An Action Research Case Study of the Facilitators and Inhibitors of eCommerce Adoption'
KIRWAN, O.; CONBOY, K. (2009) 'An Action Research Case Study of the Facilitators and Inhibitors of eCommerce Adoption'. International Business Research, 2 (2):48-56 [Details]
(2006) 'Customising agile methods to software practices at Intel Shannon'
Fitzgerald, B;Hartnett, G;Conboy, K (2006) 'Customising agile methods to software practices at Intel Shannon'. European Journal Of Information Systems, 15 :200-213 [DOI] [Details]
(2006) 'Customising Agile Methods to Software Practices at Intel Shannon'
FITZGERALD, B.; HARTNETT, G.; CONBOY, K (2006) 'Customising Agile Methods to Software Practices at Intel Shannon'. European Journal Of Information Systems, 15 :200-213 [DOI] [Details]


  Year Publication
(2008) The Inter-Networked World: ISD Theory, Practice, and Education.
BARRY, C., LANG, M., CONBOY, K. WOJTKOWSKI, W., & WOJTKOWSKI, G. (eds) (2008) The Inter-Networked World: ISD Theory, Practice, and Education. New York: Springer-Verlag. [Details]
(2008) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference in XP and Agile Processes in Systems Development (XP2008).
ABRAHAMSSON, P.; CONBOY, K.; WANG, X.; FITZGERALD, B. (2008) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference in XP and Agile Processes in Systems Development (XP2008). New York: Springer-Verlag:. [Details]
(2008) Proceedings of the 16th European Conference in Information Systems (ECIS2008).
GOLDEN, W.; ACTON, T.; CONBOY, K. (2008) Proceedings of the 16th European Conference in Information Systems (ECIS2008). Ireland: NUI Galway. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2018) 'Cloud Computing: An Exploration of Factors Impacting Adoption'
Morgan, L. and Conboy, K. (2018) 'Cloud Computing: An Exploration of Factors Impacting Adoption' In: Software Technology 10 Years of Innovation in IEEE Computer: 10 Years of Innovation. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-IEEE Computer Society. [Details]
(2019) 'A Design Science Approach to Implementing Flow-based Information Systems Development'
Conboy, K; Dennehy, D; Gleasure, R (2019) 'A Design Science Approach to Implementing Flow-based Information Systems Development' In: Design Science Research (DSR). Cases. UK: SpringerNature. [Details]
(2013) 'It Is About Time: Investigating the Temporal Parameters of Decision-Making in Agile Teams. Building Sustainable Information Systems'
Riordan, Niamh O,Acton, Tom,Conboy, Kieran,Golden, Willie (2013) 'It Is About Time: Investigating the Temporal Parameters of Decision-Making in Agile Teams. Building Sustainable Information Systems' In: :455-465 Springer USSpringer US. [Details]
(2017) 'Agility in Information Systems Development'
Conboy, K., Dennehy, D., Sweetman, R. and Morgan, L (2017) 'Agility in Information Systems Development' In: The Routledge Companion to Management Information Systems. London, UK: Routledge. [Details]
(2017) 'Agility in IS methods'
Conboy, K., Dennehy, D., Sweetman, R., and Morgan, L. (2017) 'Agility in IS methods' In: Routledge Companion to Management Information Systems. USA: Routledge Publishers. [Details]
(2010) 'Future Research in Agile Systems Development: Applying Open Innovation Principles within the Agile Organisation. Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions'
CONBOY, K.; MORGAN, L. (2010) 'Future Research in Agile Systems Development: Applying Open Innovation Principles within the Agile Organisation. Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions' In: Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions. Springer-Verlag. [Details]
(2010) 'The Role of the User Story Agile Practice in Innovation'
ABRAHAMSSON, P.; OZA, N.; O HEOCHA, C.; & CONBOY, K. (2010) 'The Role of the User Story Agile Practice in Innovation' In: Lean Enterprise Software and Systems. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) 'Where agile research meets industry needs: Starting from a 10-year retrospective'
WANG, X.; LANE, M.; CONBOY, K.; PIKKARAINEN, M. (2009) 'Where agile research meets industry needs: Starting from a 10-year retrospective' In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. :221-223 New York: Springer-Verlag. [Details]
(2009) 'An Action Research Case Study of the Facilitators and Inhibitors of E-Commerce Adoption'
KIRWAN, O.; CONBOY, K. (2009) 'An Action Research Case Study of the Facilitators and Inhibitors of E-Commerce Adoption' In: Business Web Strategy: Design, Alignment, and Application. Global: IGI. [Details]
(2009) 'Distributed agile development: A case study of customer communication challenges'
KORKOLA, M.; PIKKARAINEN, M.; CONBOY, K. (2009) 'Distributed agile development: A case study of customer communication challenges' In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. :161-167 New York: Springer-Verlag. [Details]
(2009) 'Agility and Innovation in Software Firms'
ABRAHAMSSON, P.; CONBOY, K.; OZA, N. (2009) 'Agility and Innovation in Software Firms' In: Agile Perspectives. New York: Springer-Verlag. [Details]
(2009) 'A Study of Risk Management in DSDM'
COYLE, S.; CONBOY, K. (2009) 'A Study of Risk Management in DSDM' In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. New York: Springer-Verlag. [Details]
(2007) 'Agile Drivers, Capabilities and Value: An Over-Arching Assessment for Systems Development'
CONBOY, K., FITZGERALD, B. (2007) 'Agile Drivers, Capabilities and Value: An Over-Arching Assessment for Systems Development' In: Agile Information Systems: Conceptualisation, Construction and Management. :207-222 Massachusetts: Elsevier. [Details]
(2005) 'Agility in Information Systems Development: A Three-Tiered Framework'
CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, B.; GOLDEN, W. (2005) 'Agility in Information Systems Development: A Three-Tiered Framework' In: Business Agility and Information Technology Diffusion. :35-49 Boston: Springer. [Details]
(2004) 'Toward a Conceptual Framework of Agile Methods'
CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, B. (2004) 'Toward a Conceptual Framework of Agile Methods' In: Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - XP/Agile Universe. :93-102 Berlin: Springer-Verlag. [Details]
(2004) 'A Study of Agile Methods: The Gap between Theory and Practice'
CONBOY, K. & FITZGERALD, B. (2004) 'A Study of Agile Methods: The Gap between Theory and Practice' In: eXtreme Programming and Agile Development. New York: Springer-Verlag. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2024) The 25th International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP2024, AI for Agile Software Engineering (AI4ASE) workshop
Moe NB., Emmerhoff J., Floryan M., Griva A., Gundelsby J., Ulfsnes R., Barbala AM, and Conboy K. (2024) The Challenges of Responsible AI in Software Engineering - An Industry Perspective The 25th International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP2024, AI for Agile Software Engineering (AI4ASE) workshop [Details]
(2024) Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) Conference Proceedings 2024
Wang Y., Ul Hassan U., Griva A., Conboy K. (2024) Temporal Aspects in Cancer Clinical Decision-Making Through Machine Learning Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) Conference Proceedings 2024 [Details]
(2024) 40th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium
Zamani E., Griva A., Conboy K. (2024) Time and Temporality and Technology: Chronotelic Behaviours of Remote Workers 40th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium [Details]
(2024) UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings
Yiyu Wang, Umair ul Hassan, Anastasia Griva and Kieran Conboy (2024) Temporal Dimensions in Cancer Clinical Decision-Making Through Machine Learning UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings [Details]
(2022) European Conference on Information Systems (
Mark Rowland, Noel Carroll, Kieran Conboy (2022) Examining the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence for Digital Transformation European Conference on Information Systems ( [Details]
(2021) 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Austin, USA
Noel Carroll, Brian McLafferty, Kieran Conboy, Brian Donnellan (2021) Normalising a Digital Transformation 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Austin, USA [Details]
Conboy, K;Fitzgerald, B (2004) Toward a conceptual framework of agile methods EXTREME PROGRAMMING AND AGILE METHODS - XP/ AGILE UNIVERSE 2004, PROCEEDINGS , pp.105-116 [Details]
Conboy, K;Fitzgerald, B (2007) The views of experts on the current state of agile method tailoring ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS OF TECHNOLOGY-BASED INNOVATION: DIVERSIFYING THE RESEARCH AGENDA [Details]
Oza, N;Abrahamsson, P;Conboy, K (2009) Positioning Agility AGILE PROCESSES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND EXTREME PROGRAMMING [Details]
(2010) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP 2010
Power, K., Morgan, L. and Conboy, K. (2010) Enabling Open Innovation through Agile Development Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP 2010 [Details]
(2018) Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration
Carroll, Noel and Morgan, Lorraine and Conboy, Kieran (2018) Examining the Impact of Adopting Inner Source Software Practices Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration [Details]
(2018) Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration
Edison, Henry and Carroll, Noel and Conboy, Kieran and Morgan, Lorraine (2018) An Investigation into Inner Source Software Development: Preliminary Findings from a Systematic Literature Review Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration [Details]
(2020) IFIP WG8.6
Dennehy, D; Conboy, K; Ferreira, J; Babu, J; Schneider, J;Handali, J; Vom Brocke, J; Hoffmeister, B; Steiner, A (2020) Adopting Learning Analytics To Inform Postgraduate Curriculum Design IFIP WG8.6 [Details]
Conboy, K (2004) Agile methods: The gap between theory and practice EXTREME PROGRAMMING AND AGILE PROCESSES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, PROCEEDINGS , pp.316-316 [Details]
Conboy, K;Fitzgerald, B;Golden, W (2005) Agility in information systems development: A three-tiered framework BUSINESS AGILITY AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIFFUSION , pp.35-49 [Details]
(2014) IPP2014: Crowdsourcing for Politics and Policy
Cullina, E., Conboy, K. and Morgan, L. (2014) Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Mechanisms for Science Funding Bodies – The development of a Call Categorization Matrix (CCM) IPP2014: Crowdsourcing for Politics and Policy Oxford, [Details]
(2018) Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Open Collaboration
Carroll, N. Morgan, L. and Conboy, K. (2018) Examining the Impact of Adopting Inner Source Software Practices Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Open Collaboration [Details]
(2018) European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
Agerfalk, P., Fitzgerald, B., Conboy, K., Morgan, L., Rossi, M. and Teixera, J. (2018) (2018) Opensourcing Vs. Crowdsourcing – Juxtaposition and the Future of Software Sourcing European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) [Details]
(2020) North American Case Research Association (NACRA)
Dennehy, D; Conboy, K; Gogan, J (2020) Start Finishing with Flow North American Case Research Association (NACRA) [Details]
(2020) European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
Handali, J., Schneider, J., Dennehy, D., Hoffmeister, B., Conboy, K., & Becker, J. (2020) Industry Demand for Analytics: A Longitudinal Study European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) [Details]
(2020) 8th International Research Workshop on Large-Scale Agile Development, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP2020)
Carroll, N., Bjørnson, F.O., Dingsøyr, T., Rolland, K-H., Conboy, K. (2020) Operationalizing Agile Methods: Examining Coherence in Large-Scale Agile Transformations 8th International Research Workshop on Large-Scale Agile Development, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP2020) Copenhagen, Denmark, [Details]
Halonen, R;Haapala, H;Acton, T;Conboy, K;Golden, W (2009) Information systems - unavoidable nuisances in combining local administratives? 22ND BLED ECONFERENCE-EENABLEMENT: FACILITATING AN OPEN, EFFECTIVE AND REPRESENTATIVE ESOCIETY , pp.532-545 [Details]
Wang, XF;Conboy, K;Pikkarainen, M;Lane, M (2009) Where Agile Research Meets Industry Needs: Starting from a 10-Year Retrospective AGILE PROCESSES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND EXTREME PROGRAMMING , pp.221-223 [Details]
Conboy, K;Wang, XF;Fitzgerald, B (2009) Creativity in Agile Systems Development: A Literature Review INFORMATION SYSTEMS - CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION IN SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES [Details]
Coyle, S;Conboy, K (2009) A Study of Risk Management in DSDM AGILE PROCESSES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND EXTREME PROGRAMMING , pp.142-148 [Details]
Sharkey, U;Acton, T;Conboy, K (2009) Modelling the Effects of Decision Tools in Online Shopping 22ND BLED ECONFERENCE-EENABLEMENT: FACILITATING AN OPEN, EFFECTIVE AND REPRESENTATIVE ESOCIETY , pp.506-518 [Details]
Korkala, M;Pikkarainen, M;Conboy, K (2009) Distributed Agile Development: A Case Study of Customer Communication Challenges AGILE PROCESSES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND EXTREME PROGRAMMING [Details]
O'Boyle, P;Acton, T;Campion, M;Conboy, K;Scott, M (2009) Towards a Toolset for Intranet Evaluation 22ND BLED ECONFERENCE-EENABLEMENT: FACILITATING AN OPEN, EFFECTIVE AND REPRESENTATIVE ESOCIETY [Details]
Conboy, K;Duarte, V (2010) Scaling Agile to Lean - Track Summary LEAN ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS [Details]
Lohan, G;Conboy, K;Lang, M (2010) Beyond Budgeting: A Performance Management Model for Software Development Teams LEAN ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS , pp.126-138 [Details]
Morgan, L;Conboy, K (2010) Exploring the Role of Value Networks for Software Innovation DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS [Details]
Conboy, K;Donnellan, B;Morgan, L;Wang, XF (2010) Opening up the Agile Innovation Process HUMAN BENEFIT THROUGH THE DIFFUSION OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS DESIGN SCIENCE RESEARCH [Details]
O'hEocha, C;Conboy, K (2010) The Role of the User Story Agile Practice in Innovation LEAN ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS , pp.20-30 [Details]
O'hEocha, C;Conboy, K;Wang, XF (2010) Using Focus Groups in Studies of ISD Team Behaviour PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES , pp.401-408 [Details]
Conboy, K;Lang, M (2011) The Paradox of Structured Methods for Software Requirements Management: A Case Study of an e-Government Development Project INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT: ASIAN EXPERIENCES , pp.223-232 [Details]
Sweetman, R;O'Dwyer, O;Conboy, K (2014) Control in Software Project Portfolios: A Complex Adaptive Systems Approach AGILE METHODS: LARGE-SCALE DEVELOPMENT, REFACTORING, TESTING, AND ESTIMATION , pp.93-104 [Details]
(2018) Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym '18)
Henry Edison and Noel Carroll and Kieran Conboy and Lorraine Morgan (2018) An Investigation into Inner Source Software Development: Preliminary Findings from a Systematic Literature Review Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym '18) [Details]
(2019) 18th IFIP Conference on on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society
Ferreira, J; Dennehy D; Babu, J; Conboy, K (2019) Winning of Hearts and Minds: Integrating Sentiment Analytics into the Analysis of Contradictions 18th IFIP Conference on on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society [Details]
(2019) OPENSYM | The 15th International Symposium on Open Collaboration
Ferreira, J; Glynn, M; Hunt, D; Babu, J; Dennehy, D; Conboy, K (2019) Exploring Sentiment Analysis of Open Source Community Review OPENSYM | The 15th International Symposium on Open Collaboration [Details]
(2019) 14th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management (IRWITPM)
Carroll, Noel and Conboy, Kieran (2019) Applying Normalization Process Theory to Explain Large-Scale Agile Transformations 14th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management (IRWITPM) Munich, Germany, [Details]
(2014) Internet, Politics, and Policy (IPP) - Crowdsourcing for Politics and Policy
Cullina, Eoin and Conboy, Kieran and Morgan, Lorraine (2014) Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Mechanisms for Scientific Research Funding Agencies--A Preliminary Entity Categorisation Matrix (PECM) Internet, Politics, and Policy (IPP) - Crowdsourcing for Politics and Policy [Details]
(2014) The 3rd international SIG Prag Workshop on IT Artefact Design \& Workpractice Improvement
Cullina, Eoin and Morgan, Lorraine and Conboy, Kieran (2014) The Development of a Public/Private Model for the Crowd-funding and Crowdsourcing of Scientific Research Projects The 3rd international SIG Prag Workshop on IT Artefact Design \& Workpractice Improvement [Details]
(2015) International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems
Conboy, Kieran and Gleasure, Rob and Cullina, Eoin (2015) Agile design science research International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems , pp.168-180 [Details]
(2015) Proceedings of The International Symposium on Open Collaboration, OpenSym
Cullina, Eoin and Conboy, Kieran and Morgan, Lorraine (2015) Measuring the Crowd -- A Preliminary Taxonomy of Crowdsourcing Metrics Proceedings of The International Symposium on Open Collaboration, OpenSym [Details]
(2015) Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration-OpenSym’15
Cullina, Eoin and Conboy, Kieran and Morgan, Lorraine (2015) Measuring the crowd Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration-OpenSym’15 , pp.1-10 [Details]
(2016) The 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2016
Cullina, Eoin and Conboy, Kieran and Morgan, Lorraine (2016) Choosing the Right Crowd: An Iterative Process for Crowd Specification in Crowdsourcing Initiatives The 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2016 [Details]
(2016) Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Open Collaboration Companion
Conboy, Kieran and Cullina, Eoin and Morgan, Lorraine (2016) A Crowdsourcing Practices Framework for Public Scientific Research Funding Agencies Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Open Collaboration Companion [Details]
(2002) Requirements Engineering for Web-Based Information Systems Development: An Empirical Study
Conboy, Kieran,Lang, Michael (2002) Requirements Engineering for Web-Based Information Systems Development: An Empirical Study [Details]
(2002) An Investigation of the Use of Requirements Prioritisation in Web-Based Information Systems Development
Conboy, Kieran,Lang, Michael,Barry, Chris (2002) An Investigation of the Use of Requirements Prioritisation in Web-Based Information Systems Development [Details]
(2009) Towards a Toolset for Intranet Evaluation
O'Boyle, P,Acton, T,Campion, M,Conboy, K,Scott, M,Swatman, P (2009) 22ND BLED ECONFERENCE-EENABLEMENT: FACILITATING AN OPEN, EFFECTIVE AND REPRESENTATIVE ESOCIETY Towards a Toolset for Intranet Evaluation [Details]
(2010) Exploring the Role of Value Networks for Software Innovation
Morgan, L,Conboy, K,Colugnati, FAB,Lopez, LCR,Barretto, SFA (2010) DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS Exploring the Role of Value Networks for Software Innovation [Details]
(2012) European Conference of Information Systems
Sharkey, Ultan; Acton, Thomas; Conboy, Kieran; (2012) Optimal Experience in Online Shopping: The Influence of Flow . In: Pries Heje, J. and Chiasson, M eds. European Conference of Information Systems ESADE Business School, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain, , 10-JUN-12 - 13-JUN-12 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 25th Bled eConference, eDependability: Reliable and Trustworthy eStructures, eProcesses, eOperations and eServices for the Future
Sharkey, Ultan; Acton, Thomas; Conboy, Kieran (2012) Concurrent and Retrospective Think-Aloud Protocols for Information Systems Research 25th Bled eConference, eDependability: Reliable and Trustworthy eStructures, eProcesses, eOperations and eServices for the Future Bled, Slovenia, , 17-JUN-12 - 20-JUN-12 [Details]
(2012) Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) sponsored Theory Development Workshop
O'Riordan, Niamh; Conboy, Kieran; Acton, Thomas (2012) A CLOCKWORK ORgANisation: Proposing a new theory of organisational temporality . In: LeBrocq, Adam; Gregor, Shirley eds. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) sponsored Theory Development Workshop Orlando, Florida, USA, , 16-DEC-12 - 16-DEC-12 [Details]
(2012) 21st International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD)
O'Riordan, Niamh; Acton, Thomas; Conboy, Kieran; Golden, Willie (2012) It’s about time: investigating the temporal parameters of decision making in agile teams 21st International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD) Prato, Italy, , 28-AUG-12 - 29-AUG-12 [Details]
(2012) 25th Bled eConference: eDependability
Sharkey, Ultan; Acton, Thomas, Conboy, Kieran (2012) Concurrent and Retrospective Think-Aloud Protocols for Information Systems Research . In: Pucihar, Andreja eds. 25th Bled eConference: eDependability Bled, Slovenia, , 17-JUN-12 - 20-JUN-12 [Details]
(2012) The JAIS sponsored Theory Development Workshop at ICIS
O Riordan, Niamh; Conboy, Kieran, Acton, Thomas (2012) A Clockwork Organisation: Proposing a New Theory of Organisational Temporality The JAIS sponsored Theory Development Workshop at ICIS [Details]
(2013) Lean Enterprise Software and Systems
Sweetman, Roger Conboy, Kieran (2013) Exploring the Tensions between Software Project Portfolio Management and Agile Methods: A Research in Progress Paper Lean Enterprise Software and Systems [Details]
(2013) 8th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management (IRWITPM), an ICIS pre-conference workshop
Lohan, Garry; Acton, Thomas; Conboy, Kieran (2013) The Impact of Group Cohesiveness on Decision-Making Outcomes under conditions of Challenging and Hindrance Time Pressure 8th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management (IRWITPM), an ICIS pre-conference workshop Universitá Bocconi, Milan, Italy, , 15-DEC-13 - 18-DEC-13 [Details]
(2013) International Conference on Information Systems
O Riordan, Niamh; Conboy, Kieran; Acton, Thomas (2013) How soon is now? Theorizing temporality in Information Systems research International Conference on Information Systems [Details]
(2014) 25th Australasia Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)
Lohan, Garry; Acton, Thomas; Conboy, Kieran (2014) An Investigation into Time Pressure, Group Cohesion and Decision Making in Software Development Groups 25th Australasia Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) Auckland, New Zealand, , 08-DEC-14 - 10-DEC-14 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) Choosing the Right Crowd: An Iterative Process for Crowd Specification in Crowdsourcing Initiatives
Cullina, E,Conboy, K,Morgan, L,Bui, TX,Sprague, RH (2016) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 49TH ANNUAL HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES (HICSS 2016) Choosing the Right Crowd: An Iterative Process for Crowd Specification in Crowdsourcing Initiatives , pp.4355-4364 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) IWSM Mensura
Estevam, A; Dennehy, D; Conboy, K (2017) Adopting Flow Analytics in Software Development Projects IWSM Mensura Gothenburg, Sweden, , 24-OCT-17 - 26-OCT-17 [Details]
(2017) International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
O'Connor, M; Dennehy, D; Conboy, K (2017) Examining the Concept of Temporality in Information System Development Flow International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) [Details]
14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2018), Paris, France, August 22-24.\
Carroll, Noel and Morgan, Lorraine and Conboy, Kieran\ Examining the Impact of Adopting Open Source Principles Inside Organizations\ 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2018), Paris, France, August 22-24.\ [Details]
14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2018), Paris, France, August 22-24.\
Edison, Henry and Carroll, Noel and Conboy, Kieran and Morgan, Lorraine\ An Investigation into Inner Source Software Development: Preliminary Findings from a Systematic Literature Review\ 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2018), Paris, France, August 22-24.\ [Details]
(2017) Collective Intelligence
Cullina, E., Conboy, K. and Morgan, L. (2017) Driving Entrepreneurship Through Crowdsourcing in Scientific Research Funding Agencies Collective Intelligence New York, , 14-JUN-17 - 15-JUN-17 [Details]
(2009) Distributed Agile Development: A Case Study of Customer Communication Challenges
Korkala, M,Pikkarainen, M,Conboy, K,Abrahamsson, P,Marchesi, M,Maurer, F (2009) AGILE PROCESSES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND EXTREME PROGRAMMING Distributed Agile Development: A Case Study of Customer Communication Challenges [Details]
(2009) Building a Dolmen: An ISD Approach to the Management of Innovation
Costello, GJ,Conboy, K,Donnellan, B,Rochford, C,Barry, C,Conboy, K,Lang, M,Wojtkowski, G,Wojtkowski, W (2009) INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT: CHALLENGES IN PRACTICE, THEORY AND EDUCATION, VOLS 1AND 2 Building a Dolmen: An ISD Approach to the Management of Innovation , pp.417-429 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) Positioning Agility
Oza, N,Abrahamsson, P,Conboy, K,Abrahamsson, P,Marchesi, M,Maurer, F (2009) AGILE PROCESSES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND EXTREME PROGRAMMING Positioning Agility [Details]
(2009) Where Agile Research Meets Industry Needs: Starting from a 10-Year Retrospective
Wang, XF,Conboy, K,Pikkarainen, M,Lane, M,Abrahamsson, P,Marchesi, M,Maurer, F (2009) AGILE PROCESSES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND EXTREME PROGRAMMING Where Agile Research Meets Industry Needs: Starting from a 10-Year Retrospective , pp.221-223 [Details]
(2016) 24th European Conference in Information Systems (ECIS)
Clohessy, T., Acton, T., and Morgan, L and Conboy, K (2016) The Times they are A-Changin for ICT Service Provision: A Cloud Computing Business Model Perspective 24th European Conference in Information Systems (ECIS) Istanbul, Turkey, , 12-JUN-16 - 15-JUN-16 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) Choosing the Right Crowd: An Iterative Process for Crowd Specification in Crowdsourcing Initiatives
Cullina, E,Conboy, K,Morgan, L,Bui, TX,Sprague, RH (2016) 2016 49TH HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES (HICSS) Choosing the Right Crowd: An Iterative Process for Crowd Specification in Crowdsourcing Initiatives , pp.4355-4364 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) Creativity in Agile Systems Development: A Literature Review
Conboy, K,Wang, XF,Fitzgerald, B,Dhillon, G,Stahl, BC,Baskerville, R (2009) INFORMATION SYSTEMS - CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION IN SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES Creativity in Agile Systems Development: A Literature Review , pp.122-134 [Details]
(2016) R&D Management
Dennehy, D; Kasraian, L; O’Raghallaigh, P; Conboy, K (2016) Product Market Fit Frameworks for Lean Product Development R&D Management Cambridge, UK, , 03-JUL-16 - 07-JUL-16 [Details]
(2016) International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
Dennehy, D; Conboy, K. (2016) Early Adoption of Flow Artefacts in ISD: An Activity Theory Perspective International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) [Details]
(2015) Measuring the Crowd - A Preliminary Taxonomy of Crowdsourcing Metrics
Cullina, E,Conboy, K,Morgan, L, (2015) Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration Measuring the Crowd - A Preliminary Taxonomy of Crowdsourcing Metrics [DOI] [Details]
(2015) A Metric-Based Approach to Managing Architecture-Related Impediments in Product Development Flow
Power, K,Conboy, K, (2015) 2015 IEEE/ACM 2ND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE AND METRICS (SAM) A Metric-Based Approach to Managing Architecture-Related Impediments in Product Development Flow , pp.15-21 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 21st European Conference on Information Systems
O'Dwyer., O., Conboy, K., & Lang, M. (2013) A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Clan Control in ISD Project Teams 21st European Conference on Information Systems Utrecht, Netherlands, , 06-JUN-13 - 08-JUN-13 [Details]
(2013) 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2013)
Morgan, L. and Conboy, K. (2013) Factors Affecting the Adoption of Cloud Computing: An Exploratory Study 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2013) [Details]
(2013) American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013)
Morgan, L. and Conboy, K. (2013) Value Creation in the Cloud: Understanding Business Model Factors Affecting Value of Cloud Computing American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013) [Details]
(2012) InterTrade Ireland All-Island Innovation Programme 2012 Annual Conference
O RIORDAN, N., ACTION, T., CONBOY, K., GOLDEN, W. (2012) Decision-Making In Agile Software Development Teams: Solving The Optimal Timing Problem InterTrade Ireland All-Island Innovation Programme 2012 Annual Conference National University of Ireland, Galway, [Details]
(2012) International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2012)
LOHAN, G.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2012) A Performance Management Model for Agile Information Systems Development Teams International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2012) Prato, Italy, [Details]
(2012) International Conference On Information Systems Development
O RIORDAN, N.; ACTION, T.; CONBOY, K.; GOLDEN, W. (2012) It’s About Time: Investigating The Temporal Parameters Of Decision-Making In Agile Teams International Conference On Information Systems Development Prato, Italy, [Details]
(2012) 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
SHARKEY, U.; ACTON, T.; CONBOY, K. (2012) Optimal Experience in Online Shopping: The Influence of Flow . In: Pries Heje, J. and Chiasson, M eds. 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Barcelona, Spain, , 10-JUN-12 - 13-JUN-12 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012)
Conboy, K. and Morgan, L. (2012) Assimilation of the Cloud: Challenges to Acceptance, Routinisation and Infusion of Cloud Computing International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012) [Details]
(2011) 22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)
COYLE, S.; CONBOY, K.; ACTON, T. (2011) Losing the Plot: Decision Behaviours in Agile Systems Development 22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) Sydney, Australia, [Details]
(2011) 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
DABROWSKI, M.; ACTON, T.; DRURY, M.; CONBOY, K.; DABROWSKA, A. (2011) Agile Software Development: A Case for Adequate Decision Support Tools 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Detroit, Michigan, USA, [Details]
(2011) International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2011)
Lang, M., Keaveney, S. & Conboy, K. (2011) Cost Estimation in Agile Software Development Projects International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2011) Edinburgh, UK, Aug. 24-26, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 6th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management, a pre-conference workshop for the 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), hosted by the Special Interest Group for IT Project Management (SIGITProjMgmt) with the Association for Information Systems (AIS)
COYLE, S.; CONBOY, K.; ACTON, T. (2011) A Proposed Study of Contributions in Agile Systems Development 6th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management, a pre-conference workshop for the 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), hosted by the Special Interest Group for IT Project Management (SIGITProjMgmt) with the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Shanghai, China, [Details]
(2011) 22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)
Coyle, S., Conboy, K., Acton, T. (2011) Losing the Plot: Decision Behaviours in Agile Systems Development 22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) Sydney, Australia, [Details]
(2011) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mass Customisation and Open Innovation
Morgan, L., Conboy, K. and Hayes, J. (2011) Applying Lean Principles to the Crowdsourcing Process Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mass Customisation and Open Innovation [Details]
(2011) 6th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management, a pre-conference workshop for the 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), hosted by the Special Interest Group for IT Project Management (SIGITProjMgmt) with the Association for Information Systems (AIS)
DRURY, M.; ACTON, T.; CONBOY, K.; GOLDEN, W. (2011) The Role of Experience in Agile Software Development Decision Making 6th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management, a pre-conference workshop for the 2011 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), hosted by the Special Interest Group for IT Project Management (SIGITProjMgmt) with the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Shanghai, China, [Details]
(2011) 6th International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management (IRWITPM)
Coyle, S., Conboy, K., Acton, T. (2011) A Proposed Study of Contribution Behaviours in Agile Systems Development 6th International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management (IRWITPM) Shanghai, China, [Details]
(2011) International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2011)
O’Neill, S., Conboy, K. and Morgan, L. (2011) A Framework for Investigating Open Innovation Processes in ISD International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2011) Shanghai, [Details]
(2010) 18th European Conference on Information Systems
MORGAN, L.; CONBOY, K. (2010) Combining open innovation and agile approaches: implications for IS project managers 18th European Conference on Information Systems [Details]
(2010) 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
MCHUGH, O.; CONBOY, K.; SCOTT, M. (2010) Control in E-Government Projects - An Exploratory Study 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Lima, Peru, , 12-AUG-10 - 15-AUG-10 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) Proceedings of 5th International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management
MCHUGH, O.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2010) Motivating Agile Teams: A Case Study of Teams in Ireland and Sweden Proceedings of 5th International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management St. Louis, Missouri, USA, December 11, [Details]
(2010) Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
Lohan, G., Conboy, K. & Lang, M. (2010) Beyond Budgeting and Agile Software Development: A Conceptual Framework for the Performance Management of Agile Software Development Teams Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) St. Louis, Missouri, USA, December 12-15, [Details]
(2010) International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2010)
LOHAN, G.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2010) Having a Customer Focus in Agile Software Development International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2010) Prague, Czech Republic, August 25-27, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2010)
MCHUGH, O.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2010) Using Agile Practices to Build Trust in an Agile Team: A Case Study International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2010) Prague, Czech Republic, August 25-27, [Details]
(2010) 9th European Conference on Research Methods for Business and Management Studies
O HEOCHA, C.; CONBOY, K.; WANG, X. (2010) Using Focus Groups in Studies of ISD Team Behaviour 9th European Conference on Research Methods for Business and Management Studies Madrid, Spain, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions
CONBOY, K et al. (2010) Future Research in Agile Systems Development: Applying Open Innovation Principles Within the Agile Organisation Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions , pp.223-235 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2010)
CONBOY, K.; MORGAN, L. (2010) Combining Open Innovation and Agile Approaches: Implications for IS Project Managers Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2010) University of Pretoria, [Details]
(2010) 18th European Conference on Information Systems
MORGAN, L.; CONBOY, K. (2010) Combining Open Innovation and Agile Approaches: Implications for IS Project Managers 18th European Conference on Information Systems Pretoria, South Africa, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2010) LESS conference 2010
Lohan, G.; Conboy, K.; Lang, M. (2010) Beyond Budgeting: A Performance Management Model for Software Development Teams LESS conference 2010 Helsinki, Finland, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) 17th European Conference on Information Systems
O'NEILL S.; SCOTT M.; CONBOY K (2009) What's Technology Got To Do With IT? A Dephi Study on Collaborative Learning in Distance Education 17th European Conference on Information Systems Verona, Italy, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) Pre-ICIS Workshop
CONBOY, K.; COYLE, S. (2009) People Over Process: The Implications of Agile for IS Skills Pre-ICIS Workshop Dauphine University, Paris, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) Information Systems - Creativity and Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
CONBOY, K et al. (2009) Creativity in Agile Systems Development: A Literature Review Information Systems - Creativity and Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Guimaraes, Portugal, , pp.122-134 [Details]
(2009) 7th European Conference on Information Systems
COYLE S.; CONBOY K. (2009) A Case Study of Risk Management in Agile Systems Development 7th European Conference on Information Systems Verona, Italy, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) 7th European Conference on Information Systems
WANG, X.; CONBOY K. (2009) Understanding Agility in Software Development through A Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective 7th European Conference on Information Systems Verona, Italy, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) 18th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2009)
CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2009) The Paradox of Structured Methods for Software Requirements Management: A Case Study of an E-Government Development Project 18th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2009) Nanchang, China, September 16-19, [Details]
(2009) Irish Social Sciences Platform (Social Science Research and Policy Making: Bridging the Divide)
COYLE, S.; CONBOY, K.; ACTON, T. (2009) Contribution Behaviours in Systems Development - A Position Paper Irish Social Sciences Platform (Social Science Research and Policy Making: Bridging the Divide) Galway, Ireland, [Details]
(2009) International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC 2009)
HALONEN, R.; ACTON, T.; GOLDEN, W.; CONBOY, K. (2009) The DeLone & McLean Success Model as a Descriptive Tool in Evaluating the Use of a Virtual Learning Environment International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC 2009) Amsterdam, Netherlands, [Details]
(2009) 22nd Bled eConference on eEnablement (Facilitating an Open, Effective and Representative eSociety)
HALONEN, R.; HAAPALA, H.; ACTON, T.; CONBOY, K..; GOLDEN, W. (2009) Information Systems - Unavoidable Nuisances in Combining Local Administratives? 22nd Bled eConference on eEnablement (Facilitating an Open, Effective and Representative eSociety) Bled, Slovenia, [Details]
(2009) 22nd Bled eConference on eEnablement (Facilitating an Open, Effective and Representative eSociety)
SHARKEY, U.; ACTON, T.; CONBOY, K. (2009) Modelling the Effects of Decision Tools in Online Shopping 22nd Bled eConference on eEnablement (Facilitating an Open, Effective and Representative eSociety) Bled, Slovenia, [Details]
(2009) Irish Social Sciences Platform (Social Science Research and Policy Making: Bridging the Divide)
SHARKEY, U.; ACTON, T.; CONBOY, K. (2009) Optimal Product Information Display Formats in Online Shopping Scenarios: Implications for Management Practice and Policy Formation Irish Social Sciences Platform (Social Science Research and Policy Making: Bridging the Divide) Galway, Ireland, [Details]
(2009) 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
CONBOY, K.; ACTON, T.; HALONEN, R. (2009) Presenting Data for Team-Based Decision-Making in Agile Information Systems Projects 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Verona, Italy, [Details]
(2009) 22nd Bled eConference on eEnablement (Facilitating an Open, Effective and Representative eSociety)
O'BOYLE, P.; ACTON, T.; CAMPION, M.; CONBOY, K.; SCOTT, M. (2009) Towards a Toolset for Intranet Evaluation 22nd Bled eConference on eEnablement (Facilitating an Open, Effective and Representative eSociety) Bled, Slovenia, [Details]
(2009) Proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management
LOHAN, G.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2009) Project Management in Information Systems Development Proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management Galway, Ireland, September 2-4, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2009) 17th European Conference on Information Systems
Coyle, S., Conboy, K. (2009) A Case Study of Risk Management in Agile Systems Development 17th European Conference on Information Systems Verona, Italy, [Details]
(2009) Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, 10th International Conference, XP
Coyle, S., Conboy, K. (2009) A Study of Risk Management in DSDM Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, 10th International Conference, XP [Details]
(2009) Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, 10th International Conference, XP
Pikkarainen, M., Conboy, K., Coyle, S., Wang, X., Karlstom, D., Still, J., Keriersky, J. (2009) What Skills do we really need in Agile Software Development? Discussion of Industrial Impacts and Challenges Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, 10th International Conference, XP Sardinia, [Details]
(2009) Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP) Conference
Coyle, S., Conboy, K., Acton, T. (2009) Contribution Behaviours in Systems Development - A Position Paper Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP) Conference NUI Galway, Ireland, [Details]
(2008) SIG eGov workshop pre the 18th International Conference on Information Systems Paris, France
SCOTT, M.; CONBOY, K. (2008) A Study of Budgetary Control in eGovernment Projects SIG eGov workshop pre the 18th International Conference on Information Systems Paris, France , 17-DEC-08 [Details]
(2008) 3rd International Research Workshop on IT Project Management
MCHUGH, O.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2008) A Study of the Use and Effectiveness of Controls in Agile Information Systems Development Projects 3rd International Research Workshop on IT Project Management Paris, France, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2008) Supporting real time decision-making: The role of context in decision support on the move, SIG DSS Pre-ICIS Workshop on Real Time Decision Support - RTDMC International Conference on Information Systems
CONBOY, K.; ACTON, T.; HALONEN, R. (2008) Data Presentation for Agile Information Systems Project Decision Making Supporting real time decision-making: The role of context in decision support on the move, SIG DSS Pre-ICIS Workshop on Real Time Decision Support - RTDMC International Conference on Information Systems Paris, France, [Details]
(2008) Association of Information Systems SIGSEC Workshop on Information Security & Privacy (WISP)
HALONEN, R.; ACTON, T.; CONBOY, K.; GOLDEN, W. (2008) Access Rights as a Part of Information Security in Enterprises Association of Information Systems SIGSEC Workshop on Information Security & Privacy (WISP) Paris, France, , 18-DEC-08 - 18-DEC-08 [Details]
(2008) 3rd International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management (IRWITPM)
Conboy, K., Coyle, S. (2008) People Over Process: The Implications of Agile for IS Skills 3rd International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management (IRWITPM) Dauphine University, Paris, [Details]
(2008) Decisive and Incisive - The Path of DSS
SHARKEY, U.; ACTON, T.; CONBOY, K. (2008) Decisive and Incisive - The Path of DSS Decisive and Incisive - The Path of DSS Dublin City University, Dublin, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2007) 28th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2007)
PIKKARAINEN, M.; WANG, X.; CONBOY, K. (2007) Agile Practices in Use from an Innovation Assimilation Perspective: A Multiple Case Study 28th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2007) Montreal, Canada, , 10-DEC-07 - 12-DEC-07 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2007) 16th International Conference in Information Systems Development
COSTELLO, G.; CONBOY, K.; ROCHFORD, C.; DONNELLAN, B. (2007) Building a Dolmen: An Information Systems Development Approach to the Management of Innovation 16th International Conference in Information Systems Development Galway, Ireland, , 29-AUG-07 - 31-AUG-07 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2007) 11th IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference on Business Agility and IT Diffusion
CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, B. (2007) The Views of Experts on the Current State of Agile Method Tailoring . In: MCMASTER, T eds. 11th IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference on Business Agility and IT Diffusion Manchester, , 26-MAY-07 - 29-MAY-07 [Details]
(2006) Information Resources Management Association Conference
HILL S.; DONNELLAN, B.; CONBOY, K. (2006) IS to Support Innovation: Weapons of Mass Discussion? Information Resources Management Association Conference Washington DC, USA, , 21-MAY-06 - 24-MAY-06 [Details]
(2006) Proceedings of the 5th European Research Methods Conference
KIRWAN, O.; CONBOY, K. (2006) An Action Research Case Study – The Process of e-Commerce Adoption in an Irish SME Proceedings of the 5th European Research Methods Conference Manchester, , pp.209-219 [Details]
(2006) 17th International IRMA Conference
KIRWAN, O.; CONBOY, K. (2006) Facilitators and Inhibitors of e-Commerce Adoption in an Irish SME: An Action Research Case Study 17th International IRMA Conference Washington, , pp.209-219 [Details]
(2005) 11th IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference on Business Agility and IT Diffusion
CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, B.; GOLDEN, W. (2005) Agility in Information Systems Development: A Three-Tiered Framework . In: BASKERVILLE, R. & MATHIASSEN, L eds. 11th IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference on Business Agility and IT Diffusion Atlanta, , 08-MAY-05 - 11-MAY-05 , pp.67-77 [Details]
(2004) COCOMO IS Development Project Management Conference
CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, B. (2004) The Impact of Agility on Cost, Time and Scope . In: BOEHM, B eds. COCOMO IS Development Project Management Conference Los Angeles, , 06-AUG-04 - 09-AUG-04 , pp.82-91 [Details]
(2004) Toward a conceptual framework of agile methods
CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, B. (2004) Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - Xp/ Agile Universe 2004 Toward a conceptual framework of agile methods Alberta, Canada, , pp.105-116 [Details]
(2004) XP and Agile Conference
CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, B. (2004) Towards a Conceptual Framework of Agile Methods XP and Agile Conference Alberta, Canada, , 15-AUG-04 - 18-AUG-04 , pp.25-34 [Details]
(2004) Agile methods: The gap between theory and practice
CONBOY, K. (2004) Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering Agile methods: The gap between theory and practice National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, , pp.316-316 [Details]
(2004) European Conference on Information Systems
CONBOY, K.; FITZGERALD, B. (2004) A Study of Agile Methods European Conference on Information Systems Turku, Finland, , pp.77-87 [Details]
(2003) 8th United Kingdom Association of Information Systems Conference (UKAIS)
CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2003) Rationalism and Improvisation: An Investigation of Requirements Engineering in a COTS Selection Environment 8th United Kingdom Association of Information Systems Conference (UKAIS) University of Warwick, England, April 9-11, [Details]
(2002) 15th International Conference on Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications (ICSSEA)
CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2002) Requirements Engineering for Web-Based Information Systems Development: An Empirical Study . In: Rault, J.-C eds. 15th International Conference on Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications (ICSSEA) Paris, France, December 3-5, [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2002) The Proceedings of The 5th Irish Academy Of Management Annual Conference
CONBOY, K.; LANG, M.; BARRY, C. (2002) An Investigation Of The Use Of Requirements Prioritisation In Web-Based Information Systems Development The Proceedings of The 5th Irish Academy Of Management Annual Conference Waterford, Ireland, , 05-SEP-02 - 06-SEP-02 [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2009) Information Systems Development: Challenges in Practice, Theory and Education.
BARRY, C.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M.; WOJTKOWSKI , W.; WOJTKOWSKI, G (Ed.). (2009) Information Systems Development: Challenges in Practice, Theory and Education Information Systems Development: Challenges in Practice, Theory and Education. NUI Galway, Ireland , Springer-Verlag: New York: Springer. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2012) 'How to manage effectively in a multi-project environment'
Sweetman, Roger;O'Dwyer, Orla; Conboy, Kieran (2012) 'How to manage effectively in a multi-project environment' The Engineers Journal, 66 (6) :303-304. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2008) XP2008,
Abrahamsson, P., Baskerville, R., Conboy, K., Fitzgerald, B., Morgan, L., Wang, X. (2008) Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], XP2008, Limerick , 01-JUN-08. [Details]
(2013) LESS 2013,
Morgan, L., Stol, K., Conboy, K., Fitzgerald, B. (2013) Organising Chair, 4th International Conference on Lean Enterprise Software and Systems. [Organising Chair], LESS 2013, NUI Galway , 01-DEC-13. [Details]
(2014) European Conference on Information Systems,
Conboy, K., Morgan, L., Schlagwein, D. (2014) Track Chair, Openness and IT. [Track Chair ], European Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv, Israel , 01-JUN-14. [Details]
(2016) European Conference on Information Systems,
Schlagwein, D., Conboy, K., Morgan, L. and Feller, J. (2016) Track Chair, Openness and IT. [Track Chair ], European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey , 01-JUN-16. [Details]
(2017) OpenSym,
Morgan, L. (2017) General Chair. [Organising Chair], OpenSym, NUI Galway , 22-AUG-17 - 25-AUG-17. [Details]
(2017) The Journey to Enterprise Excellence,
Estevam, A; Dennehy, D; Conboy, K (2017) Improving Flow in Distributed Software Development Environments. [Oral Presentation], The Journey to Enterprise Excellence, University of LImerick , 19-MAY-17 - 19-MAY-17. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2011) Motivating Agile Teams: A Case Study of Teams in Ireland and Sweden.
MCHUGH, O.; CONBOY, K.; LANG, M. (2011) Motivating Agile Teams: A Case Study of Teams in Ireland and Sweden. Article [Details]

Conference Paper

  Year Publication
(2002) An Investigation of the Use of Requirements Prioritisation in Web-Based Information Systems Development.
Conboy, Kieran,Lang, Michael,Barry, Chris,O'Toole, Tom,Harrington, Denis,McCarthy, Alma (2002) An Investigation of the Use of Requirements Prioritisation in Web-Based Information Systems Development. Waterford, Ireland: WIT Business School: Waterford Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) Requirements Engineering for Web-Based Information Systems Development: An Empirical Study.
Conboy, Kieran,Lang, Michael,Rault, Jean-Claude (2002) Requirements Engineering for Web-Based Information Systems Development: An Empirical Study. Paris, France: Conference Paper [Details]
(2003) Rationalism and Improvisation: An Investigation of Requirements Engineering in a COTS Selection Environment.
Conboy, Kieran,Lang, Michael (2003) Rationalism and Improvisation: An Investigation of Requirements Engineering in a COTS Selection Environment. University of Warwick, England: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) The Paradox of Structured Methods for Software Requirements Management: A Case Study of an E-Government Development Project.
Conboy, Kieran,Lang, Michael (2009) The Paradox of Structured Methods for Software Requirements Management: A Case Study of an E-Government Development Project. Nanchang, China: Conference Paper [ARAN Link] [Details]

Conference Poster

  Year Publication
(2016) Managing Flow Processes in Lean Software Development Practices.
Dennehy, D; Conboy, K (2016) Managing Flow Processes in Lean Software Development Practices. Conference Poster [Details]


  Year Publication
(2013) Key Factors Impacting Cloud Computing Adoption.
Morgan, L;Conboy, K (2013) Key Factors Impacting Cloud Computing Adoption. LOS ALAMITOS: IEEE COMPUTER SOC Editorial [Details]
(2014) Editorial: The Role of Information Systems in Enabling Open Innovation.
Whelan, E;Conboy, K;Crowston, K;Morgan, L;Rossi, M (2014) Editorial: The Role of Information Systems in Enabling Open Innovation. ATLANTA: ASSOC INFORMATION SYSTEMS Editorial [Details]
(2019) Being Promethean.
Conboy, K (2019) Being Promethean. ABINGDON: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD Editorial [DOI] [Details]
(2019) Being Promethean.
Conboy, K (2019) Being Promethean. Editorial [DOI] [Details]
(2017) Openness'' with and without Information Technology: a framework and a brief history.
Schlagwein, D,Conboy, K,Feller, J,Leimeister, JM,Morgan, L (2017) Openness'' with and without Information Technology: a framework and a brief history. Editorial [DOI] [Details]

Editorship of Journals

  Year Publication
(2014) The Role of Information Systems in Enabling Open Innovation.
Whelan, E., Conboy, K., Morgan, L. and Rossi, M. (2014) The Role of Information Systems in Enabling Open Innovation. Editorship of Journals [Details]
(2016) Openness and Information Technology.
Conboy, K., Feller, J., Leimester, J.M., Morgan, L. and Schlagwein, D. (2016) Openness and Information Technology. Editorship of Journals [Details]

Electronic Journal

  Year Publication
(2010) Using Focus Groups & Post-it Boards in Studies of ISD Team Behaviour.
O’HEOCHA, C.; CONBOY, K.; WANG, X. (2010) Using Focus Groups & Post-it Boards in Studies of ISD Team Behaviour. Journal of Business Research Methods Electronic Journal [Details]

Invited papers

  Year Publication
(2009) Where Agile Research Goes: Starting from a 7-year Retrospective.
WANG, X.; CONBOY, K.; LANE, M.; PIKKARAINEN, M (2009) Where Agile Research Goes: Starting from a 7-year Retrospective. Invited papers [Details]


  Year Publication
(2012) Understanding an Agile Software Development Team's Decision Making.
Drury, M.; Acton, T.; Conboy, K. (2012) Understanding an Agile Software Development Team's Decision Making. Dublin: InterTradeIreland All-Island Innovation Programme Pamphlet [Details]

Published abstracts

  Year Publication
(2010) Opening Up the Agile Innovation Process.
Conboy, K., Donnellan, B., Morgan, L. and Wang, X. (2010) Opening Up the Agile Innovation Process. Proceedings of the IFIP 8.2/8.6 Joint W.G Conference: Published abstracts [Details]


  Year Publication
(2020) Agile business process management: A systematic literature review and an integrated framework.
Badakhshan, P;Conboy, K;Grisold, T;vom Brocke, J (2020) Agile business process management: A systematic literature review and an integrated framework. BINGLEY: EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2009) Agility from First Principles: Reconstructing the Concept of Agility in Information Systems Development.
Conboy, K (2009) Agility from First Principles: Reconstructing the Concept of Agility in Information Systems Development. CATONSVILLE: INFORMS Reviews [DOI] [Details]


  Year Publication
(2013) Value Creation in the Cloud: Understanding the Business Model Factors Affecting Value of Cloud Computing.
Morgan, L. and Conboy, K. (2013) Value Creation in the Cloud: Understanding the Business Model Factors Affecting Value of Cloud Computing. Pre-ICIS MiSQe Workshop, Milan: Workshops [Details]
(2010) Enabling Open Innovation through Agile Development.
POWER, K.; MORGAN, L.; CONBOY, K. (2010) Enabling Open Innovation through Agile Development. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP 2010): Workshops [Details]

Working Paper

  Year Publication
(2008) The Transposition of the European Information and Consultation Directive in Ireland.
T. Dundon, Curran, D., Maloney, M. and Ryan, P. (2008) The Transposition of the European Information and Consultation Directive in Ireland. Working Paper [ARAN Link] [Details]